Monday, January 18, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

Hi guys It's Ruby Tuesday again! found this picture and thought it would make a great badge for our meme. Use it if you want to!

What can I say about this cutie pie... I think you know who he is. Yup, he's my grand-nephew, Jarome, sitting at the holiday table eating spaghetti and sauce. Thank my SIL for the great RED plaid napkins.

If you have RED books for this week because you forgot or didn't realize last week, post 'em! We'd love to see 'em.

There's Mr. Linky down below, you know what to do...

Visit your friends!



Ralph said...

The innocence of a young child is so apparent here. He smiles a genuine smile, the look of wonder and the enjoyment of his young life. Children are taught to hate, they are so pure at birth we wish that could be. On MLK day, we all know that children can be molded for good or bad - we always hope for the former...

Carolyn Ford said...

What a sweet smile on that little boy! He's happy with the spaghetti dinner for sure...and, the red napkins are so festive!

Leora said...

Glad your procedure went well, and all is fine.

Your nephew is such a darling. What a sweet face!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful snap, very cute kid.

Queen-Size funny bone said...

that smile is priceless

Lola said...

What a wonderful smile - cheered me up on this cold start to the week here in Europe! Thanks so much!

Lola & Nora:)

Rose said...

He looks like a Happy Cutie, which is more important!

Napaboaniya said...

Looking contented and definitely warm :)
Happy RT Mary!!!

Kvasthilda, Sweden said...

I totally forgot to put up my link last week (added it just now to last week's Mr Linky, but also for tomorrow's...) I had put up a lot of red books. Been working too much last week. If there is another post for tomorrow I'll add that too. Just didn't want you to miss all the red books, Mary :-)

Cute kid!

Carletta said...

Jarome is a cute little boy with a smile that lights up his face beautifully!
I don't know who could look at this photo and not smile back.
He is a sweetie Mary!

Hope you're feeling much better today.

Mojo said...

Adorable child. I'm guessing that since you're back up to your usual activities that the angio went well and we're going to be graced with your blogly presence for a good while longer?

Sure hope so!

sunnymama said...

He is adorable! Happy Ruby Tuesday. :)

Felisol said...

Dear teach Mary,
I'm so glad that everything went well so far with your heart treatment.
I seem to remember that people with an arrhythmia should take life easy.
Then again, the joy of not having blocked arteries probably must have given you an adrenalin kick. This week you have posted more than ever before.
Oh, that wonderful hallelujah feeling!
Sweet Jerome for certain has captured a place in everyone's heart.
Smiling like a Rubens angle and a wonderful glimpse in his eyes.
I hope you are having many magic moments together.
From Felisol

Tink *~*~* said...

That boy has a devilish little twinkle in his eye - I bet he keeps you all amused!

Tink *~*~*

EG CameraGirl said...

Gotta LOVE a kid with such a great smile! Is that a devilish twinkle I see in his eyes?

Nukke said...

So happy little boy !!!!
You are so lucky !

Robin said...

What a heartbreaker. He's going to be beating the girls off with a stick one day :).

Love the choice of red bib for spaghetti sauce, too. Hides a multitude of sauce, err, sins.

marian said...

Jarome's a cutie alright..what kid doesn't like spaghetti lol!

nonizamboni said...

Hooray! You're o.k. Glad its over?(!)
Happy Tuesday to you.

Patti said...

Little Jarome has a beautiful smile, Mary!

I see Ralph is the first poster. He is so organized.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful child. Thanks for sharing him with us through your lovely portrait.

I'm playing again this week! That makes two entries now since my lapse!

Chie Wilks said...

what a cute little boy!

finally posted mine after the so many absences

Gemma Wiseman said...

Gorgeous, smiling face! Lights up the whole photo!

Karen Coutu said...

My goodness! He is a cutie pie!! I little red sauce on his face would have made this photo even more perfect for Ruby Tuesday. :P

Martha said...

what a cutie. love the new badge. now to go find something red. I worked 7 1/2 hrs for the first time today since the end of march and I am TIRED.

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Hi Mary, That's a gorgeous Ruby Tuesday. What a sweet young boy. I have my kids on long summer break still and it will be another two weeks before I can get back into Ruby Tuesday. Looking forward to joining in again.


