Sunday, September 14, 2008

Wanna Laugh #2?



Carver said...

Thanks for the laugh. I needed that. I'm so scared of Palin that laughter is good medicine.

Queen-Size funny bone said...

The entire possibility scares me.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Too much excitement for that age for sure!! :P

p/s: It's a lamp that my reflection is does look like a tea pot though now that you've mentioned *lol*

Have a good week! See you tmr at RT :)

SandyCarlson said...


Ingrid said...

The perfect couple, lol !

Putz said...

oh dear me, you are so so naughty, i said in my sunday school class just YESTEREDAY after some one gave the lesson CHANGE IN YOUR HEART, oh are we talking about obama??? and in conservative utar they haed the rope out and were ready to linch me...i had to leave the sunday school class, oh teach you are so wicked

Anonymous said...

LOL! Thanks for the laugh!


Columbo said...


Ken said...

You're wicked. Hahahahahahaah!