I thought I'd tell you about the rules of RUBY TUESDAY again because there are some new people who aren't sure about them. They are real simple:
On Tuesdays you can post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED.
I will post a NEW Ruby Tuesday each Tuesday.
or a little bit of RED
My post for today is photographs from my vacation in the Dominican Republic in 2006.
An Asian restaurant on the premises of the Paradisus Hotel.
A downpour in the middle of the day. That thingy in the middle of the picture catches the water from runoff on the roof in each individual cup which spills over into the next one. All the water then empties into the RED bucket. There's another thingy in the background of the picture. They act like leaders or downspouts but they are very pretty.
These are wonderful, so enjoyable. All sorts of interesting details.
I've been looking forward to your putting up the Ruby Tuesday post! I guess in my eagerness I get to go first. I've been playing with my camera.
This Ruby Tuesday is a wonderful idea. Thanks a agin!
Hi Mary -- I am not sure this will be habit forming. Also it is on my regular blog.
I haven't been to the Dominican Republic, thanks for the pictures.
That red fence is awesome i bet that was a fun trip to the DR Is this what most of it looks like?
The red colors seem to contrast mightily with the tropical green of Dominica.
Looks like a great place to enjoy an authentic ice cold Dominican El Presidente lager!
Oohh.....I love your new header. I'm playing this week. Getting it ready now. Of course I'm changing the picture a million times.
I'll be back!
Love DR! Visited in 2003 and would like to come back.
Your new header is awesome - keep them coming :o)
Have a wonderful Tuesday, teach!
My Ruby is up. Thanks Mary. I keep forgetting about this meme. I need to add you to my blog roll.
We visited the Dominican Republic some years back. Very pretty and I like your choice of red for this Ruby Tuesday..
Beautiful, Mary!
Very beautiful.
I'm playing this week; mine's up.
Traditional decorations of a Chinese restaurant :) Weee!!! red, the lucky color of Chinese :) Happy Ruby Tuesday Mary {hugs}
That's a very great looking restaurant!
Great looking photos. I am sure the vacations was a very memorable trip.
OK, I've got mine ready to go.
Awesome ♦Ruby Tuesday♦!
That place looks cool, take me there Mary!
Mines up ♦Ruby Sumpter Oregon♦ click here!
Looks like a great spot. I love all the red...
have a great Tuesday!
Love the restaurant photo! It is so ornate and red is suppose to be very lucky.
I love the richness of these colors and the thought of the water trailing from cup to cup to cup.....
I had to chuckle at your Asian restaurant in Dominican Republic. As Jerry and I have traveled around the world, we always look for Asian restaurants -- and especially Chinese restaurants -- wherever we go. We have learned that we can always count on getting a good meal at one of those, no matter where they are located.
Happy Ruby Tuesday.
Your photos are lovely Mary! Great choice for this week's Ruby offerings. Hope you enjoy mine too.
C'mon, everyone - we're going shopping!
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
I've been lurking for awhile now and decided to take the plunge!
Thanks so much for hosting & keeping such a cool meme rolling! I'm so looking forward to it ;)
Mary, I have never visited the Dominican Republic but it sure looks like a place that would speak to my spirit with so much radiant red!!
This is my first time entering. happy Ruby T to everyone! :)
Well, I merged Ruby Tuesday with Creative Photography this week. I hope that's alright.
That restaurant looks lovely. I found myself wanting to stop and have a nice meal at that restaurant.
It is interesting with this type of restaurants: they look the same and are very recognizable anywhere in the world.
Also thankyou for the idea with Ruby Tuesday :) It always adds inspiration when there is a oal like this :)
And of course: a GOAL
Hi Mary,
That first photo is gorgeous!
I love that idea of the little cups. I can just imagine watching the water drop from cup to cup.
Wonder if I can do that to one of my drain pipes - ha!
So many players already!!! Wow!
I'm a fan too, so I played again this week!
Those are both beautiful pictures of a very special and exotic place!
I love the water in the second one!
