Here are a few of my RED books for Ruby Tuesday. I'm dying to see some of yours!

How Fiction Works by James Wood (hardcover)
Wood takes aim at E.M. Forster's longtime standard-bearer Aspects of the Novel in this eminently readable and thought-provoking treatise on the ways, whys and hows of writing and reading fiction.

Frida by Barbara Mujica (paperback)
Confessions of a guilt-ridden sister spill off the pages of this tell-all historical fiction based on the life of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, as narrated by Kahlo's younger sister, Cristina.

Red Dragon by Thomas Harris (paperback)
Red Dragon is the prequel to the novel that spawned the popular movie, Silence of the Lambs, and is the first appearance of the famed character, "Hannibal Lecter."

The Spirit of the Chinese Character by Barbara Aria with Russell Eng Gon (hardcover)
Explores the many shades of meaning of forty fundamental ideograms in beautiful calligraphy. The character in the photo means "Wisdom."

If you're participating in Ruby Tuesday please sign Mr. Linky, leave a comment and

That Frida Kahlo book sounds really interesting, I'll have to keep an eye out for it. No books from me this week, I completely forgot. I do have a fun red treat though :).
OK. NOW I GET it. And here I was trying to CREATE a book. Like I said, I must have been asleep. LOL
p.s. Frieda ROCKS
At my place not a red book I regret but a red background - to the subject of my latest newspaper article about which I've just posted!
Have linked to your great site in the same post too!
Lola & Nora:)
PS And I'm your newest follower - hope you like followers as much as I do!
YIKES! I forgot about the red books. I'll check to see what I have on my shelves and maybe be back with a second post! Sorry, MaryT!
Dear teach Mary,
Something old, something new, something borrowed and something red.
Thomas hardy is an old giant. Not to be forgotten or underestimated then or now.
I use to say, I have arrived biography age. I have become more interested in the person behind, because life itself is always bigger than our attempts to recreate it.
Frida Kahlo's art was more than usual auto biographical, but I'd like to read her sister's story anyway.
From Felisol
I would like to read the Frida Kahlo book - an intriguing artist.
How Fiction Works would make me ache to try my hand at fiction again - not sure if I want to do that right now.
Great composition on the books!
OK, I posted 4 books from my personal library. ;-)
I love the little frog at the end :)
i would have loved to have known Frida Kahlo..what a fascinating woman! Happy RT..cheers, Marian
I loved having a subject for Ruby Tuesday! I love the composition of your picture.
(and thanks to you, I am craving a chocolate cupcake!!!)
Mary, I totally missed the memo about posting books - what a great idea! Yours all look interesting. Here - to make up for it, I'll take this opportunity to recommend that you read The Red Tent, by Anita Diamant. It's great!
Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Hmmm ... methinks I missed the memo as well, although even if I'd gotten it I might have failed to follow through because I'm distracted with other matters (just spent about 2 hours on the phone trying to sign up for Medicare and got disconnected just as I got to the right person ... so I'm hoping for a call back but not holding my breath ... it's already been 35 minutes so methinks it's time to start over).
Hugs and blessings,
I remember receiving that Chinese character as a gift from you!! :)
Now I know where you learn it.
p/s: I didn't do books for this week.
I've seen Frida's biofilm and it's quite interesting. She's quite a character and very talented. It would be interesting to read the book to compare:)
Btw, your header is quite mouth-watering!
My RT is up! Have a good week, everybody! :)
A great collection of reads there! Forgot about the book theme for this week! But perhaps my ruby may be a nice accompaniment to a good read!
I already had my R/T's scheduled for January and missed this little sub-theme. But I suppose you could use my shot on a book ... if you were writing a book about... well, pretty much anything really.
Mary, if our assignment for this week was to find some red books then I have failed my practical test. Sorry. :-) Do you accept late homework? [Yes, I know, I am really late on one, it is still in the works.]
You have some nice ones. Really, I like the brown chocolate cupcake in your header better.
Happy RT! Thank you one more time,
Sorry Mary! I didn't see the note about the red books. :(
You photographed your books beautifully! What a diverse selection.
I agree with Martha about having a subject to look for. I hope we'll do that again soon.
Your header - YUM!
woops ~ I completely forgot about the red books. I should have written myself a note.
I do like how you've arranged the books to photograph them.
Does that help? I'm bad. Didn't complete assignment/follow directions.
Love your choices!
I'm a putz; forgot about today but made it under the wire.
Thanks, Mary :O)
P.S. I like the frog trying to catch the fly.
Sorry, forgot it was supposed to be books - perhaps I could say it's bookENDS?? B : )
