Saturday, February 09, 2008

Photo Hunters - heavy

tnchick's word for our Saturday Photo Hunt is HEAVY.

I have a few photos of HEAVY books.

Here is the HEAVIEST book I own...

The Random House Dictionary of the English Language - The Unabridged Edition.
Jess Stein, Editor in Chief
Published in 1966
2059 pages.

Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. wrote the New York Times review of this dictionary entitled "The Latest Word" in October 1966.

Here are two other HEAVY books I own.



Anonymous said...

Words can be heavy... terrific examples of this weeks theme!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Mary!! Thanks for the well-wishes :)

2059 pages ain't no joke! I hope you didn't have to lug that dictionary to school during schooldays! :P *kidding*

Melli said...

LOL! HEAVY books - but LIGHT reading! Great job!

Ingrid said...

Can you imagine what a weight I carry in my brain with this English language ??

Utah Mommy said...

Oh yeah i remember when my father bought me a big dictionary it was pretty heavy. Great choice for this week's theme. Happy weekend!
Baby Pushing Mommy

Anonymous said...

Heavy books...I LOVE it!! I can almost smell them....I LOVE books! Great take on the theme.

Mine is up at

Carver said...

Books can be very heavy. Good take on the theme. I like the shot of the older looking dictionary. I have many dictionaries but I like my old one.

Barb said...

Really, it's hard to believe thay all actually fit in one book. If that's all there are, shouldn't everyone know and use them all?

Jen said...

I love all the different takes on this theme! Thanks for sharing! Happy Weekend!

Anonymous said...

Yes words are heavy especially bad words heheheh. Good choice.

Andree said...

I would love to see what titles the editors considered to be the books of the century! Now that must be a huge book! Great post. My Photo Hunt — Heavy is here. Thank you.

jams o donnell said...

Great choices. Our two volume shorter OED is an essential reference. Have a great weekend

Anna said...

Perfect for this week theme, thanks for sharing...

Mine is up too:
Every Beat Of My Heart

ellen b. said...

Oh I love my heavy dictionaries! Have a wonderful weekend...

Unknown said...

I hoped to see some heavy books at your place - you know I´m a bookworm =)

Happy Hunting!

Anonymous said...

I COVET your dictionary! Excellent choices.

I posted my meme challenge today.

Tokenhippygirl said...

Now those make for some heavy reading! Great choices, all, for the theme.

jmb said...

Luckily I didn't have to post my books again this week. I did not even think of them. Chest crushers I call the heavy ones.
My biggest book is a dictionary too but it's Italian/English, 2276 pages.
Thanks for visiting Mary and have a great weekend.
By the way, I love the idea of the 6 word contest but am not good at this. However you already have some great entries, one very poignant. I'll have to come check out the results later.

YTSL said...

Out of curiosity: Have you actually weighed the books? If so, how much do they weigh? ;b

Anonymous said...

Definitely very heavy books! BTW, I have another award waiting for you. Have a lovely weekend!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those are very heavy books indeed!

MaR said...

What a great take on the theme!! love your shots too :) Happy PH!

Dragonstar said...

That dictionary is a treasure- finger-holes, too! You just don't see that any more. Oh, your thesaurus has them too - great!

Colin Campbell said...

I was reading an article today about the demise of clunky academic texts in favour of ebooks and custom electronic texts for kids at high school. I wonder how much longer paper based books can last.

For me there is nothing to beat the tactile satisfaction of a book.

Natalie said...

I hadn't even thought of books, how perfect!