I want to THANK everyone for making Ruby Tuesday a very successful meme this year! It's been my pleasure to host this meme for you and I look forward to continuing to host especially at this time of the year - THE HOLIDAYS!
Starting next week feel free to post holiday photos with a little RED or a lot. You can post for Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, or Winter solstice.
Don't forget to leave a comment and sign Mr. Linky. And try to visit our Ruby Tuesday participants.
omg, I'm first ;)
Thank you for having this weekly: it helps me to pay attention to my surroundings!
Happy Thanksgiving, Mary! Have a delightful holiday with your family.
Thanks for this wonderful meme, though I dont celebrate any I hope I could still post photos not related to the holidays. Have a nice week!
Happy Thanksgiving to you Mary! Thanksgiving is not a tradition in Belgium but I would like it to be!
My post will be up in an hour and fifteen minutes from now, I am using the planner option.
What a wonderful gathering Mary! Have a great Thanksgiving celebrating with your loved ones!!
Happy Thanksgiving Mary to you and your family!
Many Blessings!
That is a thankful group, with a wonderful Thanksgiving tablescape. Happy Thanksgiving, teach!
We don't have thanksgiving here, but of course we don't forget to say thank you every now and then.
mary thanks for sharing your family and thanks for Ruby Tuesday. It has helped me a lot in the fact I am no longer afraid to turn my camera on something red.
I hope you have a great Thanksgiving, Mary!
I hope you know how much I enjoy this meme. Red is such a happy colour!!
That sure looks like a wonderful warm and cozy family feast ! I'm also looking forward to the holidays photos of next month.
And a very happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Ruby Tuesday is a delight and should experience 'lift off' during December, for all those very different holiday celebrations.
Hi Mary!
Nice family photos.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
For me, 'Tis the Season means hockey season! But I had to go for at least one more shot of the beach. Sort of. Because any time is the right time for the beach!
Happy Thanksgiving, you are so much fun to visit! Holidays are going to be exciting here. :D
Happy Thanksgiving Mary. What a lovely collage, it really captures the essence of the holiday. Your new header photo is beautiful too.
Since Thanksgiving isn't a holiday here, we'll be doing our own celebrating with friends this Saturday.
wow thats one good looking yummy spread.
Happy Thanksgiving, Mary! to you and yours, may it be a delightful one! We all have so much to be thankful for!
I looked for "red" everywhere I went but somehow managed not to get a shot at a thing this week. So, to the archives...and there I found a
Dear teach Mary,
Looks like you are having a wonderful thanksgiving celebration.
All the happy faces! Bet this year is crowned with an extra thank.
Also momentous Christmas tree on the head picture.
Wow. Is that really yours?
I guess we are more simple in our way of decoration and celebration.
Sunday 30th we will celebrate 1 of four Sundays in Advent.
I am looking forwards to that.
One single candle lit.
From Felisol
wow! what a happy family, happy thanksgiving Mary! God bless...
What a great series of family photos! The feast looks yummy too!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Looks like a fun family!
I had a hard time finding anything red for Thanksgiving. And no, we won't eat here (Berryhill's Mexican Restaurant) for Thanksgiving.
Instead we will eat at the Black Eyed Pea Restaurant in Katy, Texas.
I'm having chicken fried steak, Texas style.
Again, Happy Thanksgiving from the Jim's Little Blog characters!
Happy Thanksgiving my dear Mary!! {HUGS}
Mine will be up at midnight :o) Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
i can't wait to start posting "holiday themed" entries :)
my entry is up...Ruby Tuesday : My Lappie Bag
X'mas is coming soon...Have u started preparation? ;)
For this week, i'm sharing some info which i have gathered from a book about Kimchi.
Hope u like it. Cheers and have a great week!
Hi everyone! Looking forward to seeing all that wonderful RUBY red this week!
