Monday, November 09, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

Hi Again, it's Ruby Tuesday!

I'm posting at 2:30 PM EST today and from this day forward so that participants from all over the world can post at a relatively decent hour.

My RED photos this week are shots of the framed posters in a French restaurant called La Petite Framboise (The little raspberry). I posted about this restaurant back in April of 2009. You can find the post here.

We had brunch and enjoyed it very much.

The top poster
advertises Lillet, a French aperitif wine from Bordeaux. A vintage advertising poster by Robys (Robert Wolff).

The middle one is a vintage advertising poster by Leonetto Cappiello for un Fornier Liquor. by Leonetto Cappiello Fournier-Demars makes Un Fournier, a curacao based on oranges, and Cappiello makes sure that we don't forget it by showing us a beautiful -- and androgenous -- enchantress leaping with joy amidst the fruit.

The bottom one
is also by, the father of the modern poster, Italian artist Leonetto Cappiello (1875 – 1942) who made advertising posters modern and collectible. Cappiello, who was self-taught, began as a caricaturist and escalated to the early 20th century’s most acclaimed European artist. Cleverly linking products with vivid, memorable images, he produced 1,000 imaginative posters for beverages, ballet, literature, plays, travel and music halls in four decades. Leading the Art Deco movement, Cappiello’s techniques are still vital to modern advertising. "Pates Baroni" means Baroni pasta.

Okay m'dear friends. Sign Linky, comment, and visit.


Robin said...

Mine's up - a red and a rant from me this week.

I like these posters - that clown with the dancing spaghetti put a much-needed smile on my face.

Loree said...

I love the vibrant reds of the vintage signs and guess what? I've posted a vintage sign myself this week. What a coincidence.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot Mary for posting early!

marian said...

they're fabulously RED..i LOVE all things ART DECO!

Leora said...

If we drink the wine, will we have as much fun as they are having? ;-)

EG CameraGirl said...

I like these posters and LOVE the way you presented them. ;-)

Carletta said...

Such gorgeous and fun posters Mary!
Lovely to admire while waiting for your favorite dishes to arrive.
I like the angles of the shots too!

Mine's dessert! :)

Jim said...

Mary, I like your posters. These are especially nice. We have a few saved from here and there over time. These do good on your blog for RT.

You sneaked up on me today with the time change! That is fine with me. Some days I'm ready, some days I'm really late. I always see what you have when I finish.
Today I was ready earlier except Susie, my musical daughter, was asking me a few blog questions.
I have her linked on my right side bar. She has written the music for every song listed. Most are accompiments and the words aren't there.
She has a playlist listeners can start and then listen. It keeps on playing after it's started until it is stopped.

Ralph said...

The French (I think) have a saying about eating with our eyes. The classic posters intrigue me so much, I can't wait to see the menu!

Tink *~*~* said...

In the second poster, I like the way the artist has made the skirt look like the petals of a hibiscus flower - very drapey and crinkly.

Tink *~*~*

Terri said...

Great posters!

Diane AZ said...

All of the posters are fun, but I really got a kick out of the spaghetti one!

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Hi Mary, I've had a bit of a break and hopefully I will be back on a regular basis.

Great posters, sounds like a lovely place to eat and it certainly has interesting art on the walls.


Patti said...

These vintage posters are cool ~ I'd love to try that restaurant some time.

Happy Ruby Tuesday, Mary!

Marites said...

Pretty posters! Love them.

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

You always find the most interesting ruby things to share! Love the framed vintage posters ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Mimi said...

Mary, these are wonderful posters. The old ones always appeal more to me, they're so classy.
And red raspberry is such a lovely, inviting name for a restaurant.
My RT is up too.

Dianne said...

brunch, I love brunch

the middle poster is my favorite

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Wow..I like those vintage paintings, and Your photos are fabulous!

pinkyshelo said...

Lovely work of art!! Love the first picture...

life's journey said...

Oh nice one mine is ready too.

DrillerAA said...

Wonderful photo set.

Again, I have traveled a different path this week. Hope you don't mind me using Ruby Tuesday as a jumping off point.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Those are gorgeous artwork!

Please come and find out what our little fashionista has to say.

The Cunning Runt said...

Those are way cool. I love the period feel of them, and the classic colors.

I found a dragon this past weekend, and it was rubilicious!

Phoenix said...

