Monday, September 21, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

Hi Everybody! Today is Ruby Tuesday and I have a new badge for you! Feel free to take it and use it for your posts. Of course you can use any of the other badges we have...

It was created by Burton Morris and the details are below*

 And now for my post today. Did you ever notice that the RED dishes of Cheerios and milk on the Cheerios' boxes form RED heart dishes when lined up next to one another?!

Isn't that the greatest?  I noticed at Costco's this past weekend.

Good for you General Mills! A very clever advertising gimmick!

I've put up Mr. Linky below for you to sign and then comment.

Please visit your fellow bloggers, okay?

*Ruby Slippers 1
Acrylic on canvas
57 x 57 cm
Edition 25


Robin said...

Cool, I never noticed the hearts lined up. Great segue from yellow to red, too, Mary.

Anonymous said...

Nice new layout.

EG CameraGirl said...

I don't think they stack the boxes in my supermarket that way. But still, it really is clever!

Anonymous said...

This IS cool! I'm sure I never noticed that.

Anonymous said...

You have got a keen eye my friend. I so love Cheerios and a great marketing campaign. :)

Carletta said...

First of all Mary I love your new template - beautiful fall look!
Cheerios is one of my favorites.
I'm looking more closely when I go to the grocery store this week. I agree that it's a terrific ad gimmick. I didn't realize it didn't show the entire bowl on the package. In my mind it did!

Carletta said...

Forgot to say that I love the new badge!

Rose said...

No, I had never noticed--and it is my favorite cereal!

Felisol said...

Dear teach Mary,
I like the new angle of the Cheerios, even if I don't eat them.
You sure have a photographer's eye, spotting all these new way of thinking red.
I'll try to copy your new badge.
Oh, I am a PC clumsy. Hubby Gunnar has spent a whole day making my machine walk and talk again.
I've got to manage this on my own.
From felisol

Leora said...

Clever marketing department! I like the new badge. I think I will copy it now...

Patti said...

wow, that's really neat that you noticed that Mary.

Love your scarecrows! And the new badge..

Unknown said...

Very cool photos. Cheerios are the best!

Mojo said...

Ya know... I gotta say I never noticed. But I don't spend a lot of time in the cereal aisle either. No if you'd been in the cannoli aisle or somethin' I mighta noticed.

D'ya suppose they've made a heart-healthy cannoli yet? And if they did would anybody wanna eat it?

Cool capture -- and a sharp eye!

Ralph said...

Cheerios is a fun name as it sounds. The whimsical art and shelf placing gives a 60s Warhol piece of art. Cute!

marian said...

they look amazing!..who'd have thought a few lined up boxes of cheerios would create such an impact!..btw love the new RT badge & your new autumnal background :)

Gemma Wiseman said...

That is quite clever! I don't know these boxes, but it is good to see that a business has thought out a display possibility!

Jim said...

Hi Mary, thank you for the new Icon. I will try it out, probably for next week although I might change tonight when I update my post.
I will update it if I find the answer to my quiz.
Thank you for putting up with us for one more time. And please don't stop.
Your cherios are left over from Valentines Day. Inside they are like all the rest.
Am I wrong?

I do like the little street-side park. It makes a good place to eat a knisch and drink some coffe while reading the paper.

Terri said...

Well aren't they clever.

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

Aren't you cleaver for noticing it!

Rinkly Rimes said...

Mines blood-thirsty, so very red! An old one this week. Busy!

Karen Coutu said...

That is so cool! Good eye Mary!!

Jan said...

And they're good for us, too.

quilly said...

Yeah, but MAry, if you por milk in those bowls the water is going to run out the crack!

Miranda said...

I love cheerios ;)

life's journey said...

Oh that is great breakfast...Happy Ruby Tuesday. Mine is ready.

Norm said...

Hi Mary,

I love your template, the color is nice and I like the new badge too, cute.


storyteller at Small Reflections said...

Wow ... it sure looks like FALL here. Alas, I'm wishing for a bit more summer even now ;--)

Hmmm ... I don't think I've noticed the red dishes that form a heart on the Cheerios box before. How about that? Kewl new logo!
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Nice display of the cereal on the shelves. I hope that makes consumers buy 2 boxes just to have the heart displayed at home as well :)

Becky said...

That IS a cool idea from General Mills indeed! Love your new layout!

Jama said...

What a clever idea!

Dimple said...

I never noticed that before, it goes right with their heart-healthy advertising campaign.

Maria's Space said...

Cool! I love Cheerios

Tink *~*~* said...

You want to hear something sad? I eat Honey Nut Cheerios every day of my life! They're heart healthy!

