Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

Hi Everyone! It's Ruby Tuesday again! Here's a photo of a lovely place for lunch.

Le P'tite Framboise
(The Little Raspberry)
Port Washington, N.Y.


Brunch Menu

Lunch Menu

Dinner Menu

Haven't eaten there yet but we intend to in the near future... Would you like to come along? :)


Now I thought maybe you'd like to consider a new badge...





Of course I'll write "RUBY TUESDAY" on the badge like our "ruby slippers" badge.

Vote in your comments by telling me #1, #2, #3, or #4

Of course if you like the old badge, the "ruby slippers" badge, tell me, and we'll keep the old one!



Yen said...

I like the number 3,Mary! But all of them are pretty!:)

Mine is up!

Mojo said...

Love the pub. I could hang out there. Long as they've got NHL Center Ice that is. It's the playoffs after all.

Since Senor Linky seems to be AWOL, I'll just say mines up here:
Ruby Tuesday #35: "Let's Go Canes!"

Queen-Size funny bone said...

lOOKS like my kind of place. a burger and a couple of beers, and lots of conversation.

Norm said...

I love all of them especially the number 1.

ellen b said...

What a great looking restaurant!
I'm liking number 3 myself...I'm a natural kind of gal :0)

Unknown said...

I like # 3. And the little raspberry restaurant. Looks ultra-cute! :-)

Anonymous said...

Is the restaurant French or is it just a name?

Michele said...

What a nice looking place to meet for food... a pretty name and looking at the menu, it looks quite scrumptious.
What I love are brunches and it looks like some really good choices... the banana cinnamon pancakes sound yummy! I'm a HUGE fan of pancakes!

Lew said...

Interesting restaurant! Bet they have great desserts. Thanks for your recent comments. As for the glider, sometimes we can see the release, but more often hear it. The tow plane's engine is working hard and when it releases, the change is noticeable.

EG CameraGirl said...

I think I like #3 best.

Sure, I'll meet you at Le petite Framboise. Just say when. ;-)

Leora said...

Brunch sounds good. For example, the onion tart. Nice menu designer. Great looking bistro!

MYM said...

That place looks very inviting!

Ralph said...

I'll take a Carre d’Agneau off the dinner menu, perhaps accompanied bu a fine Beaujolais Vilages wine on the side. A stylish Bistro on this side of the Atlantique...

shutterhappyjenn said...

I like the first one.

Müge Tekil said...

What a nice restaurant! I like very much red decoration inside pubs and restaurants!

KitchenMaus said...

I missed last week's entry and it felt like so long a time that I haven't posted...

I bet you get to eat more because red does that...gives you appetite, come read my Ode! :D

Anonymous said...

Lotsa red in that restaurant, looks good for a gathering among good friends and family.
Happy RT, #1 looks good.

Elara said...

Happy Ruby Tuesday! :) Oh it's breakfast time over here and I am hungry! :)

I don't mind any of the badges, really. :)

Phat-Photo, Malaysia

Hildegarde said...

Yes, I would like to come along and meet. Imagine that :-) (Just dreaming) I like the slippers one very much, for a new one : #1 and #4 are my favorits, maybe not moving because I once read that that distracts too much in a post, although it is very pretty. In case you have time,I've posted some sculpures that I saw and of which the expression is so delightful (in my opinion),and that I would like to show you : http://flanders-inside.skynetblogs.be/post/6907768/baden-in-bloemen--bathing-in-flowers-kersenbl

RA said...

I would love to come along ;)! My favorite choice is the first badge, but I also like the old one. Have a great week, everyone.

Anonymous said...

I like them all. ;-)


~Just Me Miranda~ said...

What a quaint lil restaurant, very pretty.

dot said...

Nice restaurant and I love the name of it.
The badges are all nice but I really prefer the ruby slippers.

Jeri ~ said...

I too would like to come along with you, looks like a great place to gather with friends.
As for the badge, #1 is my favorite, but I also really like the slippers.

