Monday, November 30, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

Well, here's Ruby Tuesday again! With a brand new badge for the season! Take it if you want it by right-clicking and saving the image.

This was the first shot I took at a pretty little house on City Island, Bronx, N.Y. The woman came out while I was shooting and said "Oh, I haven't finished decorating yet!" I don't think I needed much more than the shot above to introduce the holiday season... What do you think?

I'll have more shots of City Island as the days go by so come back often to see shots of this historic seafaring community.

As usual sign Mr. Linky, comment and visit your friends who also post on Ruby Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

Looks like the festive season is nearing :)
Happy RT Mary!

Mojo said...

No, I'd say that one sums it up pretty well. But it's funny, when I shot that house in Wake Forest that I used for Sepia Scenes back around Halloween I got a similar reaction. I stopped along the curb and got out of the truck to get a better composition and this kid comes up and says "You should come back later when we're finished!" I had what I needed, but the kid was so earnest I said maybe I'd do just that since I'd be in town Halloween night anyway.

I know the people who are doing the decorating want all of their work to be appreciated, but they don't usually understand how the photographic mind-eye works. The Big Picture is usually far less interesting than the little pictures within it.

EG CameraGirl said...

I really like the new badge, Mary!

Dimple said...

Nice badge, it does the job well.

Anonymous said...

Very nice photo :)

Gemma Wiseman said...

Lovely Christmas bauble! Love the quilting effect! And the new badge is simply gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Your new header is absolutely gorgeous! I am behind with my blogging, but I saw some red bushes yesterday and thought about you. My mom from Bulgaria says Hello too.

Robin said...

How pretty and festive.

storyteller said...

Lovely and FESTIVE image and nifty new badge. Perhaps I'll use it NEXT week since Ruby Tuesday is already posted at Small Reflections. Of course, I just got back from a walk and took some 'holiday reds' along the way ... so perhaps I'll share again on one of my other blogs if I have time to upload the photos today ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

♥ Kathy said...

Very pretty Mary and I'll finally be back tomorrow!!

Rinkly Rimes said...

Your jolly red shot is very apt but I love the heading photo with it's almost colourless features and just that pale brown to show that it is in fact in colour! Lovely!

Marice said...

thats lovely! and the new badge too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mary for putting up RT earlier now!

Anonymous said...

That's the perfect shot to start the season!

Felisol said...

Dear Teach Mary,
You have found a very special nuance of red for the season. Kind of old modish with gold. Besutiful! Same style as the shoes for Christmas. Make me want to dance.
From Felisol

Tink *~*~* said...

Hi Mary - hope all is well and that Turkey Day was fabulous. Love the bridge and the dramatic backdrop on your header - very effective!

Tink *~*~*

marian said...

it's simply is your lovely wintry blog banner..btw the new RT badge is pretty cute too :))

Dianne said...

that's a pretty decoration

City Island is a great place

your header photo is really beautiful Mary

Willa @ PixelMinded said...

sorry about leaving 3 same links, I'm having trouble at mr. Linky.

bj said...

so so pretty...

Patti said...

Holiday time is almost here ~ I hate to rush the season, so I haven't started to decorate yet. But I will.

Nice photo of the ornament, and I love the new badge. I just used it for my post today. And I already told you I like the new header - it's a pretty scene.

Happy Ruby Tuesday ~

Ralph said...

Red is perfect for this season. Whether the decorations were complete or not, you did capture the essence of the time, Nice!

nonizamboni said...

Your photo is definitely festive! A perfect color to get in the mood for this season...and I love your new header :O)
happy RT

Terri said...

It looks like a giant red ball!

eileeninmd said...

It is a great capture and very festive looking. BTW, I lvoe your header photo it is gorgeous.

Marites said...

that is so pretty! love the shot! mine's up too:) The badge is cute.

SandyCarlson said...

Gorgeous, Mary. That is really lovely.

Carolyn Ford said...

You have introduced the season of "red" very very well! And, I love the new badge! It's shiny and bright!

Mona Sweden said...

That's a gorgeous Christmas decoration. I love the contrast to the blue sky.

The Cunning Runt said...

Beautiful shot, Mary - simple and sweet!

My post is up, but unfortunately Mr. Linky seems to be Missing In Action...


Oh, and yeah, your header is making me swoon!


Lindz said...

I like the shoes, it's a ncie badge... I'm joining in, thanks.

Karen Coutu said...

Your blog looks great! Love the angle of your RT photo!!

Here's mine . . .

Amanda Moore said...

What a great ornament I cannot wait to see what you post in the coming weeks Mary!

B : ) said...

That's just beautiful, as is the new look of your blog. B : )

Paz said...

Perfect red shot to welcome the season. ;-)


Paz said...

Cute new badge.

Umm... Where's Mr. Linky?


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I, too, am missing Mr. Linky. However, here's my other comment:

Scarlet ornaments,
evergreen boughs, azure sky—
holiday dazzlers!

My Ruby Tuesday

Becky said...

I love this new badge Mary. Love the quilted effect, and love the season.
I received my pillow today. Thank you very much. I'm displaying it on my couch.
Can't find Mr. Linky either. I'll check back later.