I have only one picture this week, I think it has to stand on it's own!
See you!
Fantastic, and so very lucky!!! : )
Beautiful - I want to go on a vacation to the Dominician Republic now AND have some Chisnese food on my way =)
The last time I've been to the DR is ages ago... before the little ones' were born.
Have a great Ruby Tuesday!
P.S.: My "Red" is a lonely little one today.
Great photos, Teach. I'd love to visit the Dominican Republic... and a bunch of other cool places, haha.
I've posted my first RT!
That little cup waterfall is charming! Something like that would work so well here to stop the water from cascading off the roofs and be decorative at the same time.
I have joined your little group. I tired to join last week, but was too swamped. I have tomorrow off, so I should have plenty of time to visit others.
Whoof!! Do they allow dogs there where you took those purty piktures? It looks like a real nice place.
My first Ruby Tuesday is up... well, it's kind of more a Reba Tuesday, but oh well. Arf, arf.
What beautiful, bright images! The Dominican Republic looks like a very "alive" place!
Ooooo, I want to make one of those in my livingroom. The sound of running water is so calming..and that is so cool. Great Ruby Tuesday.
Wow, I would love to have one of those in the garden.
I have Ruby Phlox today and a picture of our new pup (not red :lol:)
I love those downspout cups - so much prettier than a plain ordinary gutter.
I'm happy to be joining all of you with a red photo of my own this week.
This is such an inviting photo. Makes me want to have a cup a green tea. ;-)
What a beautiful place!
I love how Ruby Tuesday is growing!! Makes for more wonderful photos to see and great blogs to visit.
Thanks Mary :)
Great post as usual, I have been sending people your way who want to share photos, hope you get some new faces....ruby red is just not my color.
I do love that oriental decor.
Ack...I signed up before I got my red post up. It will be up in a nano second. oops...
I'm all legal on the red post now.
Those little things that run the water to the pots are fantastic! There has been a lot of interest in reclaiming rain water in barrels again. I'm up for that if there is a "dunk" for mosquitos in the barrel.
My little blog is here
What a stellar idea! I'm all in :)
I cannot find the code for Ruby Tuesday at Mr. Linky. Can you advise or send the code? Thank you, Professor.
Hi Mary! finally here to join the fun.
Thanks for hosting, as always ;-)
P.S. Forgot to comment on your interesting red photos from this tropical restaurant. Must have been a fun vacation.
mine is up!
My Ruby Tuesday
Lovely restuarant. How was the food? I hope it was an enjoyable vacation.
I've got a few shots of my guy's son, Owen up. He's a charmer.
enjoyed these :)
Lovely photographs. The fence reminds me of an old 'Steam Train' station ;O)
I am a bit late today. I almost missed it!
Wow! Ruby Tuesday is doing so well! I promise I'll get around to visiting all of you certainly by tomorrow...
If you haven't visited some of the people who are participating in Ruby Tuesday, please try to get around to some of the posts. We all like visitors and comments! :)
Wow...this is an impressive response Mary! You've certainly struck a chord with many readers. I look forward to your next visit to MPP too. It was fun to have some new (and of course repeat) readers at my blog today, such fun!
Hugs, G
Hi Ms. Mary! I love the photos which reminds me of my favorite Chinese restaurant. My entry is up! Better late than never...LOL.
Dear "Teach",
I liked your Ruby Tuesday game,
and your classy pictures from the Dominican Republic.
Never been there, nor is it on my 20 first "wanna visit list". Eating Chinese, however, is at least a once a month thing.
Even here in Norway the Chinese are making excellent food. Our little town has two Chinese restaurants, and their equally good, but not so well equipped as your Dominican Chinese restaurant.
Thank you for making this Tuesday a funny one.
From Felisol
Is Jim a great guy?!!!
I should say!
He is the greatest!!
He is our hero!
from Terry
PS..And Felisol is my bestest friend!
This picture stuff is addicting! Thanks for creating this!
I'll try and participate every week.
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