Arlene said...

Wow cute red stuff for the badge. I like # 3.

I submitted red walls today. :)

Dora said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dora said...

Wow! That's a nice place for dining. :)

It Meows #30Happy RT!

Lin said...

Hi! I'd love to join you for lunch there, looks like a very cute place! My entry takes care of the libations!
I like the possible badges, but I prefer the Ruby Slippers!

Thoughts from Home said...

I love the place...seems too cozy for dining.

my first entry is up! Happy Tuesday. :-)

eastcoastlife said...

This looks like a lovely place to have lunch! I love the red in it.

My post is related to culinary too. I'm posting photos of pretty ginger flowers that can be eaten.

That is the chicken said...

Tasty colours at Framboise! C'est tres belle!

bj said...

OOO, I still love the RUBY RED SLIPPERS of Dorothy's....
Great reds here...enjoyed seeing them.
Happy Red..
xo bj

DrillerAA said...

I kind of like Nos. 2 or 4. No one looks too much like a wedding gone bad.
By the way, the photos are great.

Annie Jeffries said...

#4 - THE DRAGON. THE DRAGON. So Unique!! What a lovely place for lunch. This could definitely become my special place to go when there is an event to celebrate.

Terri said...

I like the old badge, but if you're going to change it, I like #3. Please, no animated badges!

Love that restaurant - looks like a comfy place.

CrAzY Working Mom said...

I like the old badge better. I love your shots this week. For some reason I find myself hungry now. *LOL*

My RT ~ Tyler's Fall From Grace

The Cunning Runt said...

Mary, these are all beautiful, but the fist one made me gasp with delight!

...and Le P'tite Framboise has me heading for the fridge (though I'm certain the food there is far superior...) ;)

Great reds! I have a very special birthday corsage to share with you. :)

Ladynred said...

The restaurant looks nice with the red decor! # 1 badge look nice!

Ingrid said...

Very nice place, looks very European, -:) !

I like n° 3 simply red !

liza said...

Nice capture! For the new badge, I like the first one. :) Happy RT

Maddy said...

Raspberries are definitely my favourite. Infinitely superior to strawberries......ghosts of granny I'm afraid.

David T. Macknet said...

The sparkly one ... is just over the top. Nice!

donna said...

that place looks interesting for some treat!=) well, i'm glad to be back! mine's up

Minkydo said...

What vibrant colors! Lovely photos.

Minkydo said...

Forgot to say that I like #2 best but they are all lovely.

MaR said...

That restaurant looks very inviting, beginning with its name!
All badges are beautiful, can't decide, sorry I am not helpful, lol.
Happy Tuesday!!

Nicole said...

Oh, I'm envious.
I want to have a cute place like that in my neighborhood :D

Regarding the badge.
Uhm,I hope you don't mind that I stick with the tiny Ruby badge ;)

cookie said...

the ruby slippers still get my vote :)

my post is up..

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Hi Mary, Your Ruby Tuesday is gorgeous. I love the Restaurant, it looks very inviting. The menu reads like the food would be delicious too.

I like #1, would it be possible to have more than one button to choose from?

Sorry I put the wrong link in Mr. Linky.

Ruby Macro

Felisol said...

Dear Teach Mary,
I like the Ruby Slippers. They are so cheerful and very "Over the Rainbowish".
I also like #3.
Simple Pelargonium like the ones I have on my terrace.

The restaurant looked so inviting. I'd like to spend a like time with a rich meal there.

Now I'm out for spring hiking.
No time to sit in front of my computer until tonight.
Have a shining Ruby Tuesday.
From Felisol

Kranky Granny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gemma Wiseman said...

La P'tite Framboise sounds such a sweet, boutique dining experience on offer! Would I like to come along? Of course! Love the atmosphere!

And the front of this lovely place is certainly eye-catching!

* And I like #1 RT candidate best!