Phoenix said...

Beautiful and very perfect for the season! :)

Mine is here!

Quilt Works said...

I love the opening photo!

Terry said...

hi mary t..i can't find mr. linky but that's ok.
at least i found your comment section and i can see all your friends so far..40 of them already.
and at least i could see that beautuful picture at the head of your blog and the perfect christmas red photo!
and now i think i am going to try on those new shoes. they sure look kinda' small if you ask me! terry

prettyfirefly said...

Love the new badge! Too cute for words! Happy Ruby Tuesday everyone!
my entry is up at

The Ruby Posts said...

I like the new badge and your new header. The red Christmas ball is indeed making me feel the holidays!

Mine is up:

Chie Wilks said...

wow..i can feel the Christmas spirit in here...awesome photo

mine is up

Stephanie V said...

What a great ornament! Your new header is beautiful.

Jama said...

I love the new badge! I'm also posting Christmas decorations for this week's entry:

Martha said...

Love the new badge! Great photo for Ruby Tuesday. I've been thinking of photographing my favorite ornaments on our tree this year!


Gattina said...

Very nice badge and photo. There is no Mr. Linky or McLincky. any problems ?

MaR said...

Beautiful decoration!! and I love the xmas badge :)

Happy RT, mine is posted here.

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Oh Mary, your new header photo is GREAT! Wish I had a scene like that to shoot. A fine job. And I totally envy the adorable ruby slipper ornament. I want one.

I agree with Mojo that it's frequently in the "up close and personal" when it comes to effective photos. That's a cheery, perfect ornament for such a lovely Xmas photo.

I've done some brilliant autumn leaves, come visit if you have time.

Linnea said...

That's a fun shot. Yep. I'm starting to see holiday decorations around here too. Love your header shot and the badge.

Terry said...

oh good old linky...he probably just stepped out for a while to do a bit of early christmas shopping but now he has returned to his post, mary terry

Loree said...

Great shot for the first day of December.

Clara said...

Great picture of the decoration. I also love the new badge and you new header picture!

Maggie said...

That's a great photo to start off the festive season. Your header is quite amazing too.

Hootin Anni said...

That's looks very large!! Is it? Or just a macro shot?

Happy Ruby entry is also holiday--a continuation of one I did several weeks's finished now, and decorating our mantle!! come see HERE

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Beautiful Ruby pic to welcome the Christmas Season !

life's journey said...

Wow you are ready for Christmas. Happy Ruby Tuesday.

Digital Flower Pictures said...

There is no denying the holiday season now that you have posted this.

Best wishes.

Kerri Farley said...

A BEAUTIFUL holiday shot...and I LOVE your winter header! WOW!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Thank you for allowing us the pleasures of sharing special moments together each week, especially now in the holiday season! Warm Wishes! Coralie

Anonymous said...

Mary, I love your header and your Christmas ball, it has beautiful color and texture. I concur with your commenters, its the little things that count in the photograph as much as the big picture.

Nedekcir said...

Wow, I bet its looking like Christmas in your neck of the woods. Happy RT!

Nukke said...

Beautiful decorations and so cute red badge for season !!! Happy Christmas waiting to you.
ps. I started cleaning :)

Lorie Shewbridge said...

Great color contrast... I love the blue, green and red. It is so pretty and the clarity is gorgeous. With all the Christmas, I am SO getting into the spirit.
Have a lovely holiday!

Desert Songbird said...

I'm hoping we make a difference today, World AIDS Day, the perfect day to go (RED).

Auntie E said...

Miss you visits. Love this red Bulb. Was it really big. I hope we will see the tree all deck out.

OLLIE MCKAY'S ~ A Chic Boutique said...

Love the new Ruby Red Slippers for today and the Red Christmas ball - perfect!! What exactly is Ruby Tuesday???

JunieRose2005 said...

Oh yes!! That's perfect to lead us into the season!

I have a pretty scene up too!


Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Great shot---I LOVE City island...

I have bits of red today...

Jew Wishes said...

What an exquisite photo! I like the angle, the tones and contrasts and the feeling of holiday spirit. It is so beautifully captured.

Askew To You said...

I love your header shot, Mary. :) Looking at the picture with the evergreen and the red bulb, I was instantly reminded of what those bushes smell like. I wish you a wonderful day!

Lori said...

Very pretty. I am so excited about the holidays.

Tj said...

welcome christmas!

it's freezing cold here lol! i like the header.

mines here

toby said...

That's lovely! But I absolutely *love* the new snowy photo on the top of your blog! Brrr.

B : ) said...

sometimes one of something is much more meaningful than lots of something. Very nice! B : )

moosh said...

No decorations up yet. Alas my Christmas decor is in Arizona. I already have a white Christmas that isn't going anywhere. HRT

Meikah said...

Wow this RT photo is perfect for the season! It ushers in Christmas, my most favorite time of the year! ;)

My RT entry is here.

Happily Retired Gal said...

Back again with a HOLIDAY Ruby Tuesday ... celebrating our lovely Southern California rain too ;-)
Hugs and blessings,