Friday, March 30, 2007

Chocolate Jesus

Couldn't let the Chocolate Jesus go by without comment (see below). The following is an article in The Post Chronicle.

Six-Foot Chocolate Jesus Most Anticipated Easter Work At Gallery
By Press Release
Mar 28, 2007

New York-- World renowned artist Cosimo Cavallaro unveils his latest and most striking installation at the Lab Gallery (at the Roger Smith Hotel 47th and Lexington avenue) in the early morning hours of April 1st.

Cavallaro's work, entitled "My Sweet Lord" is a 6 foot tall, anatomically correct sculpture of Jesus Christ in milk chocolate.

"I'm truly thrilled to be working with Cosimo again," says Matt Semler Creative Director of the Lab. "The sign of any great artist is how their work affects the observer. His art always gets a reaction, but this is the most dramatic piece of his career. It is absolutely amazing."

The exhibit can be viewed from the street when the velvet curtains of the gallery open from midnight to 1 AM and 6 PM to 7PM (starting April 1st and closing April 7th).

When I was young I'd give up chocolate for Lent and wait and wait til Easter when I could have what was in vogue at that time a solid chocolate decorated Latin cross. I'd eat the cross arms first right up to the long vertical upright. Then I'd finish off the upright.

Now the artist has said that he hopes people will take a bite of the chocolate Jesus and enjoy the sweet, milky taste.

On Easter Sunday people will attend Mass and receive Holy Communion which is supposed to be the Body and Blood of Christ. Do ya see where I'm going with this?


P.S. Today they canceled the Lab Gallery show.


jurassicpork said...

OK, let's start a pool: Which part of Chocolate Jesus will Ted Haggard eat first?

Anonymous said...

Ignorance closed down this show. There is an ancient antiphon: "O taste and see how sweet the Lord is." This artwork, while unconventional, was an apt reminder of that.

maryt/theteach said...

Thanks Kerr Mudgeon, glad to hear from you. You are absolutely right. How appropriate the antiphon. The Catholic League should read it.

maryt/theteach said...

Oh jurassic, you made me laugh out loud!!
Glad to hear from you!