Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

For today's Ruby Tuesday I have some really RED flowers to show you. These are RED and white petunias growing in Brooklyn where my grand-nephew lives.


Aunt Rose, my SIL, shows Jarome the flowers.



I like the macro shots. I hope you do too!

So now what you have to do is sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment. You'll do that won't you?

Oh and don't forget to visit other participants.

I am posting Ruby Tuesday at 2:00 PM EST on Monday to make it a little easier for our friends in other parts of the world to post at an earlier hour.


Mojo said...

Well... I'd sign Mr. Linky if he was around to sign. Elusive little beggar that guy.

But so you won't miss out, here's the link without the Linky:
Ruby Tuesday #42: "Red Fish"

Mojo said...

BTW, are those flowers as big as they look?? If so they're HUGE! Even as a macro they look enormous!

But I love that splash of red in the center. Looks very... Harvard. Nice work!

Anonymous said...

Mary...that is one of the prettiest flowers I've ever seen. The photography is great...very well done :)

Akelamalu said...

Those petunias are amazing as is your photography! :)

Felisol said...

Love the two-colored petunias.
Rare, aren't they?
Mine are red or white.
Beautiful pictures as always.
I'll have to come back midst in the late English crime to sing in for Mr. Linky.
Maybe a task for Hercule Poirot?
From Felisol

Carletta said...

That is a beautiful planter full of lush beautiful flowers!
I love the macros Mary - very vibrant!

Mr. Linky - I saw him briefly and then *poof*

My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.

Anonymous said...

I think Jarome is looking at something beyond the flowers - may be his bubble machine:)I've never seen those flowers in two tone coloring - I've only seen the sort that they are all red or purple. Very impressive!

Leora said...

Ah, Mr. Linky plays elusive!

And what pretty red/white petunias you posted, Mary!

P.S. I voted for you on some link that had blogs by women. Most of the blogs I hadn't heard of.

Gemma Wiseman said...

These petunias are a stunning shade of red! Beautiful collection of photos!

sunnymama said...

Beautiful flowers! I love the picture of the little one looking at them. So cute :)

Paz said...

I DO like your macro shot.


EG CameraGirl said...

Petunias are such perky flowers...especially in res trimmed with white!

My Ruby Tuesday post is at


BABYLONEZOO (France) said...

voila ma participation

Hildegarde said...

Jarome with the flowers : I wish he may keep that wonder, this admiration for plant life, all his life.

Ralph said...

The enlarged petals gives us an explosion of ruby and some intriguing imaginative ideas; a parachute? A balloon? A Quilt? This flower really leaps at us with style and flair!

Marites said...

they look so cute and beautiful!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

those are really red

RA said...

Beautiful flowers! Magnificent red. I also posted a flower, but only with a splash of red. Hope it's okay. Have a wonderful week, everyone :)

DrillerAA said...

The flowers are gorgeous!
My journal arrived today and it is very nice. Thank you again for the award.

shutterhappyjenn said...

The petunias are so pretty!

Jeri ~ said...

Beautiful! I love the two colored petunias and the flower box is gorgeous!

Becky said...

Gorgeous Mary. I don't think I've ever seen Petunias so BIG. Love their fragrance.

Tink *~*~* said...

Wow! Those petunias are like, as big as saucers! OK, not quite, but my eyes are big as saucers looking at them!

Tink *~*~*
“Experiment 626″ aka “Stitch” at EPCOT

Dianne said...

I love how intent Jarome is in examining the flowers

You even captured a red light in the window!!

Karen Coutu said...

How pretty! I love the red, white, and purple.

Vicky said...

Red and white petunias,perfect for Ruby Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

Nice detailed macro shots Mary! :)

SandyCarlson said...

These are extraordinary shots.

Terri said...

My, what huge petunias you have! Beautiful.

Sassy said...

My husband's toys:

Auntie E said...

I really like the Petunias, do not think I have ever seen ones like that. I love working with the marco lens.

yyam said...

Lovely flowers!

at the cottage said...

I love the two colour petunias. beautiful photos Mary. Thanks for Ruby Tuesdays. I enjoy it.

at the cottage said...

I love the two colour petunias. beautiful photos Mary. Thanks for Ruby Tuesdays. I enjoy it.

srp said...

Every time I see petunias I think of that very old song... I'm a lonely little petunia in an onion patch...
They are lovely mixed in with the other colors. Beautiful!

Ode to Adrienne said...

Huge flowers! Mine's flowers, too. This is my first time to join RT :)

Happy Tuesday!

amanda said...

Just beautiful the color is so vibrant!

Lin said...

Those petunias are huge! I've got flowers, too! Love your title shot of the vase of flowers, beautiful!

Unknown said...

these are very pretty!

Jew Wishes said...

