Monday, November 10, 2008

Ruby Tuesday



This painting (in color) hangs over my sofa in my living room. I thought I'd like to experiment with it on this Ruby Tuesday by changing it to black & white using a photo-editing software. I used Photobucket software which is online at to desaturate everything except the RED flower, a carnation, I think.

Here's the original photograph:


Tell me if you like the effect in the comments.

Next week I thought we might post Thanksgiving photos that have RED in them. Turkeys, cornucopias, table settings. If you have them. Otherwise feel free to post anything with RED.

THEN the week after that we can begin posting HOLIDAY photos for Christmas and Hanukkah.

Don't forget to sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment. And to visit others.

Try to leave me your e-mail address if you can. It'll make it easier for me to answer your comments!


I'm sooo sorry I didn't put up a Mr. Linky. But it's up now. Thanks for commenting anyway!


Mojo said...

I rather suspect that's a chrysanthemum, especially if the origin of the painting is Japanese. Mums are very popular in Japan, and were actually worn as unit insignia by some of the troops defending Iwo Jima during the American invasion.

I'm back with more nautical stuff for R/T this week. Enjoy!

Ruby Tuesday #12: Coming Home

Felisol said...

Dear teach Mary,
I like the effects. The red Georgine(?) came out more specific this way. So very appropriate for a Ruby Tuesday.
Maybe I could try something similar in photoshop?
Have a nice Ruby Tuesday. Looking forward to meet Mr. Linkey.
From Felisol

Ralph said...

The first photo is striking as the flower in bloom stands out far more - like the first colors of spring you may see in April up North. The ruby you have been waiting for through snow and cold for months. The original print is beautiful with all the colors present, yet the first one seems to offer a more special view.

marLou said...

The first one is fun and a nice effect but I think both are interesting in their own way.

I don't see Mr. Linky. I'll try later but mine is up.

Anonymous said...

bonjour a vous

 gmirage said...

Each a different view. Lovely cloth!

Anonymous said...

I love them too:) Will go back later.Mines up!

Pia K said...

A nice effect, but I'm more fond of the original picture. Lovely painting btw.

Here's my RT post

I'm too looking forward to meet Mr Linky again:)

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun working with the effects like that. I like it. My ruby is up too but I don't see a linky. I'll come back later and see it appears. My link with my name will work...

Catherine said...

A nice idea for R/T.
Very fine painting and poetic drawing.
To take out colors, I could have sent you my children who would make your sofa entirely grey with no help of photoshop technic, just with a kind of inner facility they have : )
Remind to never invite us at your home! They wouldn't left any flowers, red or whatever color.

Maggie Moo said...

I do like the effects-I use a similar application in Picasa. Neat what technology can do, huh?

That said-I like the full color picture better-it's very pretty!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Teacher Mary! I always wonder how they desaturate part of the photo I got tips from you and will try it myself. :-) The flower is beautiful. Is it Dahlia? looks like one. Happy Tuesday!

My entry is up. :-)

EG CameraGirl said...

Cool Photobucket effect. I think I need to play over at Photobucket for a while too. ;-)

Yoohooo, Mr. Linky? Where you be? (tee hee)

Maria's Space said...

Happy Tuesday everyone/

Olga said...

I like what you did with the picture! Definitely brings more emphasis to the red flower.

Snowbird said...

It's interesting but I guess I'm a color person and like the original better. But it is a beautiful picture either way.

DrillerAA said...

I do like the effect. I haven't used it recently in my PhotoShop Elements program, but I may do something soon. I don't really have a Ruby Tuesday this week. I focused on Veteran's Day instead. I'll be back to RT soon.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

Pretty botanicals are so lovely No Mr Linky?

Anonymous said...

the red stands out when everything around her is B&W! Beautiful flower painting. :)

Got some assorted "reds" as my entry today. :)

happy Tuesday!

♥peachkins♥ said...

I like the effects but I like the colored photo of the painting too..

Mines up!Will make rounds later!

Jim said...

Hi Mary, this is a nice one for black and white although I like the color better. Adi and Katrin couldn't tell any difference (they both are color blind dogs).
I do think for a living room I would prefer the color.
I am at
since I can't find Mr. Linky.

me ann my camera said...

I love red and by isolating the colour its a great way to draw attention to details.

Anonymous said...

