My Friday meme posts "Looking at the Sky on Friday" and "Five on Friday" are right below Mo's Birthday celebration. :)

I've got CAKE! Now stay back, stay back, there's plenty for all of you!

Mo, I was going to do a kitty litter cake for you but I couldn't bare to post the picture. Here it is if you want to see it.
I've got Quadruple-dipped ICE CREAM CONES!

And there will be GAMES!
1. Underwear Exchange Game
Remember the old fashioned underwear exchange game? Everybody exchanges underwear with everybody else and then has to guess who's underwear they're wearing...
How fast can teams / couples get a belt from the floor to over their heads? Now what if only one person could use their hands or what if you can't use your hands at all!
Game details and instructions
(P.S. Numbers 2 & 3 are REAL games! Ha!)
And Mo, here are your Birthday Gifts:

Beatles Nesting Dolls (Very expensive!)

for you and Eyad
And last but not least, here are the PARTY FAVORS!

And there will be GAMES!
1. Underwear Exchange Game
Remember the old fashioned underwear exchange game? Everybody exchanges underwear with everybody else and then has to guess who's underwear they're wearing...
2. Duck, Duck, Goose.
Players sit in a circle. One person goes round the outside, tapping people on the head, slowly saying 'duck, duck, duck', and finally 'goose'. The goose jumps up and has to race the tapper round the circle back to the goose's seat. If the tapper loses, the goose takes over. Best for small children.
3.Belt Race GameHow fast can teams / couples get a belt from the floor to over their heads? Now what if only one person could use their hands or what if you can't use your hands at all!
Game details and instructions
(P.S. Numbers 2 & 3 are REAL games! Ha!)
And Mo, here are your Birthday Gifts:

Beatles Nesting Dolls (Very expensive!)
Couples Massage & Float

for you and Eyad
Your time together begins with a relaxing aromatherapy foot bath by a warm fire, some delectable chocolates, and again your choice of wine, champagne, or hot tea. Next, drift off into total relaxation while receiving your massages followed by a relaxing flotation experience. Truly a unique way to share any occasion together.

Jumbo bag of kitty litter.

