Thursday, February 18, 2010

Looking at the Sky on Friday

A simple blue sky over the Manhattan Bridge in downtown Manhattan, N.Y.

The Manhattan Bridge is a suspension bridge that crosses the East River in New York City, connecting Lower Manhattan (at Canal Street) with Brooklyn (at Flatbush Avenue Extension) on Long Island. It was the last of the three suspension bridges built across the lower East River, following the Brooklyn and the Williamsburg bridges. The bridge was opened to traffic on December 31, 1909 and was designed by Leon Moisseiff who later designed the infamous original Tacoma Narrows Bridge that opened and collapsed in 1940. It has four vehicle lanes on the upper level (split between two roadways). The lower level has three lanes, four subway tracks, a walkway and a bikeway. The upper level, originally used for streetcars, has two lanes in each direction, and the lower level is one-way and has three lanes in peak direction.

Go visit Tisha at Crazy Working Mom for other participants.


Anonymous said...

I've been lucky enough to see that once in my life. Beautiful.

♥ Kathy said...

How beautiful Mary!

CrAzY Working Mom said...

Thanks for playing along, Mary! It's beautiful as always.

Happy Birthday to Mo!!

Kramer said...

Bridge, bridge, there's a bridge song here...

Ingrid said...

I love blue skies ! especially in February !

Linda said...

Great picture, Mary! The Manhattan Bridge is on my list of bridges I want to walk across someday though I know it's not as nice as the Brooklyn Bridge, which I walked across last summer.

Patti said...

So ornate and beautiful.

It looks very peaceful with no traffic.

Dimple said...

I've never been to New York, and I thank you for the introduction to the bridge. The simple blue sky is lovely, a perfect backdrop.

Ralph said...

The thing I miss when we moved to CT at age 8 was the bridges. No such beautiful suspension bridges up here, we didn't have the ship traffic up here that required such high and elegant steel bridges. The GWB, Triboro/RFK, Whitestone - strong yet with such delicacy. Lovely!

happily retired gal said...

Kewl suspension bridge and lovely skies above the NY sky line ;-)
Hugs and blessings,