Monday, January 04, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

Here we go! It's Ruby Tuesday again!

When my nephew Jerome was visiting for the holidays we took him to Zum Stammtisch
touted as having the best German food in the boroughs of New York City.

It has a real German Bavarian flavor and the food was wonderful. Here are a few of the photos I took of RED food:

Jagerschnitzel with red cabbage

Red cabbage

Hot raspberries over vanilla ice cream

Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte
(Black forest cake)

we had a really great time visiting together.

*Next week I thought we might try to photograph RED books or audiobooks in our own collection or in a favorite book store. what do you think? I'll remind you as we get closer to next week...

Don't know what not to forget...3 things, right?


Jew Wishes said...

What wondeful photo...and they make me drool.

I think it's a great idea to photograph red in books we own, etc.

Anonymous said...

MMMMMMMM now I'm hungry all of a sudden. Looks great. Nice photos my friend :)

Robin said...

Yum, I love red cabbage but I've never been able to successfully pull it off at home. No idea why.

Here's my link since Mr. Linkie seems to be AWOL again:

Racke 'em up boys

Happy RT everyone.

Robin said...

Or perhaps "Rack", which would be a much more reasonable spelling. Sigh...

Felisol said...

Happy New Year, Teach Mary,
I'm gaining weight and increasing appetite just by the look of this inviting German food.
The Germans can food and they serve rich portions like no places else in Europe.
Maybe no fancy French Haute Couisin, but quality through and through, and this lots of it.
From Felisol

storyteller said...

Ah ... mouth-wateringly delicious ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

sunnymama said...

Love the picure of the red cabbage. The raspberries look more yummy though! :)

Anonymous said...

WE LOVE GERMAN FOOD! It really sticks to your ribs. There's a great GErman place in Huntsville, AL (@hrs from home) that is **SO** worth the drive...


toby said...

Mmmm... those raspberries look especially enticing :)

Leora said...

Red books sounds fun. Gets the creative juices flowing.

And red cabbage gets my mouth watering - looks yummy.

marian said...

i love all your snaps of red fav being the black forest cake mmmmm!!!!

Annie Jeffries said...

I had red cabbage, that I actually LIKED for the first time, a few weeks ago. It was made in the Danish style and was sweet. Yummy.

Amanda Moore said...

Sorry Mary I go straight to the desert, I'll have some of the Black forest cake if you please!
Thanks for taking us on another adventure, I am glad you had fun!

Carletta said...

Hi Mary,
Since I've been away let me wish you a Happy New Year!
I'd love to have those hot raspberries over ice cream - yum!

Red books - a nice challenge...

SandyCarlson said...

Deliciously red, that cabbage!

Mojo said...

Yeah, I think I could eat here. Dessert if nothing else!

EG CameraGirl said...

Everything looks delicious here! YUM!

Anonymous said...

I have posted food too but not as much as you! You'll get a recipe though.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

3 things?

ummm I missed it along the way...oh darn

not a fan of red cabbage, but the cake - yummo

Hootin Anni said...

This all looks great to me...especially the raspberries. [one of my favorites!]

nonizamboni said...

Yummy photos. . .my kinda place.
Happy New Year, Mary!

I just rec'd the bookmarks. They are WONDERFUL--many thanks!

amatamari© said...

I do not know what to eat: here is all so beautiful and tasty...

Martha said...

Looks like a fabulous meal. The desserts look so yummy!

Happy New Year!

eden said...

hmmmm.. those are yummy especially the black forest cake..:)

Happy Ruby Tuesday

Ralph said...

I trust that there is spätzle (simmered then sautéed in butter) sitting on the plate covered in gravy. And why not an appetizer of fried camembert? I would accompany this with a fine German pilsner like Dinkel Acker. I haven't been to a German restaurant in a long time, the ruby cabbage making me dream of a Schnitzel...

Anonymous said...

crazy idea i know but how do u think credit cruch affected porn?

Karen Coutu said...

Now I have the hugest craving for Black Forest cake!!! That might very well be the only German food I've ever tried.

ellen b said...

Oh my! That's some mean looking food! The kind that would put some weight on me :0)

DrillerAA said...

Pass the raspberries and ice cream please! Great looking food.

Dimple said...

OK, I'm stumped, what three things am I supposed to remember?
Black Forest cake, yeah!

Red, I have some of those!

Jean Stockdale said...

Great photos.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting on the tree frog. The flash made him appear yellow but he was more green in real life.

Blessings for a great 2010.

Kim, USA said...

I love to try any kind of food and these foods are just delectable for me.
For the red books I think I agree with that...I will look starting nowwwwww ^_^

RRT:Macopa fruit

Anonymous said...

Love that black forest cake, yum.

Great idea to photograph red books. That will get them dusted off too.

CrAzY Working Mom said...

Looks yummy, Mary! Now I'm hungry. :)

life ramblings said...

everything looks delicious. Happy New Year!

RA said...

Yummy! I really miss German food. Thanks for sharing these lovely shots. Wishing you all the best for 2010, Mary :)

Patti said...

Yummy looking cuisine. That Black Forest cake would hit the spot for dessert.

The red book challenge sounds fun. Must remember to do!

Becky said...

It all looks good to me Mary. I'd try any of it, and I'm not even German. LOL

Rose said...

OOOhhhh, those raspberries look so yummy! Great photographs as usual.

Lori said...

The cake looks so yummy!!

Tink *~*~* said...

Hi Mary - I am happy that it's not possible to blow one's New Year's diet simply by LOOKING at delicious food!