Mary, you're getting very good with all the PhotoShop applications.
It has always appear to me that one will need a degree in PhotoShop to utilise it! *lol*

Happy Ruby Tuesday!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Can't find Mr. Linky.


~Just Me Miranda~ said...

Beautiful shot.....glad Im not loosing it. I couldnt find Mr Linky.

judi/Gmj said...

Up and running, I think it is peone. :D Anyway I like the effect.

storyteller said...

I find the effect interesting, but methinks I prefer the original. My 11th Ruby Tuesday is at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,

MYM said...

Very pretty, and very creative of you!

I can't find Mr Linky either ... hmmm...

Anonymous said...

love the color effetc , i also do that once in a while happy RT.

here's mine:

Kaylia Metcalfe said...

I love the contrast of the b/w and th red... very very nice. hadn't ever thought of doing something like that... hmmm ideas...

My Ruby Tuesday is up over here but I don't see Mr. Linky for some reason tonight.

Oh.... and I feel a bit cheater-like for posting it on a MONDAY but since you all did it... well... "everyone else is doing it" seems kind of an odd thing to say, but then again, that is how Memes are born yes?

Ok, enough babble from me... my RT is up and a bit diff this week :)

Desert Songbird said...

Not participating this week, but I wanted to let you know that I like the re-touch you did with this. Very striking.

Unknown said...

I like the effect. It really makes the red in the chrysanthemum (I'm with Mojo on this) pop.

I'll be posting my Ruby Tuesday shortly.

Gattina said...

That gives a wonderful effect ! Good idea, I have to try that too.
I can't find Mr. Linky !!

Unknown said...

that's a great idea!

Dora said...

I'm not participating this week also but will do it next week. Happy RT!

It Meows #7 and It Meows #8

donna said...

I couldnt find Mr. Linky either...but my post is up...

I prefer the original...the others are nice too, just prefer the original...

Queen-Size funny bone said...

I like them both.

Kaylia Metcalfe said...

Wait wait wait…. Mr Linky… isn’t up?

Someone really ought to leave Mary a comment and let her know :P

I think I have to say that I like the b/w with the red better… it is more striking and the contrast bring your eye to the focus of the flower.

And yes, I am procrastinating working on my “real work”

-le sigh-

Karen Coutu said...

I really like the black and white version better!!

Here is my Ruby Tuesdays post . . .

magiceye said...

the effect definitely highlights what you want to - the ruby red chrysanthemum! beautiful!!

Robin said...

Very pretty painting, and I like the effect. It really makes the flower pop.

Here's mine, it takes a look at today's mayoral elections here in Israel:

Elections writ small

Heidi Jo the Artist said...

I love the black and white with the red color in the flower. I just recently learned how to do this technique in Photoshop, it is so much fun to play with color or lack there of…Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Heidi Jo the Artist

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Hi Maryt. I really like the picture with the color... and I also really like the black & white with the one red flower. Both have their own place, and both are beautiful.

I have what I think is a very special post up for today... November 11th.

Alice at I Was Born2Cree8

Dirkjogt said...

Nice done, nice effect!

Felisol said...

Dear teach Mary,
I sincerely hope you are well and not too exhausted by all your bloggers. From Felisol

Sherrie said...

Hi Mary,
I couldn't find Mr. Linky. My Ruby Tuesday is posted here:
I like both of your photos. They are beautiful either way. Take Care!!


Ken said...

Great job.

Here is my Ruby Tuesday.

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Nice job, Mary. I think the flower (judging by the foliage) is a Tree Peony. The technique you used is called 'selective coloring'. I have a Geranium for both Ruby Tuesday and Wordless Wednesday.

Jientje said...

Hi Mary!! I'm very late today, but at least it's up now! I have an interesting "how to" for a nice fall decoration. Looking forward to visit the others!

Anonymous said...

I don't see Mr. Linky! I like the effect of the selective coloring. Well done.

Mine is up at

Jan said...

I like the effect, but the original gets my vote. Here's my link, in lieu of Mr. Linky:
email: rjprytz at hotmail dot com

Patti said...

The first one is surely more dramatic, but I think I prefer the original with the colors.

I can't find Mr. Linky.

Patti said...

Don't know if this will work, it looks like it is going outside the frame..

Anonymous said...

great job on the photo editing :)

here's my entry for this week

Gemma Wiseman said...

