Sunday, January 20, 2008

Manic Monday - date

Mo's word for today is DATE.

Some time ago (March 29, 2007 to be exact) I wrote in my other blog Answers to the Questions a post on "How to Read and Write Roman Numerals." Ever since, I've had people commenting on that post asking questions about how to write numbers and DATES in Roman Numerals. To DATE I have 369 questions/comments from all sorts of people as well as kids in school, who need to write an Arabic number in Roman Numerals.

A lot of people want to write his/her birthday or wedding date in a tattoo on their body somewhere. I've answered every request for the translation of a DATE. Some people want to know things like how do you write 2 million, 2 billion, etc. Of course I tell them the Romans really never dealt with such large numbers but we in contemporary society haver figured out how those numbers should be written.

Here's a chart of Roman Numerals:
Click on the chart to embiggen (love this word!)

Now if you want to write a DATE in Roman Numerals here are a couple of examples (written month/DATE/year, the way Americans write DATES)

January 1, 2008 = I I MMVIII

July 4, 1776 = VII IV MDCCLXXVI (Independence Day in U.S.)

British and Europeans write DATES: DATE/month/year

25 December 2007 = XXV XII MMVII

19 May 1536 = XIX V MDXXXVI (Ann Bolyn executed)

Can you read the Roman Numerals on the coin on the left above? I'll leave the answer in the comments. :)

For other Manic Monday participants click here.



maryt/theteach said...

MCMI = 1901

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

V VI or VVI for May 6? heehee.. I'm horrible with anything numeric *smack.forehead*

Cheerio said...

That is just perfect for the word to DATE. I know some have difficulties in writing and reading roman numerals. Your post is of great importance.
Mine is up too.

maryt/theteach said...

Yup, nap, V VI May 6. You're right! :)

Unknown said...

Nice Monday date reference! I have been MIA come find out why, and check out my date!

RW said...

embiggen LOL I love that word to! Hope you had a great weekend Mary!! :D

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Mary, sorry... may i ask what does C D M state for on the chart? just simply alpabets or?

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

opps!!! sorry I think I figured that out... *stupid me* the bigger numerals. (now i remember why I hated maths)

Sandee said...

I have trouble with some of these while doing crossword puzzles. Thanks for the lesson Teach and have a great MM. :)

Anonymous said...

I am horrible with Roman numerals. Maybe I should swipe this chart!

Ian said...

I remember an old comedy novelty piece I heard on Dr. Demento many years ago. I'm not sure who it was by - maybe Stan Freberg? - anyway, it was a long discussion between two Roman shopkeepers where one was trying to explain Arabic numbers to the other. It was hilarious.


Durward Discussion said...

You always come up with something both interesting and useful. Why do Americans write dates unlike the rest of the world (and most genealogists)

day, month, years is so much more practical.

poor man's nicole richie said...

writing and reading numerals are part of our math education in gradeschool.
thanks for sharing your info!

Ingrid said...

That reminds me of my school days when I went to the graveyard to read roman dates to exercise myself, lol !
I was not born on the IV but on the VIII of July !

Ingrid said...

Sorry I thought my comment was lost !Now you have it twice !

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

Wow, that's amazing!!! I'm linking this page up for my son. We're going to begin Roman Numerals in a couple weeks.

maryt/theteach said...

Good Nancy, don't forget to go to the link at the beginning of the post called "How To Read and Write Roman Numerals" there's where there's everything about RN and loads of questions by people. I answer all questions... :)

Thanks for commenting, Nancy!

maryt/theteach said...

Jamie, I don't know why we write our dates differently... good question to look into. :) thanks for commenting!

Shelia said...

Hi Mary! I like this post because I'm one of those people who loves Roman Numerals, why I don't know.

Happy MM! :)

Anonymous said...

Now, I have never seen or used embiggen! Sounds like I'll need to start! Enjoyed your 'date' post!

Unknown said...

Want to come teach the kids???? LOL, joking of course, that is my job. Great take on the theme for this meme.

Travis Cody said...

Roman Numerals are cool. I used to keep a chart like that at my desk.

frizzyeatworld said...

I memorized it all years ago (I had to). Of course, like any other kid who abhorred math, I forgot most of the symbols. This was a great refresher. Thank you!

Hey it's Amy Benson said...

I may need a copy of that chart! I don't know all of my Roman Numerals...
:D Great post!

Anonymous said...

could you tell me what 14th may 1990 is please?