Terry said...

dear mary t...i haven't even started my ruby post yet but i just couldn't help but to tell you that this cutie pie is the boy that will grow up and be the president!! favourite supper. spaghetti!!
so glad that this is such a happy ruby tuesday because you are just fine! terry

Jim said...

Hi Mary, Jarome is a real cutie! Wasn't it convenient that his 'bib' was red! Of course Mary wouldn't have anything to do with that. Hint, hint, I know she was saying no with her camera always in hand.

I turned in my last week's homework on RT today. Please, please accept it. You could even knock off a couple of points for being late.

Speaking of being late, I'm pretty late in this Ruby Tuesday post. I had what you had. My blog gave that excuse but didn't say (yet) that I would be going in Thursday a week (28th) for a stent placement in my left kidney artery.

I am glad you didn't have any major blockages (all older folk have at least a low percent).
Did he tell you to start a running/walking program to strenghten your heart?

Misty DawnS said...

That an absolutely sweet photo. He's darling!

Anonymous said...

Jarome IS a cutie!

Nice new badge.


DoanLegacy said...

He is a cutie pie! The badge is a nice classy look as well. Thanks for hosting Mary.

Dianne said...

he has the best smile!!
and he wears a napkin well

Gattina said...

What a joyful picture !!

Jew Wishes said...

What a precious photo, look at that face! Too adorable. He has one of those infectious smiles.

I hope you are feeling much better. Take care...

Liza said...

He's adorable!

Moms... Check nyo

Terry said...

dear mary take it easy now and go easy on trying to comment need your rest!
i am just so glad that you are all right...thanks to the lord!

oh man!..that little guy is such the sweetest thing! terry

Kranky Granny said...

so glad to hear that all our prayers were answered (or not needed).

Nothing add more joy to our lives than having small children in our lives. Looks as if yours may add some mischief and laughter as well.

toby said...

He is just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing him with us!

MOO said...

What a cutie pie, and quite the fasionista! Love today's snap. And Happy Birthday to Mr. King. We're all better people because of his work.

Las Flores de Rojas

Hootin Anni said...

Jarome is absolutely adorable!!!!! What a smile!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Oh thank goodness you are all right! A huge relief, I'm sure! Your little nephew is adorable! Have a happy Ruby Tuesday and thanks again for hosting!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

He is such a cute kid.

Kerri Farley said...

Oh what a cutie!

Candy said...

What a cutie in that warm red wrap.
Enjoyed the smile ;-)

Marice said...

awww so cute :)

annies home said...

what a lil cutie

storyteller said...

It's a nifty new badge and Jarome is absolutely adorable ;-)

I'm later than usual to post this week at Happily Retired Gal ... watching the Australian Open and loving the rain here in Southern California ... multi-tasking and visiting blogs as I'm able.
Hugs and blessings,

Chubskulit Rose said...

His smile is very contagious, I am all smiling now hehehe.

Sharing my son's 3rd birthday

Lorie Shewbridge said...

What a beautiful little boy - he has the MOST gorgeous smile.
I can just hear his laugh.
To me there is no greater sound in the world than that of a child's laughter.
Thank you for sharing such an uplifting photo, especially this week!

Lorie Shewbridge said...

BTW.... I adore the new badge!

EJ said...

You have a very handsome grand nephew!

Art Explorations of my kids is my entry!

Marilyn said...

He is adorable! Happy Tuesday. I'm here two weeks in a row! I'll try to keep up the momentum.

Ladyinblue said...

Nice photo

Ladyinblue said...

Nice photo

Teresa said...

What a cutie pie. Glad you are well and your scare is over.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Isn't that spaghetti and GRAVY????


Jo-Ann said...

What a cutie!!

♥ Kathy said...

Neat new badge and what a cutie pie he is Mary!!

Amanda Moore said...

That smile could warm any heart. Send him to Calif he can chase away the rain clouds!Thanks for sharing your sweetie with us Mary!

moosh said...

Red wraps are in today. Glade you are OKHRT

Tammy said...

What a total cutie!