Monday, February 11, 2008

Manic Monday - heart

"If I keep a green bough in my heart, then the singing bird will come."
Chinese proverb

Mo's word for today is HEART. I know a lot of people will be writing about Valentines and love and I'm dying to see them, so I decided to do something a bit different.

Here are some Heart shapes:

Happy Valentine's Day!



Anonymous said...

Oh wow, those are some lovely shots!
That's really cool.

Happy MM!

Durward Discussion said...

Unusual images and a totally unique post.

Mom Knows Everything said...

Those are great! The first one of the leaves are my favorite!

Anonymous said...

Wow, the lips is just lovely, and soe are the other photos! Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

Sandee said...

I love it Teach. Very well done. Happy Valentine's Day and MM too. :)

Unknown said...

Happy MM! Those are some great photos ... especially the red lips!

Feb 11, 1990 was the day that Nelson Mandela was released from prison in South Africa. That is a brother with some serious heart! He is the topic of Manic Monday meme this week. Please visit if you have time or inclination.

peace, Villager

flipland said...

good eye! great shots.

Maria's Space said...

Beautiful. Why didn't I think of that? I guess that is why you are the Teach.

Ingrid said...

These hearts are romantic and cute, but look at "my" heart it looks rather disgusting !

Lilli & Nevada said...

Happy Valentine to you as well and those are some great photos lips are great.

Janna said...

Very nice!
I also tried to get away from the stereotypical "valentine" post for Manic Monday.

The Jannaverse

RW said...

Great images Mary you do such a great job! :D

Shelia said...

Very creative post! Happy Valentine's day to you too!

Happy MM! :D

Anonymous said...

Great shots - thanks!

Barb said...

The lips are purfect. I actually think that's where they got the shape from. Genious!

Unknown said...

I heart the Chinese proverb, teach - the photos are very pretty, too.

You did a great job!

Happy MM!

Julieann said...

I love the shadow one:)

I will do the meme you tagged me for soon--thank you for thinking of me:)


Anonymous said...

What a great post. I love those hearts. Happy "V Day" and MM.

Anonymous said...

Whoof!! Meow!!
We love your post!
Happy Manic Monday!
Happy Valentines Day!

SandyCarlson said...

Nicely done, Mary!

Mo and The Purries said...

Love the one of the hot air balloon shadow!

manic mo

Anonymous said...

a visual montage of hearts.... cool!
the plant closeup was especially neat how the leaves curved just right...

frizzyeatworld said...

I love the subliminal hearts! Awesome post, Teach! Hope your Monday was full of love as it was manic. ;)