Vinny brought home a couple of apples over the weekend. He put them down on the kitchen table. They were in a plastic bag. I looked at the bag, picked it up, handled the apples and got an idea.
You might be asking yourself why he bought only 2 apples but that's a story for another time. :)
I took the apples upstairs to our bedroom where I have a flat decorative mirror on top of my dresser. I set the apples on the mirror and took macro photos from different angles.
I took the first two photos using the AUTO setting on my Canon A710 IS digital point-and-shoot with the flash on. I stood off to the side so I wouldn't get a flash reflection in the mirror.

For the last shot I used a flashlight shining from the left for a different effect.
So how do you like them apples?
What will you post for Ruby Tuesday?
What will you post for Ruby Tuesday?
How about Thanksgiving decorations or foods? I consider these apples Thanksgiving-related photos because, after all, people put apples in stuffing and make apple pie for Thanksgiving dessert, right?
I look forward to whatever you want to post for Ruby Tuesday. But please sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment. You know I appreciate it.
And try to visit other participants - they love getting visitors!
Dear teach Mary,
I do like the way you have experimented with mirrors. lights and angles.
You are teaching and inspiring all the time.
Hope the apples tasted as good as they looks.
From Felisol
Thanks again for RT.
My Ruby Tuesday will be up in less than an hour, Mary!
We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Belgium, so I can't really post anything related to that. But I would not wan to miss RT because of that!
Your photo is definitely tastier than mine.
But mine's just as red!
These apples look fine, being one of many tasty red varietals, such as Rome, Fuji, Mac, and so on. The look of many even tho there is few is a nice photo effect!
Yum! I LOVE apples, especally Empires and Cortlands.
Canadians celebrated Thanksgiving in October. Our harvest occurs WAY before November. ;-)
I like the first shot the best. There's nothing more "gooder" than fresh apples.
Those are beautiful photos! I could almost taste them, and I wanted to take a big bite :O)
The last one is the best for me. Good idea ! and red :-) No Thanksgiving here in Flanders (Belgium), but of course no lack of reds.
Those apples look tasty !
Those look yummy! Mrs. Jim brought home four.
The reason Vinny only brought two was for your to do an object lesson in math. You not being a math teacher he did not want to tax your ability. So two.
Your lesson can show that two plus two equal four (2 + 2 = 4). Two on the mirror and two reflections, count them to get four.
Oh yes, I didn't find Thanksgiving things, we will go out to eat that day.
I don't have to add Mrs. Jim's four apples, they are four all by themselves just for the counting.
If I study my addition tables real well then next time they could serve as my Thanksgiving Ruby Tuesday subject.
I do like them apples and good photo study's! mine is food but not my exact idea of Thanksgiving
What a lovely idea this is.
Thanks for it all.
We don't have Thanksgiving here in Israel either so I posted something associated with Israel.
Very clever Mary, I never would have thought of that..
New Rambling Woods Site
I love those apples :D, nice shots!!
Not participating this week, but very impressive nonetheless.
I like them apples. Way to go in getting creative with the photographing them :0)
Happy ruby Tuesday to you Mary!!
I love them apples!!!
The reflections are wonderful.
I have a little something for you over at Forks Off the Moment :)
Mmm I love apples! And I agree with you, very festive fall food : )
I have a teeny tiny RT this week… but even the little things count yes?
Happy RT!
Those apples look juicy.
dem apples are grand! :D I like the last shot the best.
I have a shot of a little red caboose today!
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
I love apples - nice and healthy food!
Wanna try Singapore Sling?
Happy RT!
I like how you showed the different apple options. Pretty and yummy. :D My daughter looked at them twice - Sarah does enjoy apples.
I did not post apples - I posted kids, but in some of the shots there are some Christmas balls that look like apples.
Happy day to you!
The apples are gorgeous. Way to pretty to eat.
gorgeous... love the reflection!
Nice shots of the apple Mary.
Reminds that I should really start giving my kids an apple a day. To keep the doctors away..
My daughter is currently in hospital :(
I also like them apples, Mary!
Those are creative reflection photos.
Thanks for bringing so much Ruby red to our attention!
I love the last photo! I really like how the background is dark, but the reflection is intact.
I'll bet you had a lot of fun experimenting and playing with those apples! The resulting photos are lovely.