Tink *~*~*

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Very clever!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

that was a hearty post:) clever I liked it.

Sue said...

Wowie, I wonder who dreamed up this little idea! I'm gonna go check out our supermarket to see if they display them similarly. Thanks for hosting Ruby Tuesday. This is my first link-up.
:-) Sue

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Dear Mary, those cereal boxes look great. Probably more nutrition in the boxes and colored ink on them, than in the cereal itself...Happy Tuesday. :)

Susan Cook said...

Wow very neat. I never noticed that before either. You can really see that at a big line up that they must have at Costco's. Cool.

Terry said...

oh mary t..those cheerio boxes!
what a good idea..cheerios is the only kind of ceral that bernie will eat!
the new badge is very nice!
i try to do as you, say visit the ruby red bloggers but sometimes it is a lot!
i will just have to try harder....happy ruby terry

Gattina said...

That's funny, I never saw that, because we don't have this brand in Belgium.

Phoenix said...

Mmmmmmmm I love Cheerios! Great pictures! :)

MaR said...

I love your new header and as I am fond of hearts, I love those cereal boxes!! which are not available in Europe, though.
Happy RT!!

Married to Singaporean said...

Wow, I like this new look. Cool!

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Wow, that IS a clever package for effective display. Well done, General Mills, and thanks for seeing that for us. A happy idea!

Unknown said...

one of my favorite breakfast.:P

Annie Jeffries said...

I love your picture this week. We always have Cheerios in the house. It's my fav. Never noticed such a line up though.

AND - I adore your new header!!!

eastcoastlife said...

I don't see this design in Singapore. I better take another look the next time I go to the supermarket. :)

MOO said...

Love it! And I love Cheerios, to. Have you tried the new Multi-grain variety?

Hildegarde said...

Ha, that's a real good find ! Next time i'm in the supermarket I am going to look if we have boxes that also form figures, but I doubt it. Yes, those hearts are a keen observation and fun.

Hootin Anni said...

NO....I didn't know this!!!! For heaven's sake, I'm speechless!

Great post.

My R T is up. Have a great Tuesday.

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

I see lots of familiar names posted above; however, this is our first time on Ruby Tuesday.

HI from Greensboro Daily PHoto.

Love the way the hearts line up on Cherrio's. Brilliant marketing.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

What a great idea. I've never noticed it before either. But, I'll be looking for it now.

Mimi said...

Very clever!
And the colours remind me of a comment left by merisi recently on mine,that red and yellow arouse deep-seated sympathy,so they are often used by food companies in marketing campaigns.

Anonymous said...

I posted in the wrong blog but hope you enjoy it anyway and maybe have a look at my doilies.

Love the scarecrows!

nonizamboni said...

Happy Autumn, your wallpaper.

Auntie E said...

What a great find. I have to say i will never look at a display the same again:-)

Anonymous said...

I've posted too! Going to work now but will be visiting you later :)

I rush past these thing so quickly, I don't know if I would have noticed! But I like it- very clever!
Bella :)

Sandy "From the Heart of Texas" said...

Well I'll be a monkey's uncle. LOL I never noticed that about the Cheerios! Don't think they are lined up quite like that at my store :) That is a totally awesome set of photos!

Happy Ruby Tuesday!


JonJon Rosaleen said...

Great combination of red and yellow! Love the look of the new badge. Have a wonderful week ahead! :)

A.M.I.N.A said...

Hello Everyone!This is my first time to join this photo meme. Happy RT!

Heidi said...

I have honestly never seen this little advertising line up. I thought they were just round bowls. Very clever! I should keep my camera handy for just such occasions.
Love your new background. Very festive. You can almost smell fall in the air today.

Jientje said...

It looks like I did it again. I played but forgot to add the link. What a great find, those boxes, very clever indeed!

Melania said...

Hi! I haven't participated in awhile - red just hasn't been jumping out at me.

Enjoy my post!

Ellie said...

I really like your new header! It brings the spirit of the season. I saw yesterday our pool is closed and realized - summer is over :)

annies home said...

love the new look of your blog

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I am not following form this week, but I bet there is some RUBY in the pictures I posted today

Pictures all week long!

Anonymous said...

i have to say that is very clever indeed!

Regina said...

Hello Mary. Lovely badge. I like it.
I'm participating once again.

The Cunning Runt said...

That's pretty clever - I hope somebody got paid for that idea!


My Vegan Life said...

It sure does look pretty!I'm all for anything that makes people think of LOVE!
great new badge!=)

Unknown said...

that's awesome! I never noticed that before.

Lorie Shewbridge said...

We buy Cheerios at least twice a month and I have never noticed this. Great shot.