Monday, March 16, 2009


~I apologize for Ruby Tuesday's lateness, Blogger failed to publish on schedule!~

Today is Ruby Tuesday and last week I suggested that, if you like, you might post GREEN things because it's also ST. PATRICK'S DAY.


I took the following photos when my hubby, Vinny, took BAILEY'S IRISH CREAM out of our liquor cabinet (we've had that liquor cabinet for 40 years) because we were having guests.

It has been about 20 years since we served hard liquor to guests so Vinny thought he'd check the bottle. What was in the bottle smelled okay but it wouldn't pour. I think the alcohol and the chocolate and milk products had separated. The chocolate and the milk had congealed and lay at the mouth of the bottle opening.

Before we threw away the bottle and its contents I took the photos below:

I also took a picture of the following St. Patrick's Day card...

Can you believe that this lovely lady had RED hair and lips? A two-for-one photo for Ruby Tuesday and St. Pat's Day!

I can't wait to see what you all have posted today! Will you sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment? Thanks so much and Happy St. Patrick's Day!



Jan said...

Good Choice for a green Ruby Tuesday.

Durward Discussion said...

I love the silly card, but a Baileys left alone long enough to congeal ... I may cry.

Mojo said...

A lot of people are having problems with auto scheduling apparently. I've found no fewer than 8 threads on it in the Help Forum, and they're all saying the same thing: Everything was working until Friday, when suddenly auto scheduling stopped working.

It's apparently not a problem on every blog though. Mine has been affected, but The World In Black & White wasn't (as far a I know anyway -- all my scheduled posts there have published on schedule from what I can tell).

Blogger Support is aware of the issue, but they can't duplicate it. At least the ones who have responded in the Forums can't.

I'm watching the threads to see if any fixes or workarounds become available. Like may of you, I rely heavily on this feature!

Felisol said...

Hello, teach Mary,
what a shame to waste good food in that way.
That's not very Irish, is it?
(Norwegians say, "There's a lot of good food in good drinking.")
Like your red haired lady. Quite Galwayish.
From Felisol

Catherine said...

The perfect choice for today, Mary.
You open the new bottle ? Or do I have to bring mine ? The Original !
Happy St Patrick's Day.

Carletta said...

I love those shots Mary! Nice angles. I'm with Jamie though - shame on you for waiting so long to open that bottle. :)
The card is priceless.

My Irish heart is tickled to pieces to be posting green. I did stick in a little red candle for the Ruby.;)

Anonymous said...

Love that lady. Kissing her rock. Or her little man. And celebrating deformity in nature.

Unknown said...

Perfect. I'm not Irish but kiss me anyway! Especially if you have Baileys. :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Let's have some bailey's=)

Jeri ~ said...

Love your shots of the Baileys (at least not a total waste) and that red-head...what a looker! Happy Ruby Tuesday & St. Patty's Day!

Jeri ~ said...

Love your shots of the Baileys (at least not a total waste) and that red-head...what a looker! Happy Ruby Tuesday & St. Patty's Day!

Lenoirre said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day, Mary! May the luck of the Irish be with you!

Dianne said...

I love the card! and how cool that the red is prominent too

I think I have a bottle of something like that too - I don't know if I want to look or leave it for the archeologists ;)

storyteller said...

Excellent way to celebrate Ruby Tuesday on St. Paddy's day ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Tink *~*~* said...

Hi Mary - oh boy, this is one of those days of the year when I wish I still worked in downtown Manhattan. You know how many Irish bars there are in the Wall Street area? The place probably REEKS of corned beef and cabbage about now, not to mention all the LIVE Irish music during lunch. Well, I guess I shall live through it another year. Happy St Paddy's day to ya!

and Happy Tuesday,
Tink *~*~*

Mickey’s Jammin’ Jungle Parade - Red Edition!

Anonymous said...

Happy St Patrick's Day to you Mary!! I still remember your green glasses from last year :P

Karen Coutu said...

Nice shots Mary! I remembered to do green this week. YAY!!

Kaylia Metcalfe said...

… and this is why I should check the assignment before doing the homework…

But no matter, a bit of improve and my RT (RT Goes Green!) is up.

Happy SPD!

♥ Kathy said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day Mary! I'll post mine in the morning. I'm so tired after our hiking today lol

Anonymous said...

