Here's the LIMERICK I wrote for every one to have fun with by completing the last line, the PUNCH LINE as it were.
There was a young gent named Sam Markie
who decided to marry an Arkie*
he told her he owned
a mansion full-blown
she said "Sam, you're full of malarkey!"
*Arkie - migrant worker from Arkansas
Kathy of This Crazy Adventure I Call Life came up with
Wow! Was Kathy reading over my shoulder? Great job, Kathy!
Lew of Lew's Pics offered
"I think your proposal is murky"
Hey Lew, that's a good one!
Daryl of on the m104 tried out this
"did you hear a lark ay?"
Hey Daryl, you're a poet!
Vinny of The Big Leather Couch made me laugh with
"I want separate beds when it gets darkie"
Very cutesy, Vinny!
Tammy of Queen-sized Funny Bone wrote
There once was a blogger named Teach.....
Millions, her photo's have reached...
With camera in hand
as she travels the land....
who knows the next could be of the beach...
Thank you Tammy, I love taking photos and soon I will be on the beach doing just that! Your limerick is awesome!
Leora of Here in HP (Highland Park, New Jersey) wrote the following limerick and purposely didn't rhyme the last line.
There once was a blogger called Mary
She proposed limericks with Tom Dick and Harry
Some were quite good
And rhymed like they should
But others didn't.
Barlow Putz of Putz Blog wrote this one
once was a girlie named teach ex mary,who was soo very very merry...
so much a humanitarian,
she couldn't be libitarian or republican...
so she founded FAIRYLAND
What's funny about Barlow's limerick is that I am a librarian (I have my MLS; I'm not working now as a librarian) something he didn't know. He could have slipped that into his limerick and it would have rhymed... but I think he was commenting on my political persuasion. :)
Barlow also attempted a last line for my limerick
Well, there you have it. If any one else wants to write their own limerick I will have this post up 'til Saturday afternoon. Oh and you don't HAVE TO write your limerick about me! But I thank every one who did! :)
Thanks to all who participated. Here's a badge that you can post on your sidebar if you want:

There was a young gent named Sam Markie
who decided to marry an Arkie*
he told her he owned
a mansion full-blown
not a dog house complete with barky.