Very beautiful colour effects! Amazing what different moods can result from varying colours!

Here is my Ruby Tuesday this week!

Racing or Rocking Balance

Gemma Wiseman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Terry said...

Good morning Mary T
When I look at both pictures, I kind of like the idea of making the main subject color, but when I look at the second picture, I like it better.Of course, you know that I love blue and that tender little blue flower is so delicate.
And the greenish blue tints in the leaves...How nice!
I guess the white flower looks just as good in either or!
Have a great day!
I wonder if you really realize what an encouragement you are in my makng more posts?
Probably not, eh? Terry

Maggie Moo said...

Hi Mary!

I don't see a Mr. Linky for today, so I'm leaving a comment telling you my Ruby Tuesday post is up!

Have a great day!!!

Dianne said...

Yo Mr. Linky! Where are ya!!?

My entry is here

I love what you did with your painting photos! When I do that I get color bleeding over, not sure why but I've never tried it in Photobucket, I usually use Picasa.

Happy Tuesday All

and Mr. Linky should be docked for today ;)

Susan G. said...

Great Effect ! Mine is up

Elizabeth said...

What a delight!
So happy to have discovered your site.
We have similar taste in books too.

Elizabeth said...

I'd like to join Ruby Tuesday today if I may

Julie said...

I have always loved pictures enhanced with subtle coloring. A splash of pink on lips or a captivating eye color on black and white is so fun!

Rambling Woods said...

I don't know anything other than it is a beautiful flower....My post is controversial I guess...

Rambling Woods

Shasta said...

I love the effect in black and white, it's beautiful!

I don't see Mr. Linky but I'm playing along.

Terry said...

Dear Mary T... wrote out this comment and forgot to put it in some how.
I always read your other people's comments after I write you one and there is something I want to know. Who in tarnaton is Mr. Linky?

Ken said...

Great selective desat ... did I mess something? Where is Mr. Linky?

Anonymous said...

You processed the photo well. My personal preference however is the original painting. I'm also very fond of chinese paintings. My RT post can be found on my blog.

Unknown said...

I'm not sure if it's me losing my mind or what but I've had a lot of trouble with Mr. Linky. Not just here but at other sites as well.

Right now I can't find it at all to enter my photo for RT. :-( And I see no one else's entries linked either.

Any help you can give, please email

Anyway, mine is up

Kimmie said...

Hi Mary!
I think the contrast is just beautiful! I would love to learn how to desaturate, I will have to play around with it. I use PB Effects alot in my photo editing.

I may do R/T next week, but if not I will be back doing it and all the other memes after my recovery from a major surgery I am having next Tuesday.

I restarted my blog, it has the same name but the link has a digit change.

Missed You My Mary!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Great shot....

My Ruby Tuesday is subtle as we honor the Veterans and military from the US and Canada

Hallie said...

Thats a really pretty flower.
I'm playing along too!!

Anonymous said...

I really like them both altough in the b&w the red sticks out in a gorgeous way.. Happy Tuesday! :o)

Anonymous said...

I am not playing today but I wanted to tell you I love the effect on the red carnation!! thanks for the link, I have been looking for an online software to do this!
Happy Tuesday!

Raven said...

Beautiful in the original and in black and white.

Anonymous said...

i totally love it! the effect is very nice...and the message it evokes..which for me is HOPE!

Anonymous said...

yep. i still use photobucket's helpful editing software. basic, simple and easy to use.

enjoy the rest of the week!

Haley H said...

The flower really pops with the treatment you gave the photo. I like it. Happy Ruby Tuesday~

Julie said...

Oh thanks for putting the linky I can find more Ruby Tuesday people! YAY!

Durward Discussion said...

I like the one you created even better than the original. It is very dramatic with just the splash of red.

Anonymous said...

that's pretty good, I love the effects, very beautiful...

Askew To You said...

I like your experimentation. Very interesting. :D

Hey Harriet said...

I Love your Ruby Tuesday meme. Even though I've not participated yet, I've really enjoyed looking at all the Ruby Tuesday shots on many of my fave blogs!

And red is my fave colour! :)

Terry said...

Always so nice to click on "workofthepoet" and see your pretty smiling face, green glasses and all!
I guess I met Mr. Linky after all Mary T. and never knew I had!
Thanks for your visits Terry