Tink *~*~*

Napaboaniya APAD said...

The raspberries over vanilla ice cream makes me drool!!

Happy 1st Ruby Tuesday of 2010! :)

♥ Kathy said...

Oh it looks so good Mary! I'll be here tomorrow :)

Chubskulit Rose said...

Oh my tongue, these are all look sumptuous!

My Ruby Tuesday

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Oh my goodness, WHAT three things?

I sort of posted red food also today. A plate of fresh veggies all ready to eat . . .

Ingrid said...

Looks all very yummy ! I love red cabbage and now during winter I prepare it quite often. Of course I buy it deepfreezed, otherwise it's too much work. My mother and grandmother did it themselves and it took the whole morning, lol !

odds and ends said...

I just joined :D

Paz said...

Wow! Looks like you had a delicious time!


Paz said...

P.S. I love your latest banner.


The Cunning Runt said...

That looks wonderful, Mary - and by coincidence, I too have a red food post up (I'm eating the subject as I type!)


Vintage Rose Studio said...

Happy New year Mary! The Black forest Cake LOOKS yummy!!! My post is now up - thx. Gena

diane b said...

Yum Yum that looks delicious.

Maria @ LSS said...

Those look yummy! Happy New Year Mary. :)


Loree said...

Black forest cake is so yummy.

Terry said...

dear mary t...i finally got my post done. i had to make up for last week!
your header picture looks so cold.
you know what though? the days are getting longer so spring is on its way!
the cake looks so scrumptious and i am not even a sweet eater..
that red cabbage really appeals to me.
but the biggest treat was that you had that little jerome down for a visit.
he is a real little cutie pie! sweeter than honey!!!
happy ruby tuesday and a happy new year.beloved teach! terry

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Hey Mary. Happy New Year. Thanks for doing this. Loved your post -- except it's midnight and now I'm hungry again!

Melissa B. said...

Oh, I do LOVE Black Forest Cake!

Woody Woodpecker...Knot a Problem

MOO said...


Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Thanks for once again hosting this fun activity! I look forward to it every Tuesday! Have a great day! Coralie

nice A said...

Lots of red food that look interesting. Hmmmmm!!!!

Maia said...

You've made some excellent photos and the food looks delicious.
I'll take the dessert.

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Quite a feast for the holidays.

Mary, I got the bookmarks and they are beautiful. Thanks so much.

Chie Wilks said...

red foods are in this year of 2010

Maria Berg said...

Make me hungry and I want a lot of sugar, but I do try to lose weight, MB

Dianne said...

red books sounds great

love the black forest cake!!

concretenprimroses said...

It all looks yummy!
I love the red book idea.

Auntie E said...

I love German food and that looks great. I like the themes. Red books sound great for next week. I will have to start shooting those books.

A.M.I.N.A said...

All the foods look yummy! :P :P :P Nice photos Mary.

Ladyinblue said...

Hmm... that make me a little bit hungry:) But I think I just order the Ice Cream with the berries. Mmm...

Lorie Shewbridge said...

MMMM... That cake looks SO good, it happens to be my 2nd favorite cake. And I never would have thought of cranberries over ice cream, but it looks so good.
Great photos, and I love the idea for next week.
Happy New Year!!

BLOGitse said...

I came to ask about the you know already?

Stephanie V said...

Hot raspberries...yummy! And red cabbage is a favorite. Great choice for a meal!
Red books sounds like a fun challenge for next time. Let's go searching now!

mark's tails said...

So many food related Ruby this week. I'm getting hungry, especially for some Black Forest Cake.

Unknown said...

Everything looks delicious! I like the red books idea, if I can remember in time!

Dhemz said...

sweet treats! yummylicious!.....Happy New Year Teach Mary!

Mo and The Purries said...

Those desserts look awesome!
I have a red orchid (photo software enhanced) at
It's A Blog Eat Blog World today.
Red books, eh? Will have to see what I can come up with!

Mimi said...

Mary, you're making me hungry!
I love red cabbage, had some on Christmas Day, but wouldn't say no to some more.
And the Kirschtorte looks divine, if only I hadn't already eaten not one but two slices of Christmas cake!
My RT is up.

Marice said...

great photos esp the last one. that made me starving and craving for one!

Aubrey, My Camera's Eye said... food photos!!! Makes me hungry!!!! REally like the last one!

bj said...

O Mary...I love red cabbage better'n anything !! :)

Maria's Space said...

BTW...that food looks amazing. I wasn't hungry but now I am.

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Mmmmmmmm.........that alllll looks delish! If I EVER get to NY, I'm going to have to check it all out....

I don't have much red to join your lovely meme, but my pup's name is Ruby.....does that count? :-)

Warm New Year's Blessings,

mousey said...

sehr lecker!

happy 2010!

Suburban Girl said...

You got me with the hot raspberries over ice cream. Yum!

Lindy said...

That's got me drooling! Mmmmmm!

lynda Howells said...

love your red cabbage even though really its purple!Ha. Here is my link to this weeks ruby red challenge.

annies home said...

man that food looks delicious right now delicious pictures

Lynda Howells said...

Could you please change my blog for Ruby Tuesday FROM
and l have put new image up for tuesday but forgot to tell you! Lynda

Martha said...

Love the new look! I'm glad I stopped by today, I need to go find some red books! We don't have too many books in the house right now, many are in storage!

Spadoman said...

I got here via the Pagan Sphinx. This looks like fun. I'll post some "red" photos I have taken over the years.