What beautiful petunias, Mary! The contrasts of tones is wonderful! Their vibrancy is lovely.

Jim said...

I was going to say "Golly, everone who signed Mr. Linky left a comment," but right away I saw Mojo left two. :-)
I like your big flowers, did they come from Texas?

spiCes said...

i do! those are very extra ordinarily red and white blooms. lovely!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers for today's meme.

Unknown said...

Those are beautiful!
I have them in my yard too. I love them! :)

ces said...

serving something red today!:)

Ingrid said...

Beautiful ! and I am so angry because my red petunias were all eaten up by an army of snails !

Yrsa said...

Colourful summer! Wonderful.

Robin said...

Beautiful flowers - the variegated ones are so pretty!

Jientje said...

Thom told me about the petunia's, and indeed, they ARE great Mary!! And I am indeed a great fan of macro shots! Very nice work!

The Steve said...

Pretty flowers, they are huge too ! Do they always get that big ?

Maria Berg said...

I also have red Petunias in my garden but I show to show a church roof today,

/Maria Berg, Sweden

Gemma Wiseman said...

I am back again because I seem to have disappeared from Mr Linky!

So I tried again and thought I had better put a link here too.

Petanque at Red Hill

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love those two tone petunia's. they are so cheery.

Anonymous said...

I loved your macro flowers, I love macro anything, and your grand-nephew is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous petunia! In fact, all the flowers/colors in that grouping are beautiful.

Suburban Girl said...

Thanks for the ruby fun! Nice petunias...mine are purple. ;)

nonizamboni said...

Awesome close-up and I really like the look on the sweet child's face.
Happy Tuesday, Mary!

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Gorgeous Petunia's and are the long blue flowers Larkspurs? The photos are sharp and so colorful. Happy Ruby Tuesday, Mary. :)

Busy little Rubies

Ginger~Wilmington, NC said...

Red and white flowers??!! They are phenomenal!

Susan Cook said...

Beautiful petunias. Love the colors.

Sherrie said...

Hi Mary,
Beautiful Petunia's! I just planed some myself. And they are red! I'll have to get some photos! Mine is posted. Have a great day!!


Daryl said...

Those are HUGE macros!

Stephanie V said...

Those are terrific petunias. I'm a big macro fan...beautiful photo.

Raven said...

Gorgeous flower box. Mojo is right... the petunias do look huge... and beautiful. When I think of petunias I always think of the Jones Beach. Haven't been there in centuries, but they used to have petunias along the walk ways there.

Martha said...

Beautiful petunias.

My Ruby Tuesday

My Ruby Tuesday

Patti said...

You got great macro shots of some beautiful petunias, Mary!

Happy Ruby Tuesday and as ever, thanks for hosting. ;-)

Ivanhoe said...

Not playing today but just had to tell you that I love your macro shots and that your grand nephew is a cutie pie :o)

Mo and The Purries said...

Those are some amazingly RED petunias!
I saw some great RED snapdragons the other day when I took Bessie to get some heliotrope, but of course I didn't have my camera!
I love the red/white/blue effect with these petunias, the alyssum, and the spikes of blue salvia.
I also did a red flower today - hope you can stop by and see it when you get a chance.

Unknown said...

beautiful flowers!

storyteller said...

BEAUTIFUL! I've never seen two-toned Petunias before ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Beautiful flowers, beautiful family, thanks for sharing.
Thanks for hosting this meme, I just joined about a month ago and LOVE IT!!
Greetings from Los Angeles.

Terry said...

dear mary t,
you know the flowers are so beautiful but you can only know and guess what my favourite picture is eh?
well it's the one where you can just catch a small glimpse of your little great nephew!

mary, you must go and see the special plate collection that my niece, rachel has at her gorgeous house.............love terry

Life On Our Own said...

Liked the macro shots!

My RT entry is up!

Askew To You said...

I enjoy macro shots very much, thank you! Lovely flowers and enjoyed the look on the little one's face. :)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Beautiful flowers...my RT shows two creatures that would love those...

Unknown said...

Hi Mary,
I mistakenly congratulated you on your 1000th post...that was for Mojo,

Amazing Petunias by the way!

moosh said...

Petunias are such fun to grow. They never seem to fail. Beautiful photo.

Phoenix said...

Awesome photos of such beautiful flowers! Great job for Ruby Tuesday! :)

Baron's Life said...

Thanks to Ellievellie, I found your excellent site and I've posted on it.

JunieRose2005 said...

Wow! Those are beautiful!

I have a post up this time!


Sara Chapman said...

Sorry I'm so late. I always love flower close ups! Nice shots! Hope Jarome has a lifelong love of flowers. I've got ruby red Chinese lanterns this week for all of you.

Jama said...

They are so lovely , it's a perfect combination of colors.

Desert Songbird said...

Those macro shots are great!