Monday, August 10, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

Hi Everyone welcome back to Ruby Tuesday! Last week was such a week! I sent out so many little RED lighthouse postcards from New York! It was a lot of fun for me.

People have suggested that I do it again in the near future and I WILL! But right now I need a a little rest! Ha!

This week, we went to South Street Seaport to watch the YoYo Championships 2009 (I posted about it on my "Summer Stock Sunday" post)

I took lots of pictures and especially RED photos:

The yoyo-ers wore RED shirts for the competition. The chair and geraniums sit outside the South Street Museum. The lady in RED just happened to cross my camera. And was I surprised to see they had changed the name of the restaurant to RED.

So don't forget to sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment. Visit your fellow Ruby Tuesday players also. Thanks very much!


EG CameraGirl said...

I enjoyed the slide show! Imagine the restaurant is now called RED! And how thoughtful of the yo-yo players to wear red. ;-)

I've never been to a yo-yo championship before. But I once had a teenaged neighbour who played with his yo-yo for most of the day every day for an entire summer. He was pretty good...but probably not a champion.

Anonymous said...

You must have writers cramp LOL. Excellent RT. Have a good one. I have never seen a yo-yo contest. What they can do with those is amazing.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Enjoy the day. I thought your slide show was neat.

Ladynred said...

What a great selections of red. I enjoyed the slideshow!
Mine's úp now too!

Rona Michelson said...

Sorry about my slip of the mouse with the wrong pot the first time. If I knew how to remove it, I would. I think the slide show is magnificent! Fabulous job!

James said...

That looks like a cool place to go. I really liked your slide show.

Carletta said...

Well put together slideshow Mary! I loved the vignette with the red door and green chair and that pot of flowers. A lovely quaint arrangement.
I got my postcard! Thank you!

Leora said...

A yoyo championship! What will they think of next! Yes, the RED restaurant is sure an eye-catcher for us Ruby Tuesday participants.

Felisol said...

Dear teach Mary,
The Red Café must have been made just for you.
If I ever come to NY, that's a place I just have to visit.
yo-yo never was my thing, but my mother, 84, is a champ, my daughter is not bad either!
Funny how those genes seem to have slipped a generation.
From Felisol

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping this great meme going. I haven't sent my address yet as I am on vacation. Posting isn't a problem but sending mails from this server is awkward.

Gemma Wiseman said...

The setting of that yo-yo championship is so interesting! What a variety of reds in your delightful side show! And there must be a story behind a restaurant being called Red!

bj said...

Love this slide show...
Thanks so much for hosting, Mary.
I do love playing with REDS...

Stacey said...

Hi Mary! I'm joining in Ruby Tuesday for the first time today. Always see the neat posts around blogland and decided it's time. :)

Your slideshow is amazing!

Mimi said...

Wonderful slide show!
That's now on my "to learn " list.
Have a good RT.
And thanks for your very poetic comment at mine last week.

Anonymous said...

The sign RED in yellow over red was really fun! Love the red doors - so inviting :) By the way Nadine from Bulgaria is my Mom - she started a blog a week ago and I persuaded her to participate in this weeks Ruby challenge.

moosh said...

Loved the slide show. I need to learn how to domore with my computer. HRT

Marites said...

i had fun with your slideshow:) I used to play yoyo when i was a kid but never been good. have a good week! my RT is up here

Patti said...

Hi Mary ~ cool slide show. Lucky you that the competitors wore red! The geraniums and red door are lovely.
And it's amazing the restaurant is called Red. I'd say the color is catching on!

Happy Ruby Tuesday!

I have pix of one of my cats this week. What a surprise ;-)

storyteller at Sacred Ruminations said...

What a kewl slide show with lots of photos with red! I used to LOVE playing with a yo-yo but had no clue there were organized competitions.
Hugs and blessings,

Maggie Moo said...

Hi Mary! I haven't played in a really long time but thought I'd like to jump back in again. So, mine is up! :)

Love your yo-yo pics!

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Nifty slideshow. I like yo-yp picture the best.

Susan said...

That is one fantastic slide show - a lot of red and a lot of good times! I really enjoyed it!

Thank you for your kindness. Take time to rest those wee fingers. :))

Hugssss, Susan

Becky said...

Love your slide show Mary, and all those reds. Great choice For RT.
I didn't realize there was a yo-yo championship. How Cool.
Thanks for the post card, and yours will be on it's way tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the slide show with the wonderful array of red pictures you captured at the Championship :)
I'll be waiting for Mr Postman!! :P

Karen Coutu said...

LOVE the red door! Great angle!!

Thank you for the postcard Mary! I need to search for the perfect red one for you. :)

My Sanctuary said...

me too I've never seen a yoyo contest, I love your slide show, so beautiful..

Anonymous said...

Fun fotos in your slide show and I bet the yo-yo competition was fun too.

Ralph said...

The reds of NYC add a flair to an already exciting city. Sipping a glass of wine and relaxing at an outdoor eatery in the real City, while the city bustles around me. Under a red umbrella or awning, of course!

Jim said...

You have a nice red review of South Street! Thanks.

This RED might be an eating place for our next visit. I think it is walking distance from Wall Street. From Battery Park too maybe?
Is there a Nathan's Hot Dog place there?

