Aaah, yes, it's Ruby Tuesday and it's getting real close to Valentine's Day, isn't it?
Here are photos I took with my camera phone in my local drug store a few weeks ago. Why? Because it was only a few days after New Year's and here were loads and loads of RED Valentine's Day items waiting to be purchased!
They are really cute, no?
Do you have any Valentine's cuddly toys, candy, signs, or anything to post either this week or next week?
If you do, post them for us to enjoy.
Meantime Mr. Linky is below for you to sign and leave a comment. Try to visit your friends who post to Ruby Tuesday. You know they will all appreciate it!

Lots of lovely red Valentine goodness in your neck of the woods Mary, but over here in mine my thoughts (and my camera) are turning towards spring :).
PS Love the new header image!
I actually have no idea about the date of Valentine's Day.
Norwegian stores have not begun exhibiting Valentine's items yet, so I think it must be at leasst a week away.
Actually, I'm thankful they are not so aggressive marketing every "Day".
I do appreciate some flowers or a box of chocolate for the actual day though.
Your Valentine's Teddies are so cute.
I'm more reluctant to the red devils, would like that two row teeth smile grinning at me in the dark!
Have a happy Ruby Tuesday, all of you.
From Felisol
It's incredible how prematurely retail establishments hustle out the merchandise for the next holiday. I was in CVS or Walgreens or someplace like that ON HALLOWEEN and there was a plush Mickey Mouse Santa on the shelves! I too whipped out my cell phone in disbelief and mockery :)
Tink *~*~*
I love those little devils Mary!
My birthday is actually Valentine's Day so yes, I REALLY like seeing all the items on display. They do come out a little early though.
I already had a red rose scheduled to post which fits right along with your suggestion.
Cute shots!
There are lots of red, absolutly. I have now one red photo on my blog, welcome and visit.
Have a great day.
I also usually forget about Valentine's Day - thanks for reminding me! And enjoy!
I think red ju st has to be February's colour. I am back after a long break from RT. No cuddly toys this week....maybe next week.
Hi Mary! I enjoy seeing all the Valentine stuff in the stores. You found some cuddlies! I have Antique Valentine Postcards this week. Have a great 1st week of February!!
Lots of cuddly items where you shop, MaryT. I'll have to check around to see if I have any Valentiney stuff for next week.
So, so cute. Love the grins on the lil' devils.
Happy Tuesday, Mary.
Oh Mary, your red bear find is precious! They all are!
I have a brown bear with a red tag. He's new to me.
What FUN Valentine 'rubies' ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Oh, I almost have the same pictures :-) while I was in the store last week..
Those are so cute and fun to see!
Have lots of reds in any shop here in Thailand. Will share them next week. What I have this week is a picture of spring. Thanks for letting us enjoy this meme you host efficiently:)
Those teddy bears look so huggable!
Always lot of red at my house. It's my favorite color.
those are really cute! i love the kissing couple :) so adorable! will do the Valentine-themed Ruby Tuesday next week. In the meantime, my RT for this week is up now.
Hi Mary,
Red, Red everywhere. I love valentine's day! It's a holiday we never celebrated growing up, so now I make up for it with lots of fun treats and pretty decorations. Not too much, but enough to feel festive! Those little devils in your pictures really do look devilish, hmm, wonder what they are thinking?!
Thanks for hosting. Have a great week.
Heidi - Heart and Home
The devilish ruby, a valentine with a hint of mischief in his eye. The cute may be more important than the sentiment, the cute so disarming so as to allow you and your love to laugh at the cute guy together...
How cute these are...
Thanks so much for hosting.
xo bj
Hi Mary, it doesn't seem a whole year since the last Valentine's Day.
How could a whole year have gone that quickly!
I think your two white bears tipped with red are very sweet. :))
hi mary t...i have been so busy this week that i never even came to see you but i am never too busy for ruby tuesday!
this week will be a bit slower, so i hope to read your posts.
another really nice header you have..very very sweet.
happy ruby tuesday to you beloved teach.
did i ever tell you how much i appreciate you and your ruby tuesday...?..ha!..love terry
ps...i am with mr. jim....i love those bears!
Wow love is in the air!
Our Mini Date
Hahaha~ What a coincidence I posted a giant candy cane this week :P
As always, I've got an outdoor-themed twist. Honest, I didn't stage it just for this meme; it just happened, and seemed to fit nicely.
OMG! Cute toys!!
Lots of Valentines next week!!!
Oh yes, they are adorable. I'll take one of those little devils.
I can't believe Valentine's Day is sneaking p on us.
Have a good week Mary.
Those are nice selection Mary, I'll post my bears next week.
Road Trip
Hello, Mary! I got the bookmarks you sent--thank you so much! i've posted them, too.:p
Will post something for V-day next week.
My Ruby Tuesday picture is also a gift of love and appreciation.
Wow, Valentine's Day already!
Cool shots, Mary. All I have are flowers...
haven't seen Valentine's stuff last weekend at the mall. Maybe they are just starting to display those stuffs and decorate yesterday. But what I wanna share is my husband's second wife that he dearly love. :-)
Looks like there's no shortage of Valentine's Day stuff. ;-)
Thanks for hosting, it seems like just a week or two ago we were looking at red for Christmas, and now here it is red for Valentines Day.
Time flies!
A red season starts again, lol ! First Christmas now St. Valentines, lol !
Love your little devils!!
Oh, I love February just because of all these cute critters. Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Tea for the Tillerman
They ARE cute! I can't believe it's almost Valentine's day, how quickly time flies!
Awwwwwwww, I want that one, and this one, oh and....that one over there.
My R T is what I'd like to think as the rose from Phantom of the Opera. HERE
Have a great day Mary.
Love those little stuffed Valentine animals! Cute as can be!!! Have a happy Ruby Tuesday!
these red furry toys are perfect to give to a loved-one this Valentine's day
Ain't love grand?
Celebrating a cuddly time of year.
Happy Heart Day's coming...
wow love is really in the air! nice capture :)
Happy Vday in Advance Mary!
Cute Cuddles Mary!!
Beautiful and charming ! Love it!Full of spirit!Wonderful!
I love these photos. Too precious.
The retailers begin stocking holiday items months in advance some times.
what a grimace of a grin those little devils have
Oh Mary, you know I love old stone architecture, and that header and scroll bar pics are awesome!
I hadn't thought about taking pics of the Valentine's stuff in a store, but yours are great. I have a special item in mind to photograph for next week, but for today I have the ATTACK OF A GIANT CRAB for our Ruby Tuesday adventures!
My apologies- my link didn't take!
Here is my contribution for today.
Hi Mary - It's like I read your mind. I just posted a red Teddy bear that looks like he's ready for Valentine's Day.
I love all the guys you posted here. So cute .
Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Great pictures. I'm not sure I will want to see a Valentine's Day plush, valentine card, or candy after working in Walgreens. They have lots of choices. I will have to head in early one day with camera in hand! I love when you give us a topic!
Thanks for visiting my blog! I will get this Ruby Tuesday figured out, and post a photo next week!
Lots of red this time of year, isnt't there? I love the little devils too cute.
Wonderful red selections. I am just joining in on Ruby Tuesday and will post something on next Tues. I posted your banner on my blog sidebar.
Oops I thought I already put my entry in here, it's late to put in here but not late posted on my page. Sorry guys.. here it is:
Have a happy Ruby Tuesday! hugs and kisses.. :-)
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