Monday, September 15, 2008

Ruby Tuesday

Hope you like the new Ruby Tuesday Badge. Feel free to copy and paste it in your post for Ruby Tuesday.


This is a very special post for me today. This is an apple my niece, Carol, painted for me when she was in elementary school. I found it when my husband, Vinny, unearthed it in our basement. I brought it upstairs and cleaned it up and knew it would serve as a perfect post for Ruby Tuesday.

Today she and her Air Force husband have moved to Wichita Falls, Texas, which is pretty far away from me and Uncle Vinny. They are stationed there until February when he will get his permanent station. They are hoping to go to Germany. And then they will really be far away for 4 years!

The apple will serve as a reminder of her while she's away.

Remember to sign Mr. Linky and then leave a comment if you like. Then go and visit the other Ruby Tuesday participants.

I have a suggestion for next week's Ruby Tuesday. How about we post photos that have just a little RED in them.

Here's an example of what I mean:

This is my grand-nephew with a RED drink (non-alcoholic, of course!) in a fancy glass. In this case the RED color is centrally located in the picture. But you could have the RED over to the side or in the background. I promise you no matter where the RED is it will draw your eye to it.

Want to try it? Okay. We'll do it next week!



Maria's Space said...

Woot! I'm first, I'm first! Just had to because it is my first, first.

Felisol said...

Dear Teach,
you for sure have taught me to look for details when I am taking a picture, be it red or blue.
Children are so overwhelmingly dear. "You are the apple of my eye" in that sweet handwriting.
One never should throw away treasures like that.
From Felisol

MumbaiiteAnu said...

I'm in for the new idea.
I love the apple. Maybe my li'l Krrish will make something like that for me some day.

Check out my red here

MyMaracas said...

Itty bitty bit o' red, eh? Sounds like a fun challenge.

I love the photo of your grand nephew! He's a doll.

Anonymous said...

The apple : a tendering reminder ! (and if they would go to Germany that's rather close to Flanders ;-) So, next time red in a detail : OK, poet, you name it, we do it :-)

Mojo said...

I'm back with another two-fer!

Anonymous said...

What a fun little gift to find and enjoy now! Hey Maryt that sounds like a fun challenge for next week. Aren't Grand Nephews fun!?

marcia@joyismygoal said...

yep res certainly draws the eye

Tink *~*~* said...

Aw, that's so sweet - apple for The Teach(er)! Nice archeological find. Never know what you're going to find when you clean the basement (or the attic, or that closet that you're afraid to open the door on account of the crapalanch that will ensue...)

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Anonymous said...

I love that apple! Oh sweet of your niece to give it.

I'm up for the little red next week!

EG CameraGirl said...

I bet your niece is tickled that you've kept the apple all these years!

DrillerAA said...

Great reminder of family.
I'm up and running, just do it!

MYM said...

Awww...that's a sweet photo. :)

Digital Flower Pictures said...

That apple is priceless.

I'll try for the little bit of red next week.

This week I posted a Dahlia.

Anonymous said...

that is such a touching gift.

would take note of the suggested of "lil red" for next tuesday. :) and will grab the new badge now.

happy tuesday out there, everyone!

~Just Me Miranda~ said...

Aww cute pics. I'm up too :D

Happy Ruby Tuesday!!

Anonymous said...

Love the "Apple for the Teacher" - or in this case, for the teacher who is an aunt.

I'm game to try for a photo with just a little ruby-red next week. ;-}

RW said...

What a good looking kid! Good RT Mary, I have two up 34 Ford coupe and a Red Barron replica.

Hugs & loves :D

Linda said...

I'm sure you treasure this little red apple from your niece. Very nice.

I love your idea for next week.

Ralph said...

Children and red...they go together sooo well! I see our kids in red from when they were little, and a perfect combo!

Anonymous said...

Lovely Ruby Tuesday post -- a nice gift and a handsome grand-nephew.


storyteller said...

I love child-created mementos like this ... still have a few of my own from the years I spent in the classroom ... made with loving hands for me. This is a special apple indeed. I've shared just a little bit of red in THIS WEEK's post, but will do the same next week as well.
Hugs and blessings,

Jan said...

Love you're new header, and I'll give it a try next week.

Oh, you know it's easy to get to TX, or Germany, for that matter.

Anonymous said...

definitely beautiful apple. also, your grand nephew is cute. :-)

Anonymous said...

beautiful apple. that's a very nice remembrance from somebody.

Babs (Beetle) said...

That certainly is a special apple!
Next weeks idea is good. I might find that easier ;O)

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to little Ruby Tuesday next week.

Anonymous said...

i love the apple! it would be a nice fridge magnet.

Anonymous said...

It's a beautiful memento! I especially like the knot in the wood in the corner. I went for not so much red today, instead of next week!

The Mulligan Family said...

Those are the gifts that we cherish. Perfect picture for Ruby Tuesday.

I like the idea for next week. I'm going to start thinking of something... or looking for that PERFECT photo op!


Karen Coutu said...

What a sweet gift, especially for a teacher!

I'm going to have to look around for something that only has a little bit red. And is it okay if continue to use the old graphic? It shows up better against my white background.

Karen of the MomDot Street Team

Becky said...

Those fall leaves are so beautiful. We all know what comes next...
Little bit of red. I'm in.
Have a happy day.

Ingrid said...

Very cute your grand nephew ! and the apple, such a nice gift.
Without knowing your proposition of very few red, my pictures were already with little red, lol !

Desert Songbird said...

I'm not participating this week (I know you're busy, but if you visit, you'll see why).

Anyway, love the new RT header!

And your grandnephew is a doll!