Great photos, and cute card...perfect for green Ruby Tuesday.

judi/Gmj said...

You have such creative gadgets!
I feel like I need to come take your blogging course. :D

Anonymous said...

cute card! happy St. Patrick's Day!:)

Anonymous said...

I like the red and green together.


Jackie said...

Wow what a terrific choice Mary!! If I had thought of it I have a bottle of Irish whiskey that our daughter gave us.

Oh well too late now. That's why you're the Teach!!

I am very very late and I apologize..but, I hope better late than never applies!!:-)))

Ingrid said...

Very nice selcection for today.
I had completely forgotten about St. Patrick's day, it is not celebrated here in the European countries and not even so much in Ireland like in the States, lol !

Connie T. said...

Your blog put me in the mood for St. Patrick's Day. Love the pictures.
I put up a green one and a red one too.

Anonymous said...

happy st.patrick's day and nice red ;)

mine is up:

Kranky Granny said...

I love your card. I think I know that lady. I was given a box of all occasion cards and I believe she is on all of them.

I noticed that there is a small touch of red in my post but I opted for green.

Happy St. Patricks's day everyone.

Robin said...

Autoscheduling didn't work for me either.

Love your shots - I love a shot of Irish Creme on a cold evening :).

Jientje said...

I LOVE Baileys, as much as I love anything Irish really!
My green and red ruby is up too!
Happy St. Patrick's day!

Unknown said...

how about red & green? :D

eastcoastlife said...

Happy St Patrick's Day every one!

That reminds me to check my bottle of Baileys. :P

Gemma Wiseman said...

It's a long time since I last had a Bailey's, but I used to love it so much! And always loved the label design!

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Liz said...

Lol, I also have a bottle that's not been opened. I think now I should. :D

Moms... Check Nyo

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Mary, Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!
Baileys Irish Cream is one of my favorite liqueurs and the card is very cute. But the best of all is the limerick on your side bar, the one that ends "Front page, sporting section and all." Happy RT! :)

RA said...

I love the lady with red hair and lips with green suit and hat. A perfect choice for this special Ruby Tuesday :)! Best wishes.

soulbrush said...

great post mary, happy st pat's to you all.

Linnea said...

Funny story about the very old bottle of Bailey's! And great RT pics. Happy St. Pat's Day...

Amber Star said...

Top of the mornin' to ya, Mary. Love your RT and St. Pat's. 'Twas a pity about the Bailey's, but an excellent opportunity to purchase more.

JunieRose2005 said...

I enjoyed your post!

I have my red/green post up too!


Daryl said...

Happy St Pat's, Mary!

♥peachkins♥ said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day,Mary.

Mo and The Purries said...

The card made me chuckle.
Happy St. Patty's Day to you, Mary O'Teach!

I was at Lake Michigan to watch a sunset last night, and even though the sky didn't turn ruby red, the top of the St. Joe lighthouse is a bright red!

Columbo said...

Great Ruby Green Tuesday posting. I love the card. Have a great St. Patrick's Day.

Anonymous said...

Oh, ow, a sprained ankle! I am so sorry! Keep it elevated, of course. At least you can use the computer, if the pain meds don't make you too woozy.

I especially liked the artwork of the landscape on the label. Must have been a really nice painting. Good for you for rescuing it.

Happy St. Pat's Day! Luck o' the Irish to you!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Posted my red...with some greenage too

Sherrie said...

Hi Mary,
Hope your ankle is feeling better! My Ruby Tuesday is posted. It's all red. Like your St. Patrick's Day Card, that' really cute! Have a great day!!


me ann my camera said...

Your header photo is simply beautiful.

MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

I'm really enjoying ruby tuesday.
Hope that ankle feels good soon.

Jim said...

Golly, Mary. I hope your leg gets a lot better fast. Go to a doctor for sure. Is it swollen?
Happy RT with the Green,

The Cunning Runt said...

Aye, a Red Molly fer yer Boys! ;)

Happy St. Pats to ye, then!

Terry said...

Dear Mary T,
I just came here now and read about your leg.
I must read and find out what happened and see if you are OK...
Love Terry

Travis Cody said...

We take a minimalist approach to stocking our liquor. We tend not to keep much in the house and only stock up when we know we'll be entertaining.

And for any special drinks anyone likes, we ask them to bring the fixings. Saves us on money and spoilage!