Mo has given us the word STRIPE for Manic Monday.
When I was a young girl I was a Candy striper which is a nickname for a female hospital volunteer derived from a formerly common outfit.
When I went to Google to find a picture of a Candy striper here's the first image I came across:

Yes, that's exactly how I looked when I was a Candy striper. Ya think they thought I meant Candy Stripper?
Here's the definition from
A candy striper was traditionally a young, female hospital volunteer; a concept that originated in the 1940s. The unique job title represented the candy cane look of the red and white-striped pinafores worn by the volunteers. Traditionally, the girls sewed their own pinafores. East Orange General Hospital in New Jersey claims to have started the first candy striper program in 1944. This is what real Candy stripers looked like:

In general, the goal of a candy striper was to make a patient's stay in the hospital more pleasant. Initially, a candy striper simply delivered mail or patient meals, but as nurses became overburdened, the volunteers took on additional duties. Now, a candy striper might help feed, or read to, a patient; assist as a patient is discharged; or deliver messages. Other duties include transporting book or video carts to patient rooms.
I wore that red striped uniform for a couple of years when I was of high school age (much later than the 1940s! ): the years when I thought I could be a nurse. I was sent to all the floors: Cardio, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, etc. I once took care of a little chubby baby who had been burned in a fire. He had terrible scabs on his face and, where some scabbing had fallen off, his skin was pink, not the caramel color of his own skin. I remember wondering if the pink skin would return to its natural color. I remember my heart went out to him. But he was always smiling and after a while, he smiled a great big smile when I came into the ward to visit him.
It didn't take long, though, for me to know that nursing was not for me. However, I must say the training for candy striper work taught me some very useful things: how to make a bed with "hospital corners," how to put a pillow in a pillow case without struggling, and how to change the bedsheets with a person in the bed.
Here's a video that shows you how to make "hospital corners:"
When I was a young girl I was a Candy striper which is a nickname for a female hospital volunteer derived from a formerly common outfit.
When I went to Google to find a picture of a Candy striper here's the first image I came across:

Yes, that's exactly how I looked when I was a Candy striper. Ya think they thought I meant Candy Stripper?
Here's the definition from
A candy striper was traditionally a young, female hospital volunteer; a concept that originated in the 1940s. The unique job title represented the candy cane look of the red and white-striped pinafores worn by the volunteers. Traditionally, the girls sewed their own pinafores. East Orange General Hospital in New Jersey claims to have started the first candy striper program in 1944. This is what real Candy stripers looked like:

In general, the goal of a candy striper was to make a patient's stay in the hospital more pleasant. Initially, a candy striper simply delivered mail or patient meals, but as nurses became overburdened, the volunteers took on additional duties. Now, a candy striper might help feed, or read to, a patient; assist as a patient is discharged; or deliver messages. Other duties include transporting book or video carts to patient rooms.
I wore that red striped uniform for a couple of years when I was of high school age (much later than the 1940s! ): the years when I thought I could be a nurse. I was sent to all the floors: Cardio, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, etc. I once took care of a little chubby baby who had been burned in a fire. He had terrible scabs on his face and, where some scabbing had fallen off, his skin was pink, not the caramel color of his own skin. I remember wondering if the pink skin would return to its natural color. I remember my heart went out to him. But he was always smiling and after a while, he smiled a great big smile when I came into the ward to visit him.
It didn't take long, though, for me to know that nursing was not for me. However, I must say the training for candy striper work taught me some very useful things: how to make a bed with "hospital corners," how to put a pillow in a pillow case without struggling, and how to change the bedsheets with a person in the bed.
Here's a video that shows you how to make "hospital corners:"
nope teach, the first picture, that is what i recollect about candy strppers in the 40' aand 50's.....why can't they bring back the good old days, quite a psychological lift when ever i stayed over night at a hospital
Ha! Barlow, I told you that I looked like the first picture! Maybe I took care of you... :)
So that's what hospital corners are! I couldn't do that to save my life.
I remember candy stripers. Never did that though.
I can never make a hospital corner - my grandmother must have been a candy striper because she could do it blind-folded.
And yeah, the top pic certainly looks more like a candy stripper!
Happy Manic Monday,
I've never done this job either. Do they still have 'em?
He's likely to have his DI toss that mattress. His corner is fine, but the blanket doesn't line up straight across the top of the bed. And it doesn't look like you can bounce a quarter!
When I young I wanted to be a candy striper but we lived too far out in the country.
We were supposed to do hospital corners at 4-H camp - I got awards for good bed making!
Great post!
Oooo... sorry. I read Candy Stripper and I was about to tease you. hahaha.....
That's an interesting job and a great name. I shall suggest that to my volunteers.
Where's your picture in a candy striper dress!? *waits eagerly*
That first photo is very nice, thank you I needed that lol. :D
Wow that was a great thing to do. I do love the uniforms.
Funny picture. I've seen plenty of Candy Stripers from my wife's days spent in the hospital. Thankfully that was years ago the last time.
I'm manic about hospital corners on my bed... gotta have them.
We could do with helpers like that in our hospitals here in the UK.
Did you REALLY look like the first picture? :-)
By the way, your comment on mine has got me thinking ...
Striper vs. Stripper? he he he...
Hospitals could sure use nice stripers now as the care sucks (at least around here :o)
When I was younger, I wanted to be a candy striper, but by the time I was old enough, they were being phased out, or simply called "volunteers." I wanted to wear that red and white striped uniform (not the stripper one, the real one)! Lucky you! I can actually fold a mean hospital corner.
I was a Candy Striper too! LOL
I was a pretty good one. Didn't get to wear a cute outfit though - just an ugly smock that said "volunteer" and those of us under 21 had to wear a red pin - like a Scarlet Letter!
I would so do hospital corners if it meant some hot soldier would come check out the bed ;)
ummmm... Can a candy striper be a stripper or can a stripper be a candy striper...
Oh the conundrums we live with!
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