Vinny brought home some apples, the first of Autumn. I rolled them around the table a little and took a couple of photos. This macro was the best shot for Ruby Tuesday!

This shot of red currants (?) was taken over the weekend at the Walt Witman Birthplace on Long Island.

Don't forget to sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment. Thanks very much. And you know how much everybody loves a visit!

Hi, I'm first today! Hope everyone has a wonderful RT!
The red fruit looks delicious!
Hey Mary,
Hope you had a great weekend. I love both shots but I like the apple best!
Mine's posted on my photoblog today.
Currents! Now I know what they look like, I saw a bush the other day, rather tallish kind of bush, it was loaded with this fruit! Beautifully red and glossy fruit!
Dear taech Mary,
I'm always fascinated by the transparency of the red currants.
Aren't they a beautiful work of creation?
You've also captured the coming fall, the leaves are brown edged and curly.
My berries are long time ago (a month) buried in the freezer.
The apples remind me I've got a huge plastic bag of apples waiting to be transformed to apple cake. Apple pie seems to be out of my league. I'm searchiing for a good recipe.
From Felisol
Remind me to get instructions for how to post wonderful backgrounds such as yours with blogger. Those currents look as if you pick them off the screen.
Those are luscious looking Mary, great choice.
Wow! Those currants or berries or whatever they are are really, really red! Great stuff Mary!
Those red apples look delicious. Happy fall!
I think I have those berries on one of our bushes. I didn't know they were currants.
Hi, this is my first time and I am quite excited. I hope I've done everything right. I love the photo of the apples. Thanks for hosting.
The apples look luscious. I think the berries might be highbush cranberries. Here red currants are ripe in early July. Very nice photos!
"Now turn red to tempt Snow White
To make her hunger for a bite...
When she breaks the tender peel
To taste the apple from my hand
Her breath will still, her blood congeal
Then I'll be fairest in the land." ;-)
i just want to bite into those juicy red apples..those cherries are irresistible too :)
Gorgeous natural reds. My post features apple too. Of course! I live in New England!
Have a great week, Mary!
I was just thinking I need to go to the orchard! Your photo makes it all the more tempting.
Red currents! I haven't tasted those for years. Maybe they don't grow in Australia.
Lovely red apples.
Red apples ALWAYS remind me of Snow White! But in a nice (my kids used to be small and adoring) kind of way.
Hi Mary, if I only can one or the other, I'll take the apples. Or one apple.
Happy RT!
We won't forget this one:
Little Jack Horner
Sat in the corner,
Eating a Christmas pie;
He put in his thumb,
And pulled out a (current)*,
And said 'What a good boy am I!'
*The current is controversial but Christmas pies are made with currents, not plums.
Oh luscious apples! Beautiful ruby photos.
Rich and wonderful fresh ruby reds! A great way to encourage us to desire some fruit!
What great looking fruit. It's wonderful. :) Aloha and Happy RT
OK red currants... yeah... very nice.
Thanks for being the hostess today Mary. Is it cold there yet? It's raining and much cooler today in Ottawa.
Happy RT
Love Claudie
boy do i want to take a big bite of that shiny red apple.
The apples look so good you're making me hungry...and I just finished dinner!
Nice shot of the red apples in macro.
Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)
Apples and berries ... DELICIOUS and beautiful too ;--)
Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Hugs and blessings,
What a great macro!!
I love how your blog looks this week too! :)
OMGosh your pictures this week are absolutely delicious!! Great shots! :)
wow the second picture which is the currant is very hot red. Happy RT!
Great choice for today Mary. Apples are a favorite.
Mary, those apples look so yummy. I love apples!
Great shot of the currents too. perfect fot RT.
Delicious red shots!!
Happy RT ;)
Oh, Mary...I have apples over at my place too!!! :O)
After all...What's fall without some beautiful red apples..I picked mine at the orchard near my town. So much fun.
Thanks so much for hosting this red day. I love the color so much that I'll never run out of something to post!
xo bj
