Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mellow Yellow Monday #15



Creeping Buttercup (Ranunculus repens)

Most likely to be a pest in damp or acid soils. Large yellow flowers, rough leaves, creeping stems that root at every node. Spreads quickly, the runners criss-crossing and forming dense mats. Can be dealt with methodically by digging up each plant, which is fairly easily done as they are shallow-rooted, but removing the source of all new plants or stolons seems impossible.


Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

A familiar perennial, spreading around the parent plant by means of its dividing taproot, and far and wide by means of its fluffy seeds. Impossible to eradicate, as any bit of root left in will grow a new set of leaves. Basically an attractive plant with plenty of neat bright yellow flowers and edible leaves. Seed heads attractive to Bullfinches, and the plant does have medicinal uses.

Myspace Layouts, Myspace graphics

Go over and visit Drowsy Monkey at Mellow Yellow Monday for other participants.



CrAzY Working Mom said...

They are beautiful, Mary!

Durward Discussion said...

I know it is sacrilege, but I've always liked dandelions. It's tempting to just leave them be.

Lew said...

Don't have the buttercup, but do have plenty of dandelions! Lawn guy sprayed them so we'll see if they go away.

MYM said...

Oh buttercups and dandelions - 2 of my favourites :) Reminds me of childhood ... warm days spent outside from the time the sun went up until it went down :)

MYM said...

Oh ... and I never get rid of dandelions ... let them grow free I say, LOL

lv2scpbk said...

Looks like the dandelions are popping up everywhere.

Pyzahn said...

Dandelion greens are also good to eat. My Nonna used to fix them all the time.

bobbie said...

I love your weeds, Mary. They are as bright and sunny as any other flower.

Unknown said...

The buttercups are pretty enough to leave alone.

Four-eyed-missy said...

These are the kind of weeds I'll allow to grow in my garden -- they're so pretty!

Inside Cambodia

RA said...

Beautiful yellow flowers, adding up some sunshine at the beginning of this new week! Have a great day, Mary :)

Ivanhoe said...

I notices dandelions blooming in my neighborhood as well. Spring is really here :o)