Raven said...

Love your new Fall banner. Gorgeous. Lovely heart. I hope your niece and her husband do well in their new home and get posted where they want to be. Your grand nephew is adorable.

eastcoastlife said...

Hi everyone!
I'm a First time participant in Ruby Tuesday. I'm from sunny Singapore.

So sweet of your niece to paint the red apple for you. And you are still keeping it. :)

Marilyn said...

What a sweet thing. Jasmine has given out quite a few little things like that to her aunts and uncle.

And the picture of your nephew is priceless. He's a cutie.

Carletta said...

Hi Mary,
Love the new header - I am so ready for fall and all its glory.
Cute nephew.
I'll have to work on a little red. ;)

Anonymous said...

A keepsake for sure. Very nice - it is 'perfect'!

Jientje said...

This is just incredible, how your post fits mine!
That new button and all!
You have to see it to believe it, it's true!!!

Lara said...

glad to be here for my first Ruby Tuesday post!

Minkydo said...

Love the new badge! Such as sweet story to go with your apple picture. Love the picture of your g-nephew. He is precious!

Thanks for hosting!

Columbo said...

Thanks for the posting, I love the apple...for the Teach! Have a great Ruby Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

I love the apple - memories of gifts presented to us by loved ones are precious and priceless. Judyx

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful reminder of your niece!!
Only a bit of red?? I know exactly what I will be posting next week!!

Digital Polaroids said...

I love Ruby Tuesdays!

Sherrie said...

Hi! Your apple is a great memory to have! And your Great Nephew is adorable! The new emblem for Ruby Tuesday is cute. I'll be putting that on my blog. Oh, I almost forgot! My Ruby Tuesday is posted. Stop by and take a look! Take Care!!


Kimmie said...

Love the Apple Mary! What a sweet gift from your niece. Its nice to have keepsakes like that. :-) My Mom had her whole kitchen decorated in apples so they have a special meaning for me also.

Your grand nephew is adorable!

A little RED for next week...gotcha!


Dirkjogt said...

I'm happy to join the 'Ruby Tuesday' blog this week. Looking forward to see the other 'red'-pictures.

Hootin Anni said...

How the apple from your niece!!

I'm back this morning for a request...a prayer request. You can find details on my Tuesday blog. Thanks and have a happy day today my friend.

Ivanhoe said...

I'm afraid I already rebelled and have just a little bit of red posted today :o)

Anonymous said...

Aww... that apple is sweet, Mary... Oh, and the grand-nephew... He's a cutie pie!!!!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

From Memphis to the Caribbean...My Ruby Tuesday is up.

Dianne said...

What a treasure Carol's creation is! I have so many things like that from my son, my nieces, friend's children. My favorite art work.

Your grand nephew is gorgeous. What a face. He kinda has ruby lips :)

I think a spot of red next week is a great idea!!

Maddy said...

Consistency here please ! Changed the ruby icon and the rules in one fell swoop!

It's quite ironic to have a 'reminder' theme in the very same post.

There again, it's good to be reminded that nothing stays the same.

An old stick in the mud

♥ Denise BC ♥ said...

Hi, Teach
Memories are always delicious.

My first ruby was my son dressed in his red pyjamas, remember?

hugs, Denise

Marlow Traore said...

ruby face ruby smile ruby art

ruby tuesday

Suzie said...

Your grand nephew is outragiously cute.

Patti said...

Hi Mary! Wow I keep getting in here later and later.
I'm so disorganized...
I love the apple your niece made when she was little. Those kinds of gifts are the best.

I also like the new idea for next week. It will actually make things easier!

Your little grand-nephew is adorable.

docemdy said...

That's lovely. It's hard to part with items our loved ones gave us.

Norm said...

Hello Mary,
I love the new Ruby Tuesday badge. What a lovely gift, I like it! mine is red apple too. But, I'm so sorry Mary, because I put the wrong url in the auto link.

Robin said...

What a sweet little apple. I hope having it in sight helps to keep her spirit feeling close even while her body isn't.

Juneau Alaska Photos said...

Greetings from Juneau (AK) Daily Photo!
How about a little red here and there?
Happy Ruby Tuesday!:)

Julia Phillips Smith said...

That photo of your grand-nephew with his fancy drink is irresistable.

Akelamalu said...

The apple is so sweet and so is your great-nephew! You've changed your banner!

Askew To You said...

Will you be able to visit your niece over in Germany? I am glad that you found that apple. Her writing, so sweet.

Your nephew is adorable. Is he drinking a Shirley Temple, by any chance? That was a favorite of mine when I was a kid. So fancy. :D

Baba said...

Hi Mary, I love your "red" apple made by your niece...a special apple for the will bring back good memories from the past...thanks for sharing with us ....hugs, Baba

Shoshana said...

I've got a Ruby Red today at Dallas Daily

Rambling Woods said...

I love your post teach. I have an apple given to me by a student and it is very precious to me...Mine is up..Rambling Woods

Ken said...

My first one at

Anonymous said...

That's such a sweet gift!

Karin said...

First time participating! Love the apple, its a very sweet gift.

JunieRose2005 said...

My RUBY post is up!

Oh! I like the apple!!


Sherrie said...

Hi Everyone,
I have heard your going to one of my other blogs, Sorry, I must have put the wrong on in this morning, it was 5:00am, must not have been awake. This is the correct link:

Susan G. said...

Love the apple... My 1st Ruby Tuesday is up

Gowri Mohanakrishnan said...

Sorry to disagree, but your grand-nephew's delighted expression draws my attention more than the red!! What a lovely picture! I'm happy to have found Ruby Tuesday.