Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Dona Nobis Pacem

It means "GIVE US PEACE"

Today is Blog Blast for Peace day all over the Internet. Bloggers everywhere are posting their personalized PEACE GLOBE. Go to Mimi Writes if you want a globe to participate in this exciting day.

I thought I'd post the lyrics for John Lennon's masterpiece "Imagine" in honor of the day:

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
In a brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one.

This is also my post for Wordless Wednesday. Other Wordless Wednesday participants are here.


Travis Cody said...

True words for an idealist. Peace to you and yours on this Blog Blast Day.

Ingrid said...

Peace and Love ! that was our slogan already more than 30 years ago and so few things have changed ever since. Isn't that sad ??

BNS said...

Very nice presentation, Mary. I hadn't heard that song in such a long time.


RW said...

Very awesome Mary! Happy Peace day to you!! :D

Carver said...

I love your peace post and great song for the day. Dona Nobis Pacem.

Julie said...

Very good dear Teach. Time is running out.

Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. Ps. 34:14

Suzie said...

Thats a very nice thought. It would be wonderful if it came true

storyteller said...

Lovely idea for your post today! I love this song too and think the lyric is amazing. I posted my 1st Blog Blast a few minutes ago at Sacred Ruminations … noticed your name in the Mr. Linky as I left mine and thought I’d stop by before I begin work on my 2nd Blog Blast at Small Reflections. It’ll be up in a little while. I’ve got my 2nd globe finished but haven’t yet written the post.
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Such a moving song. It honestly gives me shivers each time I hear it.


Julia Phillips Smith said...

This video is remarkably simple and breathtakingly beautiful. John Lennon is one of the giants whom I look up to in so many ways, not least of all his status as a true revolutionary.

Peace to you on this hopeful day, Mary.

Durward Discussion said...

One nice thing about the idealist is that they can always "Imagine".

"Words have power ... If you get the right ones, in the right order, you can nudge the world a little."

Tom Stoppard

May we all say together: PEACE

Ivanhoe said...

I used a song, too. :o)
Have a peaceful day and let love rule, teach! :o)

Sarge Charlie said...

Teach Peace my friend, and my you find peace in your lifetime, I would love to see peace in my lifetime, they better hurry up.

Jim said...

Hey Mary! Thank you for the Lennon song! It is one of my favorites.
I listen to the oldie station (60s 70's) here and the classic rock one. "Imagine" comes on both a lot anyway, I am supposing hourly today.

Anonymous said...

Love your peace globe and words. That song is simply beautiful!!
Peace, love and blogs...!!

lareine said...

this is a very appropriate song to promote peace... nice choice!

Anonymous said...

Peace be with you and yours, Mary.

Unknown said...

Beautiful. Peace to you too my friend.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

Classic-- I do love that song -- Are you peaceful today? I wonder if we all need to feel peace today as our contribution ---or feel the urge to act --and get the word out--- can we do both?

Raven said...

Beautiful! I love that song... I wish we could put as much energy into peace in this world as we do into hate and greed. Seems to me that peace should be the easy path.

Jeff B said...

I think that song will be getting a lot of airtime today. What a great message it contains.

Anndi said...

It's easy if we try...

With Love, we can have Peace.

Dona Nobis Pacem

Juliana RW said...

beautiful peace post...

My Peace post in here Thanks

World So Wide said...

I vividly remember when John Lennon's "Imagine" came out - I was still in highschool ... great post. Peace: much needed.

Here's a funny bit from London

Sandee said...

Imagine = Peace. Peace to you my friend. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)

Unknown said...

Great WW, and peace globe. I did mine for WW also @ The Cafe

Kimmie said...

Just Beautiful Mary!

Peace to you my dear friend.

Odat said...

Peace :-) Great choice of music! I put up the same one! Great minds!!!!!

Maya said...

Loving the idea of a hippie concept of PEACE & LOVE.
Hope it will be on this time,too.
The true sense of peace to have the real love.

Jennifer Chasse said...

Perfect theme song for today. Peace to you.

Akelamalu said...

Peace to you and yours my friend. That's a beautiful Peace Globe. :)

The Evil Blogger Twin said...

Let there be PEACE on earth and let it begin with us!

Anonymous said...

Great to see you on board and what a nice Globe!
Mine is up too :-)
Hello from Norway - peace to you and the one you love!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

truly perfect song for today...



Anonymous said...

Beautifully done! Peace! :)

Anonymous said...

I still get goosebumps from that song. Thank you for posting that. Peace and kindness to you!

Mimi Lenox said...

You can't go wrong with John Lennon. Beautifully done.

Thank you for blogging for peace today. People put so much time and effort into these posts. They are inspirational to read.

Peace to you and yours,