Monday, June 29, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

Okay what have I got for you this Ruby Tuesday?

Well, first of all I thought I would post shoutouts to a few Ruby Tuesday participants from last week(June 23). Here are thumbnails of a few of the photos posted last week:

First Row (left to right): 1. Dianne 2. Robin
Second Row (left to right): 1.
Nukke 2. Driller 3. Cunning Runt
Third Row: 1. Carletta

Each week I'll post a few random photos of participants, so look for yours...

Do you like this idea? I hope so.
MySpace Layouts

MySpace Layouts

Now here's my post for Ruby Tuesday. This is a marina in Port Washington, N.Y. Some pretty RED flowers and some snazzy RED boats.


What would you name your boat if you had one? Or if you have one, what's its name?

The new badge below was made by DrillerAA09

I don't think he'd mind anyone using it for further posting.

Don't forget to sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment. And of course try to visit your fellow participants!


Snowbird said...

My boat would be called Livin' the Good Life.

Robin said...

Hey, thanks for the shoutout Mary, what a lovely surprise.

I love wandering around marinas looking at all the boats - it's been the start of many a good daydream.

Carletta said...

When we retired two years ago my Hubs wanted to get a boat - we haven't yet. A red one like these pictured would be gorgeous and perfect if we named it Valentine. (I was born on Valentine's Day.)

Thanks for the shoutout - I'm overwhelmed! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the name of the boat. It's excellent. All great pictures. The red tennis shoes are awesome :)

Ivanhoe said...

I'm not playing this week, I just had to comment. Love the idea of featuring a few pics from previous week.
I chuckled at the Main Squeeze :o)
My boat would be named "Dreamland".

Leora said...

I am enjoying the top "random" photos - great!

Driller's helmet is cute, but I am attached to the ruby slippers. I think I'm keeping them for a while.

S.S. Seasick (I like little sailboats, but anything big rocks too much for me...)

Mary Bergfeld said...

Mary, as a newcomer I want to thank you for making this event possible. If I had a boat I'd call it Charon, this assuring that other boats would give me a wide berth. Have a wonderful day.

Hootin' Anni said...

Love the "Main Squeeze"!!!!

As I posted on Mr. post will be up @ 12:01 in the a.m.

Jim said...

Mary, I like everything red on your post today. Happy RT, you work hard for us all. Thank you.

My boat was called 'SEARS.' I gave it away when we moved here by setting it on the curb. The next morning SEARS was gone.

I POSTDATE my blogs. First post them, then edit the date (exposed by clicking on the 'Post Options' button at the bottom).
After it is once posted you can change it to whatever day and time you want it to say. It stays up with the newer date and time.
(SEARS, like in Sears Roebuck, its seller)

James said...

Very nice pictures.
Hmm I ould name my boat "Capital Gains" "Friend of the Trend"

Rinkly Rimes said...

A nostalgic approach from me today.

I love the idea of the gallery.

Karen Coutu said...

Great idea about giving a shoutout to some of the participants!

I love the name of that boat. I don't know what I would name mine if I had one. I get seasick. :P

Karen Coutu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ralph said...

This is a fine idea, capturing ruby captures of participants. There are talented bloggers/photographers out there, and showcasing them is a great thing...

Nice boats on the Isle du Long. The boat on the trailer, and not in its natural element, is the best looking of the three craft. Nice neighborhood!

Becky said...

Wow what a group of reds Mary. Super, and I like the idea of featuring some of the bloggers and their Ruby Tuesdays.
Gary had a brother who had a boat named after his wife and 3 children-EL-SU-DA-MON.
Evelyn, Susan, David, and Monica.
Happy RT.

DrillerAA said...

Wow!!! I'm featured twice. How cool is that? Thank you very much, and no I absolutely don't mind anyone using my badge.

Digital Flower Pictures said...

I am joining in again for this week. I forgot just how much RED Ruby Tuesday means.

G6 said...

This is my first foray into Ruby Tuesdays.
I've been "lurking" for a little while and thought it would be a good idea to get my feet wet ;).

Patti said...

The red flowers you captured are lovely.

The red boats are cool. If I had one I would name it:


tee hee

Happy Ruby Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

I think the display of random pictures from participants the week before is a good idea ;)

That boat is a beauty in perfect red.

Desert Songbird said...

I love the idea of the thumbnails!

My post will be up at 12:01 MST. Sorry I didn't leave the direct link this time.

Tink *~*~* said...

If I had a boat, I would name it MY SUNSHINE SUPERSTAR. Don't ask me why that just popped into my head!

Have you heard of Africa 2025?

Tink *~*~*
Africa 2025 at EPCOT

Maria's Space said...

Mary, Have a wonderful week. I thought of your meme when I was making this necklace

Happily Retired Gal said...

It's fun to see a review of some of last week's contributions. Lovely red blossoms and other reds too. My 'ex' names his Bass Boat 'Stump Jumper'
Hugs and blessings,

DrillerAA said...

Oh, I forgot, if I had a boat, I would name it "Bass Assassin".

bj said...

