Hi Everybody! It's Ruby Tuesday again!
I'm posting an interesting display of RED wagons on the front lawn of a crafts and collectibles shop in Chester, New Jersey. The display caught my eye as I passed by. Pretty clever, no?

I wanted to show you a couple of the many postcards Sara Chapman of Art Squad Graphics sent to me. She's been collecting a long time and picked out lovely postcards with RED in them.
The two you see below are art cards: The one at the top is a Renoir called Two Sisters (On the Terrace) and the second one is by James Stuart Park called A Gypsy Maid. Do you see the poppies? I LOVE poppies!

Hope you posted for Ruby Tuesday today. Don't forget to sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment. also don't forget to visit other participants. Visiting each other is what makes our meme so popular.
I'm going to continue to post some of the postcards sent to me by you wonderful bloggers. I have a few on display in my sidebar right now. I'll change the display every few days.
Sara's cards are lovely. Renoir is familiar; thank you for the intro to James S. Park.
Chester, NJ, huh? Why, that's close enough to me. Red wagons are always fun.
I love the wagons!
Are those NewFlyers? They are awesome. Thanks for posting my postcard. :) Much appreciated!!
Hi Mary, got your red lighthouse postcard. It's beautiful, thank you so much.
Love those wagons! cute! and the card, so pretty:)
Hi Mary, got your red lighthouse postcard. It's beautiful, thank you so much.
Love those wagons! cute! and the card, so pretty:)
Renoir's art is timeless! I like the stack of wheelbarrows as much :)
Love finding surprise delights like your first photo! And those postcards are wonderful! It's great finding images like this of the Old Masters!
Great photo of the wagons! And very interesting to see postcards, especially as they reflect the sender's personality.
Lovely cards.
I love poppies too- I've tried to grow them a few times from ones I picked at the side of the road, which I think is illegal here, but it was unsuccessful anyway.
first thing I bought my girls when they were little was a wagon. they come in quite handy.
Loved the wagons, took me waaaay back!
Wonderful display or red wagons. And the postcards Sara sent are WONDERFUL!
The wagons : fun ! The cards : beautiful art for sure. When you find time, mail me your home address so that I can send you a card, OK ?
Red goes well with all kiddie things. Wagons are the ultimate toy, as the younger minds can imagine al sorts of role play. Reminds us of when the kids were so much younger...
Mary I will be up tomorrow...hey did yoou get my snail mail address I emailed?
Very cool wagon display. That would have caught my eye too.
I'm celebrating my 52nd week of RT this week... but I can't figure out how it worked out that 52 weeks doesn't equal one year. Because my actual date anniversary is still 9 days off!
I never had one of these swell red wagons... but my kids did.
Wonderful nostalgia...much more satisfying than the big plastic clunkers that kids ride around in now. I guess it's all in the memories.
the wagon display is wonderful!
and the post cards are lovely
Awesome wagons, I love it!!!
That looks like a wonderful little shop! Did you find anything treasures there?
(I'm still working on finding a worthy postcard with red in it.) :P
Oh! I love the red wagons!
I ALMOST posted wagons too! ;)
Not joining in today but very grateful for the view!
Hey, I actually have one of these wagons. The grandcrew have pulled each other around in it for several years. Now that the youngest is six, the wagon is about to go into retirement or garage sale. Happy RT everyone.
Mary the post card that has the lady with the poppies is so elegant! I do like the wagon display very cute wish I had caught that myself!
The wagons are too cool for school, Mary. I love poppies, too.
Red wagons are perfect for RT and the postcards are beautiful.
Love these postcards--what beutiful spots of red!
My grandchildren would think those wagons were the best!
Nice shots of the pictures...I've enjoyed seeing the postcards sent to you :)
The cards are lovely.. the wagons are just to dang cute!!!
Nifty stack of red wagons and lovely cards! I've shared an acrobatic act from the Orange County Fair in a variety of forms (at Sacred Ruminations) ... just because I couldn't stop myself ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
I love the wagons!
Beautiful post cards!
Cypress Gardens-Ruby Tuesday
Hi Mary. I love the humor of the stacked wagons. How could anyone resist walking into that shop?
The poppies are the best.
A wagon for every size! Very clever
What awesome photos you have this week! That really is a neat way to stack up the wagons, I never would have thought to do it that way! I hope you have a great Tuesday! :)
Those are pretty cards, very pretty. Mary, I did go to town today but only to the doctor's office and then to a Greek restaurant and to the University of Houston with my grandaughter.
No tourist things were where we were.
Happy RT! We all appreciate your hard work and pretty REDs.
GREAT wagons!