I missed the memo about the Thanksgiving theme, but I'll try for one next time.
I love apples too! Happy thanksgiving to you Mary, God bless us always..
I love the way they seem to feed off of each other to show the beautiful red apples. a pity to eat them.
catching up! ;)
it's xmas at starbucks! check out my entry this week.
I love them apples. Wonderful shots! They look delicious too. Hope they were as good eating as they were photo subjects. Oops... I didn't do anything thanksgiving-y... except that I'm doing gratitude posts all this month, and I combined that with Ruby Tuesday, so that's thanks giving in a way...
Well done, all you need is a couple of apples and a mirror to take nice pictures.:-)
I like them apples! The last one especially. And I posted yet another photo of red, red leaves. Can't let them go, although the trees did.
Your shot gives those apples almost a mystic effect! Most intriguing!
I love mirrors and love your experiments with those beautiful apples!!
Happy Tuesday!
your apple experiment looks great. my ruby tuesday post is up.
Delicious looking apples. I like the third shot best.
No Thanksgiving holiday here, but I did go for food-related. Come see how I buy produce here in Israel :).
Those apples do look good, and the way you have photographed them is fantastic! My RT is up now, have a great day :-)
Yummy looking photos and fun how you used mirrors and a flashlight! :) Over at mine I got ruby ribbons, ancient trees and little stone lions..
I like your apple photos. I really like the one with the flashlight shining on it. My Ruby Tuesday is posted. You can see it here:
Take Care!!
What a great idea, I love reflection shots.
I don't celebrate thanksgiving, so I will look for food related photo to post.
Great photos! I didn’t post about Thanksgiving (maybe next week) but my post does involve food. ;) Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Heidi Jo the Artist
A really cool set of images Mary. Great idea. Those apples look scrumptious!
Happy RT.
The picture with the reflections is my favorite.
I have an early Poinsettia.
I have nothing Thanksgiving related but I hope you visit anyway!
Love the shiny apples, Mary. Yum.
Very creative Mary. I love how you play with apples, Eve!
Here, no Thanksgiving, just a little bit of RED food too, waiting for my visitors.
Happy Ruby Tuesday, Mary!
Oh, I just love that last one!! Great idea!
My entry is about apples too.
And thanks for the photo tip. Haven't tried this, will do.
i love the last shot!! here's my entry for this week :)
Interesting apple studies :)
Hi Mary,
Beautiful photos, and your comment "how do you like them apples" really tugged at my heart. Many times, I had heard my Dad say those very words!
Love participating in R.T.
How'dya like them apples?
Great shots, really imaginative, but they kept the crisp, fresh look too.
Very appetizing! I could bite in them right away !
I am in Egypt right now and enjoy the wonderful weather 82 ° and sunshine !!
Love these apple series. I love apples.
My RubyTuesday is here.
I love experimenting with photos like this. Your apples turned out really nice. Tasty.
Love the last photo, it's perfection!
Excellent use of two apples...I started to read and had to stop I did what
Oh not me Vinny...he Vinny!
I thought them there apples was pretty (aka purty) doggone cool!
Wish I had you're creativity!
I love the way the light shines on them! They look mighty inviting.
What a beautiful concept, setting this up on a mirror. Very saleable in stock.
sorry for the late posting...but mine is up! lovely reds on those apples!!!
Oh! Lovely pictures Teach! Are those gala apples by chance?
I love these Mary! Especially the last one.
You must one day tell us the story of why only two apples. :)
Teach, a little bit late, but my post is also about fruits...
Dear Mary T
Your little animal face tells me that it is ten to twelve and I can't believe that I finished my Ruby Tuesday on time!
Your apples look so scrumptious.
And oh the reflections. I love reflections!!
Have a great Wednesday because Tuesday is almost already gone...Love Terry
PS..I have only had a chance to comment on two ruby Tuesday friends[yours and my Felisol's ] but I will do the rest tomorrow..
Oh, those look delish!
I'm late this week...but wanted to join in anyway ... better late than never, eh? ;)
Hi Mary, My 10th is now up. It's a signage. i wish to have a red food that is thanksgiving day related. :)
Happy Tuesday!
It's finally posted, a red hot meal!
Your apples do look yummy!
I love reflected photos. They have so much depth.
loved the last pic the best
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