Love your red post...those cute!

Candy said...

Clever idea for capturing a few favs from the previous week, I like it!

Boat name??? How 'bout a bright red one named The Candy Apple!

Like Driller's stamp but I also like the old one.

Happy RED day or not...I hope the red in the thermometer goes down.

Mojo said...

I think I'd name my boat "Not Another Meme".

Sorry I'm late linking... it wasn't live and then I got busy and then just spaced it completely. But I'm up... have been since 1:00!

srp said...

A name for a boat...hmm...mostly they are female names... why not a male name... surely there must be a boat with the name "Brad Pitt" out there somewhere.

But... I would probably name it after my daughter Nyssa...

Phoenix said...

I love the pictures this week, lovely flowers and I SO want to go boating! :)

Sara Chapman said...

I like the idea of posting a few of the participants. That Driller is great, too--LOVE those socks and shoes. And I wish I knew the name of your red vine. So pretty.

Terry said...

they are ALL nice mary t, including yours and what a great really makes one more determned to visit dianne and driller again and to look at robin, nukke and cunning runt and carlette
oh though beloved teach there are so many great ruby tuesday blogs and so little time!! terry

MaR said...

I love your idea of the shoutout!!
And great shots of the red boats, those are always unique as blue is THE color, lol.
Happy RT!!

Unknown said...

The flowers are gorgeous!
And the shoutout is a lovely idea!

Maria Berg said...

I like the idea (random photos) and i love the red boat! MB

Ingrid said...

Lots of nice reds ! I like the red shoes, like David Bowie. Tomorrow we go home, Italy is finished !

donna said...

Happy RT all:)

Chie Wilks said...

I missed last weeks Ruby Tuesday...but i am playing today.... Love all the ruby photos here

Chie Wilks said...

Hello, I would like to thank you too for visiting my blogs and for the comments..its a pleasure to visit here to see nice photos... oh you are always welcome...

Auntie E said...

I love the idea of posting Participants Photos.
I have always love boats, the photo of the red one looks like an older boats. Love the older looking boats.

Marites said...

i like the shoutouts:) and those are really beautiful pictures. my RT is up.

nonizamboni said...

Lovely reds and 'The Main Squeeze' boat made my day!
I like the shoutout idea a lot.
Hope you're enjoying your new week.
Happy 4th of July too.

Karen ~Georgia Angel said...

Love the featured photos.

Great RT boats and flowers.

Unknown said...

I like the idea of the posting of a few RT entries!

Your collection is stunning, as always.

I played this week!

Melli said...

LOL! I have THAT flower growing on my deck! I forget what it's called now - but I posted about it when I first got it ... might have even been a RT! And my RT today includes a boat too! It amazes me how often we are like-minded Mary! Great rubies!

Mai said...

I love the idea of featuring a few of last week's entry.

Sherrie said...

Hi Mary,
Lovely photos for Ruby Tuesday! I like the new Ruby Tuesday Button. I've saved it for next time. Mine is posted at my place, Sherrie's Stuff. Have a great day!


Miranda said...

Nice shots! I have no idea what I'd name my boat.

Kaylia Metcalfe said...

First off, love the idea of the random photos!

Next, the flowrs are great, but the boat shots take the cake.

Last, My boat would be named "Tartis"

Happy Tuesday... happy end of the month!

Kaylia Metcalfe said...

Either that or if it were a sail boat it would be called.

"For Sail"


Mo and The Purries said...

I do like the thumbnails of previous week's RT pics, Mary.
The red mandevilla is lovely. I love the bright red trumpets.
I cannot imagine me ever having a boat, so I can't think of a very clever name for it. How about "I won this on the Price Is Right"???

Anonymous said...

Pretty red flowers!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I am up and red...

If I owned a boat it would be because I sold my novel, so in its honor, I would call the boat "The Quest"

amanda said...

Love that "Main Squeeze" too cute!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Those flowers are a brilliant red! Aned the boats are so sporty and stylish in red!

Anonymous said...

I just realized my link is linking to a monochrome shot. I'm sorry for the inconvenience it caused. I did not mean to make you guys browsing - it was a mistake - I will be more careful next week

annies home said...

love the red on the boat

CrAzY Working Mom said...

I'm a little late posting my RT photo, so I've combined it with a WW post. :)

I love your idea of random photos. There are some great ones out there. It's good of you to showcase the talent in this great meme.

Happy RT, Mary.

Desert Songbird said...

I missed the question of what I would name my boat. My boat would be named...what else? The Songbird!

Ginger~Wilmington, NC said...

I love the random photos you've posted this week. And I like the new idea of featuring a few photos from the previous week. Sorry, I was at work yesterday and couldn't post to Mr. Linky, so I'm late. But I'm number 97! W-O-W!!

My boat would be called "Ginger Snaps!"

Dianne said...

wow!! thanks for posting my "mountain" :)

I missed RT this week and I'm late to even check yours

driller's badge is great! so perfect for summer

Meikah said...

Great RT shots. I love seeing red flowers! :)