Thursday, February 07, 2008

Thursday Thirteen


1. Carpet. I'm removing all the carpet in my living/dining rooms and leaving bare, wood floors.

2. Metamucil. I've been taking Metamusil for a year now and while it works very well I've decided to give it up for 40 days (the length of the Lenten season) to see how my colon copes.

3. Brussels sprouts. They are the only vegetables I eat and like.

4. Phone calls. For Lent all I will do is text people. Those who don't or can't text are outa luck. I'll talk to you Easter Sunday.

5. Cherubs. I have entirely too many cherubs around the house. Particularly in the bathroom.

6. Checking the time. I will not look at a clock or my watch for the entire season. I'm sure I'll have a general idea what time of the day it is and where I have to be.

7. Saying "Yes." I like the word "Yes" most of the time. But sometimes it gets me into trouble and obligates me in ways I don't want to be.

8. Lemons. I use entirely too many lemons making lemonade.

9. Audiobooks. I love audiobooks. They make the "reading" of a book so much easier. For the length of the Lenten season I will actually READ my books. Ugh!

10. Netflix. My husband and I love renting movies and watching them. Netflix has run out of movies that I want to see and the ones I want to see have a LONG WAIT. So the heck with rental movies.

11. Taking baths. The last bath I took was in 1983. I take showers and I really can't give up showers, right?

12. Flossing. I only have 4 teeth that are my own. The lower front four. So giving up flossing is no big deal. Oh, the rest of my teeth are implants.

13. Batteries. I hope none of the ones in my remotes run out of power before Easter Sunday.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!



Unknown said...

ok, look. that is not the stuff i would think you would give up for lent. how 'bout the bad stuff??? *scratching my head* the veggies really got me.

Tink said...

Brussels sprouts, yuk! Ah well, "Chacun à son gout"! ;-) I'm so with you on saying Yes too much... Good luck giving all this up!
My TT gives you 13 quotes by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Anonymous said...

I have given up Brussels sprouts for about 30 years! No hardship at all.

Lots of things you're giving up, I see, but I'm not sure why. I thought the lent ting was to give up one thing only.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Netflix has run out of movies you want to see??????


I could give up brussel sprouts...I hate them - LOL

Sandee said...

Wow, you are giving up a lot of stuff for Lent. Good luck. I'm sure you will do fine. Have a great TT Teach. :)

Unknown said...

Darn thats alot of stuff. I give up Red meat, and I love red meat!

Nice list though! Come boogie on down to my list!

SandyCarlson said...

Great thought....I'm going to throw that silly Metamucil away, too!

ellen b. said...

Oh I love brussel sprouts and I just had some today. For lent instead of giving something up I think I'll add something good to my daily routine but not metamucil! ha! :)

Mom Knows Everything said...

The only thing I gave up for Lent is cookies.

Joyismygoal said...

no way are you serious?

Sharon said...

Very interesting. ;)
I'm another who gags on brussel sprouts, and I love veggies! lol
Good luck with the Metamucil. Hope it works in your favor! (otherwise OUCH!) Have a good Thursday!

Anonymous said...

Really, Mary, do you have to give all that up? Maybe you could add soybeans? Blogging wasn't listed... maybe I'll give up some aspect of blogging.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

That's definitely an interesting list -- and I recognize that Ballycumber!

Best of luck with all this -- I hope you find great stuff to read instead of listen to.

candyQ said...

Oh my... are you really going to give ALL that up? Good Luck! And let us know on the Thursday after Easter if you were successful. :o)

Lazy Daisy said...

Wow, that was quite a list. I'm not sure I could come up with 13 things that I could give up.

Melanie said...

Brussels sprouts..I believe that would be an easy one to give up! LOL Now the phone would be hard but you did keep the texting so all is right with the world.

Open Grove Claudia said...

So... I'm a bit blown away by your dedication -aren't you supposed to give up only ONE thing?? Gosh...

Happy TT and Good luck!

Ingrid said...

And why are you torturing yourself ?? Brussels' sprouts are good, see I am sitting at the source !

SJ Reidhead said...

I've given up cursing in church!

the Pink Flamingo

Laura said...

Fun list!

Hey, when I was leaving my Mr. Linky, I accidentally typed in the wrong code out of habit. So sorry. I'm not sure how to delete it!

RW said...

Nice list! I don't see the robot Mary!! :D

RW said...

I see it! I see it lol! looks good, that width is the right amount I am going to start making them at W-200 so if folks want then it will be easer for them to put it there. Glad you like it, have a great day Mary!!

Desert Songbird said...

Wow, Teach, that's some list. Not sure I could give it all up, except for the Brussels sprouts. Those? No problem.

Nice blog header. Beautiful and mysterious.

Sarai said...

Oh wow. THat's a lot me I just gave up cussing and I'm not doing so hot only 2 words today. Yesterday's total 7. good luck with them all!

Unknown said...

Never saw you as an audio book much of this list is serious, how much joke???

Natalie said...

Hehehe...brussel sprouts...ew!

Bloggers said...

great list.

Anonymous said...


Those aren't Cherubs! Those are Putti.

Cherubs (short for Cherubim) are, according to Catholic theology, the second highest choir of angels (right below the Seraphim or Seraphs).

Cherubim are described as having a face of a man, an ox, a lion and an eagle (the ox is considered to be their 'true' face) and with 4 pairs of wings covered in eyes. It is the Cherubim that guard Eden and the throne of God.

Putti on the other hand, are the pudgy babies with wings.

I don't know why or how the confusion occured over the years...but it happened.

Yeah...I have a little too much usless information locked up in my skull for my own good.

Anyway, best of luck on keep up with your lent giving up thing.

AutoSysGene said...

Wow, that will be quite an accomplishment. For Lent I gave up my New Year's resolutions...Happy TT!

Le Butterfly said...

That sounds very interesting. Good luck.

Kay Day said...

I made my list about Lent, too!

Interesting list. You thought of some very creative things!

Anonymous said...

Now THAT's the way to do lent!

Maggie Moo said...

Oh man...I could never give up lemons!

Maddy said...

Lummy, what a fabulous introduction to the real you! This also gives me a slap in the mouth to remember not to moan about the four implants that I have [and are currently in the process of rejecting me]

Many thanks for sharing this it was a lot of fun.