Monday, September 22, 2008

Ruby Tuesday

Hi, everyone, today we're going to try to post Just A LITTLE RED in our Ruby Tuesday post. Of course you don't have to post just a little red you can post the red you have or all the RED you want!

Here are my contributions:



Don't forget to visit your friends who participate in Ruby Tuesday too.


I'd like you to meet my little icon that a couple of dear friends (Penelope and Maddy) provided for me.

Get the code:-
Cut and paste
from this little
box below

She's called RubyMissBug. Feel free to take the code if you like.



Anonymous said...

Hi Sandee! I adore that painting! Is that yours? Love it:)

Mine is here. Happy RT:) I'm too early! LOL

Leora said...

I would say that is a very elegant bit of red. Love the lady's hat. And the red of glass cup proliferates throughout that photo/painting.

Mojo said...

It's an all-natural Ruby Tuesday for me this week.

me ann my camera said...

Even just a little red ends up being outstanding. Nice touch of colour in each.

Columbo said...

I love the paintings, with a little red for a great Ruby Tuesday. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Cool painting (your work ?) and glass. Very cute bug you got !!

♥ Denise BC ♥ said...

Hi Teach
Please withdraw the registration number 12 that went wrong, you,

SandyCarlson said...

That second one is so subtle. I love the portrait. I love the lady coming right off the canvas and looking around my little world. She is grand.

storyteller said...

Very intriguing choices. Mine will be up shortly ... it's just about ready to publish at Small Reflections. I just dropped by for the 'link' to Mr. Linky ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Love your splashes of red Mary! You'll have to squint to see some of mine :0)

MumbaiiteAnu said...

Beautiful paintings with a touch of red.
This was tougher than finding something striking red.

Check out my red in the hotel lobby here

♥ Denise BC ♥ said...

Hi, Teach
Its small contribution red is a great beauty.

Felisol said...

Dear Mary teach,
You've done a perfect job, with just a hunch of ruby.
I had to dig in my collection deep to
do similar.
I like the painting, classy lady, where have I seen it before?
Also glass when light is shining through it is beautiful.
From FElisol

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Love the glass. Very nice still life.

I forgot about only using a little red. It is Day One of the Dahlia Festival and they are all red for Ruby Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

The painting is simply beautiful, but #2 is my favorite. I adore that red glass! I wouldn't mind to have 6 of those *g*

"Hey Frankie, come and see taht beautiful glass MaryT posted today. Now go and get me some! *wink*"

(((HUGS))) to RubyMissBug and you!

Renie Burghardt said...


I usually enjoy viewing Linda's (at Linda's This and That) Ruby Tuesday posts and decided to try it this week, although I am not that sure of the exact rules. I will have the post ready early Tuesday morning. Your entries are beautiful! Both of them. Is there a place with the list of participants?

Anyway, though I'm just a newbie at this, I will try. Hope it will be okay.

All the best,


Tink *~*~* said...

The ladybug is so cute! :D

Is anyone surprised that I'm featuring photos of red stuff from Disney this week? I mean, quelle surprise! LOL

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

EG CameraGirl said...

Good job finding a tiny bit of red. I'm often surprised what many of the players of Ruby Tuesday find. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I like the painting with a touch of red and I like that red chalice.

Cute red bug. ;-)


Babs (Beetle) said...

They are both great, but I love the second one!

Anonymous said...

Nice finds for little-bit-of-ruby Tuesday, Mary. I particularly like that red glass. Happy RT!

MYM said...

I love the red goblet, so pretty.

Anonymous said...

Fab ruby's you got here! Happy Ruby Tuesday ^_~.

Linda said...

I love that painting. That is just my style!!!

dot said...

I love your "touch of red" paintings! I just happened to have a picture with a bit of red.

judi/Gmj said...

just a little here and a little there, I love the painting. Classy just like you. :) Ahh have I said thank you lately for hosting one of best memes? well thanks.

MyMaracas said...

Beautiful, moody photos. I love the paintings, too.

Anonymous said...

A different RT today with minimum red which I find pretty interesting and challenging :P
Happy Ruby Tuesday Mary!!

Becky said...

I love the red color in that glass. Beautiful find.

Jan said...

Great choices for this challenge. I want to thank you for hosting this, it's a great deal of fun.

Ingrid said...

I really like these paintings !

Fortunately the woman doesn't wear a hat like good old Camilla !

DrillerAA said...

We have some glassware very similar to the red ones you have pictured here. Great work.

Happy RT.

Carletta said...

Love the painting!
I like the other one too, but the painting is so elegant.

Karen Coutu said...

I love cranberry glass! Were both those photos taken in the same place?

Desert Songbird said...

That red glass is stunning. Of course Sanni would want it!

magiceye said...

both pictures are of classical beauty!

JunieRose2005 said...

I like that lady with the hat!:)

I have posted mine again!


~Just Me Miranda~ said...

Great painting!!