Which reminds me ... we have one of those in the attic somewhere. Gotta find that and fill it with flowers. Thanks for the inspiration!
Those wagons are so cute being stacked up like that!
Great Red Wagons. I really like the wooden ones. Nice cards from Sarah. Happy Ruby Tuesday.Enjoying the Red Lighthouse post card.
Love red wagons!!
The red wagons are so pretty. They come in different sizes too. I would like to have one. :)
Dear Mary,
I have recived your postcard!! Thanks.
I'll be sending you one soon. Look out for it. :D
Great wagon display in deed and the post cards are beautiful. I like the girl with poppies popping all around.
But of course Renoir is spotted right off. Leaves one with quite an IMPRESSION ;-)
Very nice display and the cards of Renoir paintings are lovely !
Fantastic postcards!!
and I love those red wagons, they are truly an eye-catcher. Happy RT!
They are lovely! My Antorium is up as well.
That reminds me, I still need to print and send you mine. Thanks for the lovely postcard Mary, it's on my kitchen cabinet door now, and it makes me smile every time I look at it! Thank you so much!
I'm playing again this week, it's up now!
Those stacked wagons were a whimsical & serendipitous find! And the post cards are truly treasure, not just because they're beautiful, but because of the connections they represent.
Oh I love all those wagons. When my children were little I used to pull them around in a little red wagon.
The wagons are cool - I've seen them on people's lawns sometimes, serving as planters.
Tink *~*~*
Grab a stagecoach in the Magic Kingdom
LOVE! The post card gifts. AND....the wagons. I'll take the largest please...just ship it my way. I could use that one, working in the yard. A lot easier than a huge awkward wheel barrow.
Happy Tuesday === My Ruby is posted. Scroll down below Tuesday's Heads or Tails.
I just found you and would love to join your Ruby Tuesday Party. Lot's of RED going on around here.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Hi Mary, the postcards are great. Poppies are so pretty.
And I recognize the Renoir. Lovely.
Those red wagons are perfect for Ruby Tuesday! Wonderful find.
Those wagons are so eye-catching.
I love the post cards! that reminds me, I still need to mail one to you from Wilmington, NC! Oops! I promise I'll do it today!
My brother had a wagon with the wood sides. Mine and the one I had for my daughter was just the metal red wagon. In fact, if I think about it... that wagon may still be in storage. Very nice.
A wagon for everyone!
... having a three bears sort of moment right now...
Happy Tuesday!
Thanks for posting my Dowagiac postcard in your sidebar :)
I have your little red lighthouse postcard on the bulletin board above my computer at work.
I do love a little red wagon, and that stack of them made me smile. And trust me, I needed a smile today! Thanks!
My Ruby Tuesday post is two pics of the red car that was parked in front of my store for this past weekend's Rod & Roll festival in Dowagiac. Hop on over to It's A Blog Eat Blog World and check 'em out!
If it's still Tuesday for you, Happy Tuesday!
~ Mo
hehe! I am new to following your blog and your art! I love it. I agree. I love the fact that I can get introduced to other artists and photographers! Your work is great! The poppies remind me of my childhood!
Dear teach Mary,
"Paint your wagon" it's singing in my head to all these beautiful collectibles.
I love Renoir, everything seems so easy and smiling in his paintings.
JS Park is not familiar to me.
I'll have to google him. Gorgeous painting, both the girl and the poppies.
From Felisol
Renoir is a favorite, the wagons are super. Thanks for hosting.
The cards are lovely, and I love the wagons!
I love the wagons!!! That is clever.
Cool cards. They would make awesome craft jewelry.
Those wagons are great, Mary!
hello beloved teach..i have missed you this last few weeks.
when we got home last monday from our trip out west, i was a little under the weather but am feeling really good today and so, even though it is almost wednesday, here i just made my ruby tuesday post.
i love those red wagons here that you have posted!
in my younger days, there was hardly a mother that didn't have one of these to pull their babies in, out for walks, and there was hardly a little boy that wasn't a proud owner of one of these treasures.
where have all those good days gone mary t?
i am so happy that you are posting these old post cards. they will bring back so many nice memories!
what did we all do without you when we didn't know you, i will ever wonder.
you give us a lot of joy with your ruby tuesday blog!
love terry
The wagons are fantastic!! I looked all over and everything is just beautiful!!
Wow congratulations on the growth and success of this wonderful meme.
I will be taking an online course in photography soon. It is an 8 week course and I have no clue just how extensive the projects will be.
So for now, with the exception, of one small meme, I am not committing myself until I know I can keep up.
Good for you Mary!! This is truly awesome!!
I am such a dope-I completely forgot about RT again...been busy with cafe planning, but that's no excuse. I'll try harder (again!).
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