Friday, January 08, 2010

Looking at the Sky on Friday

Tisha of Crazy Working Mom hosts this very successful meme.

The Shopping Mall at Sunset*
Roosevelt Field, Long Island, NY

Visit Tisha to participate in Looking at the Sky on Friday

*I blurred around the edges a little


Mimi said...

Lovely capture, Mary. It looks as thougha curtain of cloud is being pulled across the sky.

CrAzY Working Mom said...

I love the blurred edges! It adds drama to the center of the photo. I may be crazy but I swear I see a man with a hat on and a rose in his mouth with his arms outstretched! Great capture, Mary! Thanks for sharing...and thanks for playing along with us. :)


♥ Kathy said...

That is beautiful Mary! And the new header is makin' me huuungry :) LOL

odds and ends said...

Oh, I so love the sky :)

Lola said...

Happy PFF, Mary!

What beautiful images - and yes, that header: what a coincidence! (Glad you like the little feminist in-joke at my place!)

Share your love of literature too (incidentaly, happened to teach "End of the Affair" & "Mrs Dalloway" to students I taught at a German university!

Looking forward to *seeing* you again and with my best wishes`for2010,


storyteller said...

My mouth is watering at that delicious cupcake in your header so it's hard to think of anything else ... but I do find your late afternoon view of the sky intriguing too. I've shared a mosaic of Monday's Sunrise Surprise ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Patti said...

Such dramatic skies you captured over the parking lot.

That cupcake on your header looks yummy, Mary!

Putz said...

mary t why are you so cruel????the cupcake, klarge, and i in my post said, no more gazzellls, chocolate mousse, fudge, chocoalate cherries chocolates and you are there with a giant is your silly hobby of phto taking, isn't it????i bet i have caused offense to your fans...i stopped blagging cause i cause so much offense

Ingrid said...

Such a wonderful sky over an ugly parking spot !

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Ahhh Roosevelt Field...

Great scary looking sky

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, that cupcake is calling to me.

Aren't the greys and yellows in the sky pretty!

Ralph said...

The clouds above are magnificent. I am imagining an eagle, his head that bump just ahead of the leading edge of the clouds, the edge itself the outstretched wings. A nice take!

B : ) said...

Delightful picture! B : )

SandyCarlson said...

Like a painting, Mary!