Thursday, November 06, 2008

Dona Nobis Pacem

Joining people across the blogosphere today!

Thank you Mimi for planning and sustaining interest in this BLOGBLAST FOR PEACE.



jmb said...

Peace be with you Mary and with us all one day.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Delightful peace quote on your globe!

Peace and happiness always.

DrillerAA said...

Very nice globe.
I haven't participated in some of my regular meme's recently....been too busy at the office. Sorry I haven't posted a Ruby Tuesday is a few weeks.
I do have some fall colors to see if your interested.
Have a great day!

storyteller said...

Ah … I used this same quote on one of my Peace Globes this year, perhaps at Blog Rolls & Bling. Great minds and all ;--)

Thich Nhat Hanh teaches that ‘Peace is in every step’ … a choice in every instant no matter what’s happening around or within us. As each of us blogs for peace today, we join our minds and hearts together to create this reality in our world.
Hugs and blessings,

Julie said...

Wonderful globe Teach. May the spirit of peacefulness take over.

Babs (Beetle) said...

Oh that is so true! Lovely globe.

Peace to you and yours

Ingrid said...

Peace and Love, Mary !!

Putz said...

hey you want to march for peace with me????i want to pull all troops out of the middle east and just see what would happen....maybe just maybe they are fighting so hard because of our prescence...i wouldn' mind maybe taking all our tanks, and machine guns to afganistan and pointing them all to the moutains of where all the caves are...just line them all up facing the mountains, and just sit there....close down the army mess areas in iraq and set them upin the afghan mtns....everything else close down in iraq...why not???

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Great quote Mary...may we all be embraced by the warmth of peace...

Mojo said...

Wonderful message Teach... your quote fits in very nicely with my theme actually... very profound.

Travis Cody said...

I like that quote. I believe that there are some things worth fighting for, but fighting alone is never the only solution to a problem.


Ivanhoe said...

Peace and love to you, teach. Today and always :o)

Felisol said...

Dear teach Mary,
at least I was over at Mimi's and tried to join the peace blasters, but I really don't know if I made it.
It is an important theme.
If word matters, I'd like to say yes, give us peace.
From Felisol

Akelamalu said...

Peace to you and yours Mary. x

Carletta said...

Wonderful sentiment on your Globe Mary!
May you have a joyful day filled with peace.

Carver said...

Great quote for your peace globe. Dona Nobis Pacem

Dianne said...

Perhaps we are entering the age of diplomacy. I think it might be so ...

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love love love your peace globe! And so very very true.

Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Mary Oh Mary!!! Here's wishing you peace everyday!! :)

p/s: Sorry I missed out on SS. My post went out to peace. I'll definitely be back next week for SS without fail :) MUAKS!!!

Anonymous said...

Peace unto you....

~*~Patty S said...

Great quote! It's a bright new day full of promise for change = Yes We Can!!!
Sending *Peace*Love*Light* to All!!!

Mimi Lenox said...

May peace be yours today.


Anonymous said...

Peace to you and yours :)

Julia Phillips Smith said...

A wonderful quote - I've never read it before. Happy Blogblast For Peace Weekend!

Anonymous said...

Sending Love and Peace to you and yours across the ocean!

Desert Songbird said...

That's a sad reality, isn't it?