This week, I bring you Red Stuff from the Maharajah Jungle Trek at Disney's Animal Kingdom °o°
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
Happy Thanksgiving teacher Mary! we're not celebrating thanksgiving so I cannot share a thanksgiving photo but I hope my entry would do for RT.
Have a great Tuesday!
Thanks for hosting! Happy Thanksgiving. I stopped celebrating when I moved away from the U.S., but I've always kind of missed it (or maybe it's because That Guy I Married is British, and, you know, they've never really forgiven us...)
Happy Day of Thanks Mary and everyone else!
My RT is up.. and as usual it isn’t the usual :P
My first Ruby Tuesday. What fun! Now I'll be tuned into all things red.
hehehe... I posted a "little" holiday THIS week! I see you did too! :) DO have a very very Happy Thanksgiving Mary! And enjoy those days off from school!
Lovely, happy scenes of celebration! Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday!
What a big, beautiful family you have there! Here's wishing you a happy holiday, and sending you a big Thank You for hosting Ruby Tuesday.
Looking forward for the R-T photo's. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Belgium, just Christmas and New Year of course.
Happy thanksgiving to you ! what a bad season for the turkeys, lol !
Dear Mary T
Well I have managed another Ruby week.
I really don't know how I have been doing it but I think that I have determination. It has been such a busy week!
Usually it takes me a few hours to do a Ruby Post..
Thank you again for your Ruby Tuesday and I wish to you a very thankful Thanks Giving...Love Terry
Tomorrow I will have to catch up with looking at the others and commenting..
Happy Thanksgiving!! I went straight to the Advent time as we do not celebrate Thanksgiving.
Have a wonderful holiday!!
Bonjour Mary,
Oh! you get the sense of family meal!
It makes us want to make part of that family!
Great. Happy Thanksgiving, Mary.
And thanks to host this funny and pleasant Tuesday.
I have posted a collage of our Thanksgiving last year. I think is has enough red to qualify for Ruby Tuesday. Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Take Care!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all out there, and have a wonderful day!
Mary, I just love your header. It's so festive!
what a beautiful table setting. and look at all the beautiful people surrounding that table!!
I am thankful for you Mary. Your hosting this and Sepia Scenes makes me a better photographer.
And knowing you makes me a better person.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Hey hey......Wow...look how long the Ruby Tuesday link got!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours....great photo!
Thanks for sharing!
Mary, a great collection of family photos. Looks as if everyone is having a grand time.
You certainly have created a wonderful meme in Ruby Tuesday, Mary!
I jumped the gun this week and have a little Wren's Nest holiday vignette for you!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and your family!
What a wonderful family gathering this looks to me. Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you Ruby Tuesday participants!
This is the first week that Purrchance To Dream has participated in Ruby Tuesday ~ come check out little Pete Underfeet in his RED tent!
Happy Thanksgiving Mary. I love your Thanksgiving collage. But your new Christmas header is beautiful. Really gets one in the mood for the holidays.
happy thanksgiving to you! looks like a festive gathering!
Happy Thanksgiving to you Mary and to all the Ruby Tuesday participants! Mine's up (finally) albeit a bit late. I have enjoyed the Ruby Tuesday meme and participated as often as possible ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Happy Thanksgiving from Juneau, Alaska!:)
Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your family.
Enjoying another Ruby Tuesday!!!
Such a family is indeed something to be thankful for, non?
I'll be having Dinner #2 with Pagan Sphinx and our (3!) Gurrrlz on the weekend.
Have a Happy and Thankful Thanksgiving, Mary!
Happy Thanksgiving to you to, Mary!
I didn't get my act together this week, I'm afraid. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Looks from the photo like your family knows how to do it with joy and love.
Happy Thanksgiving Mary...
<3 Mags
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
I may be a bit late....although it's still Tuesday here; but my fisrt Ruby Tuesday is up!
I'm so glad I've found this...I'm going to pay a lot more attention now to what I photograph!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
bella :)
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