Hi Everybody! It's Ruby Tuesday again!

It was raining Sunday when I saw this Dodge Daytona parked a couple of blocks from my house. The RED rear window louvers caught my eye and I stopped my car and got out to take a few photos.
The louvers are supposed to give the car a retro look which I think they do. I can't tell what year the car is but here's what Wikipedia says about the Daytona:
The Dodge Daytona was a front-wheel drive hatchback based on the Chrysler G platform, which was derived from the Chrysler K platform. The Daytona was produced from 1984 to 1993.
The Daytona was restyled for 1987, and again for 1992. The Daytona was replaced by the 1995 Dodge Avenger, which was built by Mitsubishi Motors. The Daytona derives its name mainly from the Dodge Charger Daytona, which itself was named after the Daytona 500 race in Daytona Beach, Florida.
If anybody knows anything about classic cars I'd love to know more about this car. I inadvertently forgot to take shots of the front of the car, I was so enthralled with the RED louvers. Ha!
Please don't forget to leave a comment and sign Mr. Linky. You know I appreciate it when you do!
Sounds like me, hate to let a great capture get away. Thanks, Marry, for hosting Ruby Tuesday.
Ooooh I'm first? Cool photo! I need to find something to post and then I'll be back to sign the linky!
Happy RT!
Dear teach Mary,
This Dodge is not familiar to me, but wow, it was good looking.
Kind of a unisex car in black and red, and those curves!
I from a car loving family with a car loving husband, and Dodges has been present in all of my life.
My granddad had a Dodge 1936 for a taxi. In the fifties there were import restrictions on cars in Norway. We were lucky, cause the Dodge with the stalling ram had seven seats. Perfect for family trips.
Our little family of three, Gunnar, daughter Serina and I had a Dodge Tradesman, former used for a firefighter staff car.
It was shining red.
As soon as I retrieve those films I will publish "our" Dodge on Ruby Tuesday.
From Felisol
Hey! It's one of my home boys! Whaddya know about that.
I don't really know so much about the Daytona other than it ran the ubiquitous Mopar 2.2 liter four-cylinder so popular in its day. This was another attempt by Iacocca and Co. to move to a single platform that could be fitted up in multiple ways. They even tried to build a truck on the K-Car chassis (actually a truck/car hybrid like the El Camino) called the "Rampage". The K-car platform may not have been the greatest automotive achievement of the latter 20th Century, but it can be credited with pulling Chrysler's chestnuts out of the fire after a disastrous run of luck in the late 70's and early 80's.
Like most offerings out of Detroit in that era it was well-intentioned, but underpowered and pretty thoroughly overmatched by the competition from Toyota, Honda and Nissan. Mitsubishi was just entering the picture as an independent entity with mass-market appeal, even though they'd been in collaboration with Chrysler for years prior to the Stealth/3000GT joint venture.
If Felisol is unfamiliar with this model, it may be that Dodge gave it a different name in Europe. This is a common enough practice in any case, but the name "Daytona" would have more of an appeal in the American market than elsewhere in the world. Of course, it's also possible that Chrysler -- being not so very far removed from a near death experience in the US Bankruptcy Court opted not to market the Daytona in Europe.
Now there's a car owner who loves red. Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Dear teach Mary,
Can you please delete my first link. I've tried to do it better this time.
From Felisol
Well, this car sure is an eye catcher! Love it that you forgot to take a photo of the front of the car. LOL (Hey! What am I laughing at, eh?!)
For me, it evoques those cars shown in old TV series. Certainly the car of collector.
Very stylish in Black and Red.
Happy Ruby Tuesday, Mary.
Those red louvers make the car don't they.
A terrific find Mary!
I had my husband look at your photo and it appears to be the Shelby version of the Daytona and most likely late 80's.
I laughed at Mojo's comment cause my thoughts when I saw the NC plate was that he was in your neighborhood.
My post is at Carletta’s Captures.
there really is something magnetic about a black car with red trim. have a good tuesday!
hey everybody, it's ruby tuesday again,,,, well if every tuesday is ruby then why does not the putz get on board???????/
me too,, whenever I see something red,,I have to take a snap of it ,,, so I can join in..... Humm,, Im not good with cars.....
it's my first time to join. hope i'm doing this right. :)
Hello again, teach Mary,
My link #8 doesn't work either. # 16 does.
If you would be so kind?
From Felisol
The Daytona is another iteration of Chrysler's K-Car, and was the best looking of all of them. The red louvers are a tad garish for my tastes...
Nice car! I'll have to show these photos to Jake.
I'm reminded of those arcade Daytona games :P
Happy Ruby Tuesday Mary {HUGS}
I think I went on a date in one of these cars. Very unusual to see the bright red paint job. Great shots, even if you didn't get the front!
Unique color of the car. Happy Ruby Tuesday to everyone.
I remember that Dodge Daytona. Maybe from the 1980's Great capture Mary.
Cool car for Ruby Tuesday!
so cool and unique color, nice for Ruby Tuesday..
I like! The perfect amount of red!
Such a great picture for RT. Have a wonderful day.
Hmmm, I'm not exactly sure that I like the louvers, never mind that they are red. I wonder if it is difficult to see out the back?
