Mo's word for today which is also Cyber Monday (for online shopping) is
I thought it might be fun to see some cartoons about men shopping.

(The caption says "Which do ya think would look best on our bathroom floor?)

Here are a couple of shopping web sites you might like:
11 Most Expensive Sh*t You'll Ever Need
Unexpectedly Funny Shopping Bags
10 Top Online Shopping Sites
Comparison shopping
The cartoons were hilarious particularly the towels on the floor as that is a battle fought constantly around here.
The expensive stuff is pretty hilarious as well. It sort of brings new meaning to "more money than brains"
"Hold my purse while I try this on"...Isn't that what men are for when shopping? That and credit cards?
Loved them, even if they're not factual. You see, I mastered shopping long ago. It becomes so easy for men if they remember two words:
'Yes, dear' :-)
Love the cartoons! after looking at prices around Seattle, we decided to forget gifts and just be glad my son/Adam's brother will be here for Christmas! That's the only gift I need or want!
Ha! LOVE the cartoons. But chocolates for $1,500,000? Oh, I guess with the jewelry it's actually a bargain. ;-)
Thanks for the chuckles this afternoon ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
The only place my husband shops is Best Buy, Circuit City, Radio Shack, and they don't have towels. LOL
I absolutely LOVE the funny shopping bags...they totally rock!
Typical men.
My bathroom towels look GREAT on the floor.
Sometimes I hardly even notice!
(oops, wait, forget I said that)
What I meant to say is, I never leave my bathroom towels on the floor and I always hang them up promptly and I always hand-pick every scrap of lint off them and...
Very good Teach! I prefer to shop alone...or with my daughter. No men! NO No no! Never worked! Not for shopping!
Thanks for the plug!
To have my humble little shop listed with the top ten online shopping sites is kinda cool.
lol! thank you for the smiles
Good stuff Mary! :D
What an utterly amazing post! I adored it! And I am not one who enjoys shopping at all!
I laughed sooooooo hard on the towel shopping cartoon. But thing is, that isn't MY dear hubby. He's the neat freak. Actually, that is comical too, but I won't get into it here.
Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving celebration Mary.
Happy Monday to you! I have a little bit of Christmas on my blog too, today.
That second one is priceless! Reminds me of myself!
Great idea for a post. Love the cartoons. Though I've never seen my husband hiding in the clothes rack. He has on occasion held my purse.
my very favs unplace to shop is molewart...well my fav unplace to shop is everywhere...i would rather put my head in a toilet tha shop
I love the towel one! So funny!! Thanks for the Monday morning laugh Mary. :)
Hahaha ! I did my Christmas shopping in Egypt your new blog dress looks very nice ! I am back since yesterday !
I've shopped The Wren's Nest before. Perfect customer service and there's always a little something extra from the shop owner who happens to be an amazing person! *wink*
Happy Manic Monday ~ My Shopping
The cartoons were great and I love that last shopping site.
No, it's not that Mo. It's my sister Mo :O)
i like advent calanders and i'm not even luthern
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