Jumbo bag of kitty litter.
And last but not least, here are the PARTY FAVORS!
Everyone who comes to the party and signs Mr. Linky, and leaves a wish for Mo is entitled to a hand-made bookmark commemorating Mo's Birthday.
All you have to do is leave me your snail-mail in my e-mail (address on the sidebar) and I'll mail it out to you.
Thank you everyone for coming to Mo's party!
I hope you'll remember Mo's Birthday celebration fo r the rest of your life.
All you have to do is leave me your snail-mail in my e-mail (address on the sidebar) and I'll mail it out to you.
Thank you everyone for coming to Mo's party!
I hope you'll remember Mo's Birthday celebration fo r the rest of your life.
Yay! I get the first piece of cake (after the birthday boy of course!) Happy Birthday Mo!!
Happy Birthday Mo Pittman!
Great party, Mary!
Good morning, Mo! It's your birthday! Happy Birthday! Today should be the best day ever for you! I'll be back a little later...
Hi Kathy and Mimi, for being the first to leave messages for Mo! :
My birthday was yesterday so I know how to party!
I danced and drunk sparkling!
What a party we had...
Hope your birthday is great too,
happy birthday Mo!
Blogitse, thanks for dropping by! :) I love you posts about ties! They are wonderful! :)
I hope he has the bestest of days! Thanks so much for the cake and ice cream! Since it's virtual, I can eat all I want and not gain a pound. :)
I have birthday wishes on my site, also - on the LATSOF post.
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!!
Happy Birthday Deeeeeearrrrr MO!!!
Happy Birthday to you!!!!
May you have the happiest of birthdays surrounded by the love of friends and partner.
Um...underwear EXCHANGE game? Seriously? Did you really do this? I've never heard of it but...ew. Really? LOL!
I can't come to the facebook party b/c I'm at work and then Rye Bread is coming...hopefully I can drop by to say hi though.
THANK YOU so much!
This touched me in more ways than I can say.
Your friendship means the world to me!
Party on, everyone!
Yo Erin,
You coulda at least said Happy Birthday when pan-handling for a link, you twit!
Here's to you, up yours!
OMG His Manic Monday was one of the first meme's I ever got involved with. Hau`oli La Hanau Mo. What a great party. I hope you have a real nice day my friend :) Mary...well done. What a hostess you are :)
OMG Mo...I just fell out of my chair laughing so hard with your response to that awful snit of an Erin. What a wench she is. I loved it. You Go Boy!!!! Can we throw some, just a small piece of your birthday cake in her face? I dont' wont to waste a lot of it but just the thought....
This is a blast... I love the Cake.. Exchange underwear..guess I will come commando and that will save any one from having to wear my underwear... What a Riot!
Sorry I'm late to the party but there's still plenty of cake left, right?
What a fantastic party, Mary! I'm going to pass on the underwear game, though, because ... well, because EW! Like Mags said!
I can't think of anyone more deserving of a blindig (that's blog + shindig for those of you that don't speak Blogese) like this than Mo who is even more wonderful in person than in he is in this virtual world - believe it or not! I have had the extreme pleasure of spending time with Mo several times and he is just GREAT. No lie, cross my heart, but don't really hope to die!
Happy, happy birthday, Mo, and thank you, Mary, for throwing such a great party.
Now ... where's the cake??
*runs in with sparkling confetti* I wish Mo could be serenaded by the entire cast of GLEE! joined by Neil Patrick Harris!
Happy birthday, Mo!
Luvs ya!
Tisha, I saw you mention of Mo's party here and your wish for him at your LATSOF post! Thanks so much for visiting and making Mo's party the best for him! :)
Thanks for coming Jamie!
Mags, no I never played the underwear exchange game...ARe you kidding? I thought it was funny... I guess I missed the mark! Thanks for visiting though! I must check out the Facebook party. :)
Erin, I'll do some linking tomorrow if that's okay.
Thom, throw as much cake as you like! Ha!
Thanks for making the party a success, Callie and Linda!
Linda, I wish that someday I'll meet Mo in person myself! :)
Anndi, thanks for coming! Did you say you're inviting Neal Patrick Harris? Can't wait for him to show! HA!
(⁀‵⁀, ✫ Happy Birthday, Mo!!! ✫
.`⋎´ ✫✫
What a GREAT party for our Mo, Mary!
Thank you so much. I loved the cake - huge enough to feed the whole Bloggosphere... and the bookmark... it is so gorgeous.
P.S.: I promise to wear undies next time I'll visit a party of yours *wink*
Yuck ~ I saw that underwear exchange game and almost stopped reading!
But I forced myself to continue. ha ha
I hope there is a small piece of cake left. I love birthday cake!!
Great party, Mary. You are quite the hostess! This is the best blog birthday gala I've ever attended.
Happy, Happy Birthday Mo!
Happy birthday to the "cat man" Mo! I hope you both have a wonderful celebration!
Me too Thom I just read Erin's? post Pimping herself at a birthday party? No cake for her!
Sanni, send me your snail mail and I'll send you a Mo bookmark! Thanks for coming! Love your hearts and stars... how do you do that?
Patti, can't believe so many people hated the underwear exchange game. I was thinking I could get my first thong if we played... :)
Amanda thanks for coming and leaving Mo a great big wish for his B-day! :)
I've already wished Mo Happy Bithday several times, but 's a charm, right?
♪ Happy Birthday to you ♫
♪ Happy Birthday to you ♫
♪ Happy Birthday, dear Morgen ♫
♪ Happy Birthday to you ♫
Happy Birthday Mo! Many Happy Returns of the Day to you in health, wealth and happiness. :)
Hmmm... I'm still waiting to see you in action in Game No. 1.. LOL!
Lots of hugs,
Criz & the J Family Kitties
Thanks Everyone (except Erin!) for the birthday wishes!!!
Mary - you are da bomb! Cannot thank you enough!!!
~ Mo
Thanks to everyone! I think you made Mo's birthday the best he's ever had! This was so much fun! :)
Kitty litter cake? Hmm...
Undies exchange game? Never heard of it, and now I guess I'm too old to play. Too bad.
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