What beautiful works of art, you captured them perfectly! Thanks so much for sharing them! :)

Napaboaniya APAD said...

Lovely poster designs @ the restaurant. Now pour the wine and let's enjoy!! :)

Karen Coutu said...

The second poster is my favorite! Great job finding red!!

B : ) said...

Love your posters - so interesting, and red : )

eden said...

beautiful vintage artwork..

Felisol said...

Hello, teach Mary,
Your art deco posters are so well done and also rare. The vivid expressions of the ballerina and the clown are spreading good mood without even consuming one single drop of wine.
I'd like to join the company!
From Felisol 03.30 a.m.

Meikah said...

That must have been a cool French resto with all these vibrant photos hanging on the wall! :)

I'm featuring a resto today, too. My RT entry is here.

paz said...

I love the posters. Sounds like you had a nice time at the restaurant.


A.M.I.N.A said...

Those vintage posters are lovely!

Gattina said...

Very original posters,lol and very french too.
Sending you loves from Egypt. Everything is wonderful except Internet which for the moment acts like a snail on strike!

Linnea said...

Those ruby red pictures make me want to eat, drink and be merry! Thanks for hosting...

Pok Dell said...

Any luck everyone..

nicquee said...

Those are really nice vintage posters!

Mine's up already. :)

toby said...

Those are great posters - so full of life! Maybe I should hang something like that up in my kitchen :)

MaR said...

Love your posters!!
I found Dorothy's shoes in Lisbon!!

Tj said...

first time here!

Annie Jeffries said...

I love French clowns. This is classic.

Chie Wilks said...

wow...bright rubies you have here..

mine is up too

Becky said...

I love these posters Mary. What a super choice for RT.
Have a wonderful day.

diane b said...

Lovely old red posters

bj said...

I love these posters..Fabulous reds.
Thanks, Mary, for this fun Red day. I am really enjoying playing with you and the others. I love seeing all the reds so much.
xo bj

Nedekcir said...

Mine is up too.

My DD is learning about lines and shapes in art class this week. Like the works of Henri Mattisse (Purple Robe and Anemones) and Grant Wood (American Gothic), she is in 1st grade.

Have a great week.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Fabulous RUBY posters! Love them!!!

Candy said...

It is a day for dancing in deed!
Cheers ;-)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Very cool poster...

life's journey said...

It is pretty entries...happy Ruby Tuesday. Mine is up.

moosh said...

Beautiuul posters. Was the brunch as good? HRT

nonizamboni said...

Love your posters, especially the middle one. Gorgeous hues.

Stephanie V said...

These posters are so happy looking. I imagine the restaurant has a great atmosphere as well as food.

Melli said...

THOSE are jussssst delightful little rubies indeed! I am always a bit hesitant to photograph art work in certain establishments... you never know when you might get your head bitten off!

Sandy Trefger said...

These vintage posters are so vibrant!
Loved viewing your photos of them and reading about them.

My Ruby Tuesday post is now up.

JunieRose2005 said...

love those posters!!

I have one up now -but not on my main blog!



Marice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marice said...

i removed my prev post.. i really thought those were paintings.. those are lovely photos!

Ruby said...

lovely pix..

Simply The Best said...

love the posters here!

Daily Nourishment said...

i got my red now! fabulous posters in the pictures here!

Euroangel said...

happy RT day to all! i always love some things like these!! thanks Mary for hosting this wonderful meme!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love the drama! These vintage posters have such a wonderful sense of joie de vivre!

Misty DawnS said...

I'm late, but I made it ;-)

Misty DawnS said...

You've got a good eye for what will make some great images. Love these posters.

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Wonderful Red Poster pics,sounds like a great restaurant.

roxanestoner said...

I love those. They make me hungry for the good life.

Dias Spot said...

love those posters! very lively....:)

mine is up as well!

Terry said...

hi mary...finally had a chance to get back here and say happy ruby tuesday to you.
in this world where it seems that everything is decreasing..isn't so wonderful that ruby tuesday posters are increasing!!
wow! far 133 people!
i am so thankful that felisol ever told me to come here.
god bless terry

Cacai M. said...

hi, Happy Ruby Tuesday! Mine is up:
My Ruby Tuesday #1

See yah.. Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

just posted my very first ever Ruby Tuesday photo ... 8^)

高収入アルバイト said...


高級チェリー said...