I love the header photo! And of course your apples and currants (a food theme?) look so wonderfully red. I did a close up this week also, a red, red rose. I just have roses on the brain lately. Have a great week.
This apple looks so appetizing, I just want to bite in it !
Congratulations to your new blog dress !
oh mary t...the red currents are so pretty...and so juicy!
i find i have such a store of pictures that i took on our way out west that i think i will be dipping into it for quite some time.
it is really funny how bernie and i and the little red car were noticing so much red on the trip..
i just don't think that on the other seven trips that i took to see my beloved manitoba if i ever even noticed the reds!
hmmm..for sure and this is very strange!!
have a great ruby tuesday beloved terry
Those currants are just gorgeous. So juicy looking. Perfect for RT and will make some nice jelly.
Stunning Red. Are those cherries? Mine is up as well. Sorry i havent posted for so long cos i've changed my URL. I will visit you tomorrow since its already 1:41am in my place.
Happy Tuesday everyone!
the red currants look luscious! hope you can check out my RT.
That apple shot is stunning Mary, it makes me want to reach out and grab it and bite in it!!
We are just a little to cold for currants but those look so good. We do have apples though. I love them fresh from the orchard.
That photo of the bright red currants is stupendous Mary!
Mine is posted.
Very nice, the apples are very good this year.
I could bite right into that apple and I would love to visit Walt Whitman's birthplace ~ I've been so close but didn't make it there. Please enjoy brunch with me on the River Clyde today.
Love the red apples and the currants are super red. Happy RT!
I did not use the logo...but I have some red in my shots today.
Mary your reds are wonderful this week, they are bringing the fall in on a lovely note. I do like your Fall blog theme as well it is very pretty.
Take care
Wonderful autumn luxury :)
I love both of your shots Mary! I am so excited about the apple shot, my 3 year old and I are going to do a fun apple tree preschool lesson today. We will be eating several different apples to see which they like best. And the red one's are very tasty! Thanks for hosting this very fun meme!
This is my first Ruby Tuesday post. Hope it is OK
Hi! Could not resist the ruby challange. So many things to get inspired by and I love photochallanges. Hope it ok for me to join. Kram från Sverige :)
Oooo, those look good enough to eat! LOL. Hop on over to my blog and see how the policemen in Dublin park their cars. Frightening!!
Thanks for hosting. Look forward to posting often.
That apple shot was deliciously perfect- i could almost smell it
Mmm, that apple looks soo yummy =) I love how red the currants are.
The apples indeed look good enough to eat. Like in an apple pie. Thanks for hosting this blog theme. I have enjoyed participating.
Wishing you a scent-sational day!
Yes. Those are red currents! In England we grew black currents, too, adding them to raspberries and blackberries, and other currents to make a rich stew, and/or to make a Summer Pudding. To do that, you line a basin with slices of bread, pour in the stewed fruit, add a slice of bread to make a lid, then refrigerate it over night. By next day the bread has absorbed the mixture, thickening the mixture, and the basin is turned upside down, removed, to make a pudding! Serve with fresh whipped cream. Deliscious. Note: black currents are rarely grown here
Yum! They look so crisp. :)
Love the apple shot.
Mine's up!
Those red currants looks delicious !!!!
Your tablecloth looks very pretty!
I love that apples..beautifully taken..thanks for sharing Mary..take care!
i love ruby tuesday!
I have never seen red currants. Very vivid red. If you do not get them I am sure the birds will. Great photos.
Great macro on the apple! I love those currants. Their color is so deep! I've never been to Whitman's birthplace, but I've visited his former one-room schoolhouse in Smithtown lots of times.
Happy Ruby Tuesday!
I have some beries near my house that look similar. I don't know the local fruit yet. Apples look tasty
Mmmmmmm, apples and red currants. What a delicious Ruby Tuesday post, and with such luscious photos!
I'm gonna go eat something. ;)
That red currants look so fresh and juicy! I don't think I've ever seen them hanging on a tree before.
Oh I love to find new photo meme's. I'll have to come back and play next Tuesday! :)
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