Tink *~*~*
NEW at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* :
One RED Thing From Each Walt Disney World Park
I knew Ralph wouldn't like those louvers. Garish indeed, yet a perfect photo subject for Ruby Tuesday!
Have a great RT, Mary.
What an absolutely fantastic set of photos!
The contrasts and textures are fantastic.
I had the same thought Tink did--how do they see out the back window? Sure makes for a sharp looking car though.
Now that is something else! I don't think I've seen this sort of color combination before. It definitely stands out doesn't it?! Very cool.
I've written a letter to my postman here in addition to my Ruby Tuesday photo.
wow...that is cool car :D
My entry for RT this week : in HERE. Hope you have time to visit . Thanks
Funny that you forgot to take pictures of the front, no red there!
That is a cute car..I always wanted an all red car...some day...
It's a very nice picture for Ruby Tuesday, but this red thing on the back side I don't like at all. I have seen Dodges in the States, but they are not sold in Europe.
Nice photos Mary. Bring back memories. Have a great Ruby Tuesday, and thanks for hosting.
Doing good here, Mary. This guy is traveling incognito. People look at his rear (red louvers) and his front gets ignored.
That's why you didn't take any pictures of the front. Had the driver been sitting in the car it would have taken you quite a while to even notice him.
“Old Lady Clark didn’t know what the strange lady in the middle of the street was doing. All she knew was that it was odd. She had been minding her own business sitting in her rocker watching the street like she did every morning when this crazy lady had suddenly stopped her car in the middle of the street. Old Lady Clark watched, her scowl growing every sterner, as the woman in the brightly colored dress got out of her idling car and started taking pictures of the Davison’s old ugly car. Something about the back of the monstrosity seemed to give the amateur photographer a sense of glee and Old Lady Clark could hear the giggling through the closed windows…..”
Sorry Mary, I couldn’t resist. I hope the neighbors didn’t think you were casing the car :P
I think I should ask my husband, he knows a lot more about cars! But what I do know is that it was perfect for a Ruby Tuesday, and that's what it's all about huh? Mine is up now too!
Looks like a great car to drive with!
Man, we're talkin' RED there with those louvres. Wow! Excellent RT post. Maybe next week I'll post a red car I got to take a photo of once. But today is a giant red sculpture, or part of it.
I don't know what car this is until I read the comments. :)
I'm amused at the red louvres. I have seen cars with curtains sewn in its interior.
that's a cool car!
Oh my! That's an interesting looking car.
Utterly intrigued by that car! I have never seen one like this before! Very retro!
I like the lines of that car and the Ruby of course. Interesting how Ruby pops up when you least expect it. I am a "stop the car, I gotta get that shot", person too! Hope your RT is going very well. :)
I just love that you got out of your car to take pictures of that car lol so cool and much braver than I would be! I'd be afraid of getting in trouble :) You did good though! Happy Ruby Tuesday Mary!
What a snazzy car! I don't know anything about cars, especially not Daytonas. Funny though...I too posted a pic of a car for RT! Thanks for hosting once again!
pretty snazzy car ;)
I love the last shot, I wonder what kind of shadows those things make inside the car
LOL!! I didn't see Linnea's comment until after I submitted my own
apparently "snazzy" is a good way to describe that car ;)
Hi Mary,
I'm not a classic car person. I do like to look at them but that's about as far as it goes. Nice looking car!! Mine is posted. Have to go back to work early today, so I'll be back this evening to catch up on comments. Have a great day!!
LOL! That's funny! I wonder what the cops think about those louvers? Seems like they might be along the same lines as tinted windows... it certainly does draw one's attention though! Hope you get some good info on them -- I know NOTHING! :)
That car looks like it would have a teenage boy behind the wheel. :D
Happy Ruby Tuesday to you!
Can always spot the red!
what a fabadabadoo photo, hugs to you mary.
I haven't participated in Ruby Tuesday for a while.. glad to be back.
Great looking retro car. Love all the red.
The black and white picture up at the top is really cool, too. :)
Hi Mary and everyone,
First I must say that I love that car. What a fantastic capture for Ruby Tuesday.
Now I would like to apologize for not being here this week.
I have a slipped disc in my lower spine and I was out and down all day yesterday.
I am still taking pain medication and truly feel completely wacky. I hate to take them but this time it is hurting pretty bad.
I just didn't think it would be fair of me to post this late and not be able to visit everyone.
But, I will be here next Monday night and get a post up.
I do so hope you will forgive on this one.
I will get my post up for Thursday's challenge tomorrow night.
Thanks bunches!!
Your photography rocks the Ruby Tuesday world Mary!!! Mines up now!! :D
How very 'kewl' ... great find this week! I'm late to publish but did play at Happily Retired Gal ... finally!
Hugs and blessings,
Dear Mary T
The little red car took one look at this baby and it was love at first sight!
Boy even the state license cooperated, eh?
It is Mr. and Mrs. Jim's 36th anniversary. Can't you hear all of the excitement coming from Texas!
I was just about to write you a few hours ago but I fell soundly to sleep!
Have a great rest of the week...Love Terry
PS...the TV volume is down but I see your president talking.
He was really received well in Canada last week.
Great Rubiciousness, and truer in hue than mine!
I haven't seen a Dodge Daytona in ages! Brings back memories of a certain weekend when my then-fiance and I rented one and drove to FL from IN for a quick holiday...
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