Anonymous said...

joyeux Ruby Tuesday

Bird Wicks said...

Your photos are lovely. Thanks for hosting this theme, its great!

Your Pal Pinki said...

There's just something about red and white stripes. Love the little bit of red!

Robin said...

I love her hat! What fun it would be to wear a hat like that. The reflection of the red glass in the second one is lovely too. Perfect for just a bit of red.

Raven said...

These are both beautiful. I love the painting and I love the composition of the one with the glass of wine. These are both gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Very lovely pictures!

RW said...

Beautiful photography Mary! Happy ♦Ruby Tuesday♦ to ya!! :♦D

j said...

Very nice hints of red!

This is the first Tuesday that I have participated in a long time. Didn't mean to NOT, I just kept forgetting. Thanks for hosting!!


MaR said...

Love that painting and would love to have some red wine in that tall red glass! very beautiful

Anonymous said...

Beautiful paintings Teacher Mary. Happy Tuesday!

Jientje said...

I like the little ruby bug, Mary!
And I like your blog too!
I have an award for you on my bog!

Anonymous said...

Those paintings are really beautiful. BTW, I grabbed the Ruby bug, Teach Mary.

Happy Tuesday!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Beautiful pics! There is a hint of paris in the first one and a hint of Cezanne's paintings in the second! Love them both!

eastcoastlife said...

That's a little bit of red in your photos.

My picture has lots of red in the background, in my post... of blood.
Blood shed by innocent victims of War.

Anonymous said...

simply gorgeous paintings!

Happy Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

These are both very beautiful pictures, Mary. Happy Ruby Tuesday!!

Norm said...

great! the painting attract me so much, I like her gorgeous hat, so pretty...

Kerri Farley said...

This just goes to show a little bit goes a LONG Way! Both are fabulous!!

Juneau Alaska Photos said...

Greetings from Juneau (Alaska) Daily Photo!
I love the little ladybug. It's absolutely adorable.:)
Happy RT!

Mary said...

A lovely post! That glass is beautiful. I love ruby glassware and the way it catches the light.

Baba said...

Hi Mary,I love showing a little bit of red on my post for today..your choice for today is great ....

Maddy said...

Dang I forgot to change the droplet ruby into the round ruby.

You do so love to add to my 'to do list!'

I'm glad someone else always spots the red.
Best wishes

Dianne said...

Beautiful! I especially love the top painting.

The Mumma said...

I love the hat too. I want one.

I'm re-joining Ruby Tuesday after a bit of a hiatus. :-)

Rambling Woods said...

Love the painting..I have one that qualifies...Rambling Woods

Grandma Faith said...

Your paintings are beautiful. I think it's wonderful to have a day of the week dedicated to my favorite color. I'll check out some of the other sites. Hopefully I'll be able to join in.

Take care.

Susan G. said...

Love #2 ! Great photos !

Askew To You said...

I love the reds you used today. Especially the red light from the glass. :D

I used just a little red, too.

Happy day to you!

Minkydo said...

Mine's up. Thanks for hosting :)

Patti said...

Oh nooooo! I'm # 92. I can't keep up.
Thanks for hosting, Mary.


Nice bits of red there. I especially like the first painting.

Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Karin said...

I love both the pictures, they are very stylish!

Marlow Traore said...

ruby curtain ruby carpet

Happy Ruby Tuesday

Terry said...

Dear Mary T I have had very little time to participate in Ruby Tuesday but I always enjoy yours and Mr. Jim's and my Felisol's Ruby Tuesdays.
I hope that it is all right with you that I went to "Picture it" and put a frame around the picture that I took yesterday of my sister at the hospital! Terry

Lara said...

wonderful ruby post! mine has some Slovenian pottery, not flowers, as in the link :)!

shaker said...

First Ruby tuesday for me. it won't be the last :)

Kimmie said...

Hi Mary!
I love the paintings and how sweet that they each have such a lovely touch of red in each of them! Very pretty and nice for this weeks Ruby Tuesday!

Mine is finally up! :-) I guess better late than never.


Marilyn said...

I'm late signing up here but I did post.

I love the paintings.

Travis Cody said...

I like these little bits of red. Even though the red is not prominant, my eye is still drawn to the color.

Anonymous said...

Just posted mine!

Anonymous said...

My old house was filled with red...this one is filled with pink and blue but outside....well I had to have that splash of RED.
May I please join??
Claudie from Canada

Durward Discussion said...

I'm not doing Ruby Tuesday, but immediately thought of you when out searching for photos the other day. May email them to you.

Patti said...

Oh MY oh MY - 110 participants. Amazing.

Geraldine said...

Congrats Mary, on this grand milestone! Wonderful to see.

I'm working on some red maple leaf photos so should be back soon to participate.

Hugs, G

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

What a FANTASTIC blog!!! I love your images!!! Magnificent. I'm not up on cars but it looks like a gasoline burning and not steam driven model ? Ford to me.


Cheers! JJ