Kranky Granny said...

Mary, all of your badges are lovely. I like the twinkles in the first one. But I think the ruby slippers are more appropriate. I guess growing up with Dorothy and the land of Oz just makes the slippers always ruby where the roses are just red.

I also love your red restaurant. Looks like a fun place to meet a group.

4:34 AM

Gayle said...

I like #3 or the old one. Not much into the sparkles.

Looks like a very nice restaurant. We have so little to chose from here. I would be so excited to go there.

Robin said...

Lovely name for a restaurant - I love rasberries (no time to scan the menu right now).

I agree with Rita - to me, slippers are ruby, roses are red. Of course I'm terribly lazy about using the badge anyway, so you should probably just discount my view ;-).

PS In case I didn't mention it, thank you for the beautiful Passover card.

Jama said...

I like the first one!

Dianne said...

I think I've been to the Little Raspberry, looks so familiar - it's near the North Shore Animal League?

pretty place

I like #3 but I have to say I love the ruby slippers :)

Linnea said...

That is a snazzy looking place to dine. I love the red of the facade -- very striking. I'm still fond of the ruby red slippers (sorry!). Thanks for hosting...

Patti said...

Hi Mary, My favorite is number 3.

That restaurant looks wonderful. I'm ready to try it out.

floreta said...

this looks like a great spot!

Sherrie said...

Hi Mary,
The restaurant looks very inviting! Comfy and homey! I think I like #4 the best. Have a great day!!


amanda said...

I would love to eat there, the ambiance looks amazing (the first good ingredient to any meal)perfect choice to start RT off with this week!

Maggie Moo said...

I haven't played in a while so I'm not sure my vote will count, but I love the Ruby Slippers badge.

Mo and The Purries said...

I love the petite raspberry - what a great name for a little restaurant! And they've done it up so well.
Mine is two shots of the same red phonebooth in London for today's RT.
And I have to admit - I just use the simple word badge "Ruby Tuesday" with my posts.

Ivanhoe said...

I still like the ruby slippers the best :o) Oh and yes, I would love to come to Little Raspberry.
I have a Earth Day post scheduled for tomorrow so I will post my first window next week.

Mariz said...

I'm loving that resto...the color draws me in. My first entry is up. Thanks!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I had an old link in my first linky click

Love the colors in that photo...

soulbrush said...

great place to eat, so cheery..number 1 for me.

Becky said...

Personally I like the ruby slippers, but if we have to change, I like #4 the best.

Your bistro shot is great. I'd love to eat there.

My photo is up here.

moosh said...

I Like Ruby Slippers badge. But any one is good for me. Picture the big glasses, they show a sense of humor. Wish we had some interesting place to eat here. All chains yuck Ruby Tuesday post up

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Let's have lunch! Actually I'll be in NYC in a couple of weeks and if I'm in Port Washington I'll look for that place. Nice capture!

I vote for number 1, but I'm not sure that anything can be more magical than those ruby slippers.

Karen ~Georgia Angel said...

What a lovely diner. Love the rich reds. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I like number 3 too. Sometimes a change is nice for a while, but I hope we can go back to the Ruby Slippers sometimes, if you do decide to change!

Love your Ruby Red photo- it looks a very inviting place to eat! If you go, you could send us titbits to sample in the post!

My Ruby Red is up, but later than I wanted and only just in time. I'll be visiting some of yours tomorrow!
Bella :)

Terry said...

oh mary t..the restaurant pictures are so nice!
i have one in my post that bernie took and i just now saw your pictures here...oh what an old classic restaurant!....love terry

Anonymous said...

I'm all over that brunch menu! LOL!

mysorefeet said...

sorry for the super late entry - have been busy at work. hope you're all having a superb week and i wish you an even better weekend!

prkl said...

the bistro looks nice, both inside and out. wouldn't mind dining there with all that red around. a glas of redvine to drink, please.

I like the old badge :)