Snowbird said...

I love your lighthouse header. My Ruby Tuesday offering this week are three lighthouses in Michigan.

Dora said...

Wow! U have so many "rubies" this week!

Here's my entry: It Meows #47 - Fish Muruku

Happy RT!

Laura said...

I'm joining in for the first time. I love red!

Thanks for the opportunity,


Kerslyn said...

Finally, I was able to post my entry after weeks of not being able to join this meme...and I miss it so much!

I love your photos, Teach Mary. Happy Tuesday!

ces said...

wow red restaurant! lovely!

shutterhappyjenn said...

Very great set of pictures!

MaR said...

I enjoyed your slides, love those hanging plants as street decorations. And the RED restaurant!
I could never master a yo-yo, love watching tho!

Ingrid said...

A very nice slide show and a lot of reds ! I sent my Waterloo card to you yesterday ! I put it in an envelope, otherwise it would take ages with the snail mail !

Lindy said...

Great slide show for Ruby Tuesday! My favorite was the red door.

quilly said...

Hey, Mary, I'm baaack! They've downsized me at work so I suddenly found myself with time on my hands. I thought I'd hope back into play now that I have time to visit the other participants again! My Ruby Tuesday post is up!

quilly said...

Isn't there a perfume called Red? I hope they don't serve it at that restaurant!

And, have you ever seen Tommy Smothers, from the Smother's Brothers, twirl a yo-yo? He is absolutely amazing. I saw him live when I was a kid and promptly demanded a yo-yo. The first trick I tried was "around the world" and it might have worked, too, if that darned old window hadn't been in the way. I think I had the yo-yo for a whole 18 minutes before it disappeared never to be seen again.

I also saw Tommy Smothers perform his yo-yo tricks just a few years ago in Vegas. He was still wonderful. I bought a bunch of yo-yos and took them to school to teach my students how to play with them. Recess was never the same!

Jientje said...

The name of that restaurant made me smile! They must have known you were coming! Great slide show!

Akelamalu said...

Thanks for stopping by my place. You got some great RED shots for that slide show. :)

Candy said...

Great event but it does have it's ups and downs. Up side lots of RED. Enjoy a little down time from you lighthouse adventures. ;-)

Hootin Anni said...

LOVE the slideshow!!!!

My R T is posted now...a lady in Red!! Have a great Tuesday Mary.

Julie said...

Cool slide show and certainly lots of red.

Auntie E said...

I really liked the different type Post. It is nice sometimes to see a slide show. Loved the Red Restaurant signs.

Ginger~Wilmington NC said...

Mary, as always your pictures are spectacular. Thnak you so much for the post card! it is proudly displayed on my fridge. I will try to get one out to you today.

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Hi Mary, Great red slide show. I liked the guy with the yo-yo the best, oh, and the chair on the landing with the red flowers. Have a great Ruby Tuesday! :)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

That is a lot of red girl...

I have some too

Melli said...

That's a very eclectic collection of RED this week Mary! Your YoYo contest reminded me of yet ONE MORE activity that my boys were going to be "the best in the UNIVERSE" at ... once upon a time! :) I like this!

Linnea said...

Wonderful slide show. You certainly have an eye for finding and capturing all things red!!

Kaylia Metcalfe said...

Yo-yo champs? Wow... Talk about having the world on a string...

I love your transitional method! Very pretty!

Mine is up! I know, shocking right?

Kirigalpoththa said...

Nice slide show!

Homemom3 said...

love the slide show. My son is a huge yo-yo fan and just loves watching those competitions. Happy Tuesday!

Mo and The Purries said...

I never imagined a Yo-Yo Championship, but if they have Hot Dog Eating Contests, well why not?
Great pics!
I have some pics of nice red (and green!) tomatoes from our local county fair up @ It's A Blog Eat Blog World today.
~ Mo

JunieRose2005 said...


This was a good RT today!

I have mine up now!

Junie Rose

quilly said...

Mary, my humble apologies. Meli just told me I left the wrong link on your post. My correct link is now up, but I have no way to remove the first one.

Some of your amazing and talented readers found me despite my error!

Sara Chapman in Seattle said...

What a fabulous RED experience. Shirts, signs, flowers, the works. Nicely done!
I have roses today.

Kranky Granny said...

Enjoyed the slide show as well. Especially liked the chair outside the red door.

Have never been to a yoyo show but have seen some amazing performers in by day. Have tried for years to get my grandson interested in the activity with no success.

annies home said...

love the great red pictures especially the one that spells it out

The Cunning Runt said...

That's pretty trick!

amanda said...

hey Mary the slide show is awesome love to see the YoYo champs but the red signs really got my attention!

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

Hello and nice to meet you~ ~I was cruisin' around visiting my blogger friends when I saw Ruby Tuesday so I jumped over to take a look. I had just posted a RED item so I decided to join. Very nice blog. Got to go over now and add your link to the post~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

Sharon said...

Hi...I would like to become part of your Ruby Tuesday......I love the color red and enjoy looking at others who love the beautiful color Ruby. I hope I have done everything
right and will be ready for Tuesday morning. Thanks for the chance to become a Ruby Tuesday blog.
Sharon K