I loved the Frida book
pretty display Mary
It has been quite a long time since I last played, but heelllooooo - I'm here today :o)
Happy RT, Mary!
I love fiction :)
You Got a Posty
My Bangkok Through My Eyes!
I am going to be looking for the book on Chinese calligraphy. Thanks for the additions to the list.
I forgot about the red book theme this week. :P
I would like to look for Frida Kahlo's book, it looks interesting.
Nice book collection!
Art Enthusiast
This reminds me to get back to my reading hobby.
Great Find Ruby
I didn't read your post first, and didn't put any books on, BUT I sure do like your new header! YUM!
Happy RT Mary.
It is too late for me to post a red book for todays ruby. so i apologize Mary.
You seem to have endless supply of them.
I love the little frog at the end of your post.
I may need Aspects of the Novel on the whys and hows of writing and reading fiction when I go back to teaching. Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks also for this interesting meme, Teacher Mary. I keep looking for anything red that interests me wherever I go. I'm also growing to love RT community even if I'm just new here.
I've never read Red Dragon but I have seen the movie. WOW! Loved it. :)
Great RT shots, Mary.
Mine is up over at CrAzY Working Mom. You can find it HERE.
oh, i missed the book theme, Mary. i've just moved in to a new apartment--my books are still in boxes.:p
I have linked to the linky and posted link! Happy Ruby Tuesday!
I have read the book about Frida Kahlo, but the others I don't know, maybe they were not published in French.
Hi, Mary!
Thanks for the visit. I am interested to get that Frida book.
Have a nice day!
I love book covers, and these are great. In the future I will have to do a search for some of mine with red, but for now, that red amaryllis flower is coming into bloom and I just had to choose that:
Hope you'll visit if you have time.
Oh no, I missed the memo too! I did write a narrative to this week's photos, does that count?
Posted mine! But it is not a book :(
I'm sad, because I have almost no free time for reading...college assignments summon me!
Tie a Yellow Ribbon
Always looking for new reads...thanks!
Mary, I missed that we were supposed to post something red about books. So sorry. I must pay closer attention.
It's a RED book cover over at A Vintage Cottage Home! Please come for a visit to see "LASSIE AND THE KITTENS"!
Great looking books. I love reading. so this topic is a great one for me. The hard part is choosing the books. off to visit others.
My Ruby link for you
I didn't know there are so many books with "Red" in the title. That all sounds like great books to read.
I was out of the loop on the books. I didn't realize 'till I started visiting others that we were supposed to post books. *sigh*
Sorry 'bout that. Anyhow, bring your books over to the fire and relax! :)
It's cats for me today...well, one caught under the Christmas Tree all decked out in ruby red bow...
Great post Mary. I will have to check out some of your books. I am a little slow today about the theme being books though.
Those books sound very interesting! I love reading, and one of my new year's resolutions was to take more time to read for enjoyment. I had got away from reading and sorely missed it.
All of your red books look intriguing, especially Frida and The Spirit of the Chinese Character. Neat post!
Hiya, "Better late than never," or so they say! ;)
Great selection of books, Teach!
I cheated and grabbed an older photo which was substantially more Rubylicious than anything I've taken in the last few days...
while i have no pictures of red books a picture of the ones I love must do
Great selection. Thanks for the ruby red book tips! I guess I'm out of the loop. No books on my end this week...am I a bad student?
What a nice selection of books and contrasts of colors. Happy RT!
I would like to read the The Spirit of the Chinese Character but I really have no time for reading, only manage to squeeze out some time to read old newspaper.
geesshh your header always makes me crave for cuppies :)
i have my red books too here:
Ruby Tuesday
Now there is something red on a CD in my blog
I've put in a request for the "How Fiction Works" book from my library. It sounds interesting. Must remember to take pictures when I get home.
I think Frida is very interesting , but I haven't read any of these books . Great red book Pics!
Frida Kahlo is one of my favorite artists - I'm definitely going to look for that book!
:) ok- I got a Ruby Tuesday - but not in books!
I want to read one of those books! (I am back to reading now...after so long!).
Anyway, my entry is up. Happy RT!
It's still Tuesday here!
dear mary t...what an interesting assignment and here i am so late in making my post!
i really love the way that you arranged your books. i am not one bit artistic..i just put them any which way although i try to make the pictures balanced..oh well better a mistake than a complete miss eh of making a ruby post mary t.
what are you ever going to think of next?..i really love being a part...love terry
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